I disagree with many of his positions as well, although he seems not to be a nutcase, at least. His religion doesn’t matter to me in the slightest.
In the same way, I don’t care that Rudy Giuliani is a bad Catholic - I care about his positions on the issues.
Well, I’m not in a position to criticize Rudy’s Catholicism, being severely lapsed myself, but I can criticize him for being out of touch with 80% of his party.
I care more about Rudy being a bad Catholic, because with his point of view on abortion he might as well be an atheist, I bet if you could have a one-on-one talk with Rudy you would find out he is, that is completely unexecptable! The problem I have with Mormonism is the fact that Joseph was a false prophet, with that I agree totally. However, Mormons still are Christian, no one can tell me otherwise. You show me a Church with some questionable ideas and I will show you a typical Church. None of the Churches are perfect, that’s why I could vote for Romney, because I know in the end it’s not where you go to church that counts, but that you have a personal relationship with Christ.