When it goes beyond the "toolkit" of science and math - the question should be put in the hands of the theologians and philosophers.
Nevertheless, I'm very sincere in asserting that science - and math - should pursue the origin questions, all of them - as far as it can go.
Lack of curiosity is poisonous. Christians understand that God wants us to look and see. (Psalms 19:1-3, Romans 1:20)
My statement about God's copyright notice on the cosmos being the "unreasonable effectiveness of math" is my own speculation.
I agree. I also agree with the opinion you expressed earlier that when the scientists scale the last mountain of knowledge, they’ll find the theologians there waiting for them. I believe I disagree with significanly applying that in the context of the current debate, because doing so carries with it a tacit assertion that this is that “last mountain”, and the theologians are already there.