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To: doug from upland
“For six years, her attorney, spokesholes, and hired political thugs have denied that she did anything wrong”
Here it is gang, Doug coins another gem Attorney Spokesholes”
To: doug from upland
Bumpin’ for truth and DFU!!!
73 posted on
06/22/2007 8:00:04 PM PDT by
(It Takes A Village--No Hillary, Trent, Nancy, It Takes Right Wing Talk Radio to Run The Country)
To: ml/nj; firebrand; rmlew; Miss Didi; juliej; Kitty Mittens; Nancee; beaversmom; Alamo-Girl; ...
To: doug from upland
Wonder if the gold-striped blue mug in the foreground would be considered an “irony” (lol)
76 posted on
06/22/2007 8:04:10 PM PDT by
(Mission '08 - Take back the House & Senate. No Negotiations...No Prisoners.)
To: doug from upland
Nice! Thanks for your great work over the years. No offense, but would you mind if I took out a large insurance policy on you? (Actuary humor)
77 posted on
06/22/2007 8:05:35 PM PDT by
(fall mountains, just don't fall on me)
To: All
Earlier in the week, I spoke with an assistant of Katie Couric. I offered him the first right to show the video on television and suggested that it could perhaps save Katie's job. He took the info and said he'd have someone higher on the food chain call me. No call, so I called him back. Apparently, everyone has just accepted that Katie is going to be flushed down the toilet, and nothing can save her.
81 posted on
06/22/2007 8:10:17 PM PDT by
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: All
82 posted on
06/22/2007 8:16:21 PM PDT by
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: doug from upland
As an old comic book fan, I’m sad that Stan Lee is caught up in all this. But you lay down with dogs, you get fleas.
83 posted on
06/22/2007 8:18:41 PM PDT by
To: All
Can someone sing this with the MIDI file and produce an MP3?
Hillary is dangerous
She is very dangerous
(Be afraid)
Every day she's planning for that day that she will take the White House and her power back
(Be afraid)
Every day she calculates a new position and the next person she'll attack
(Be afraid)
Every day she works hard fooling voters that she is no Marxist
(Be afraid)
Every day she makes a clever move as she's getting just that much closer
Be afraid...people
Each and every day we're warning you
Be afraid...people
In 2008 we could be screwed
It will always seem like bad weather
Although the sun may be out
She's more dangerous than ever
Of that, you should not have a doubt
Is there a chance to stop Hillary?
Yes, there's just one that I see
If you're asking me, Doug, now what can be done?
Peter Paul will do his part
Legally he'll drive.......a stake in the vampire's heart
Hillary is dangerous
(Be afraid)
In the Oval Office she would use her power and who'd be there for restraining her?
(Be afraid)
In the Oval Office they'd bow to their queen and there would be no containing her
(Be afraid)
Every day she works hard fooling voters that she is no Marxist
(Be afraid)
Every day she makes a clever move as she's getting just that much closer
Be afraid...people
Each and every day we're warning you
Be afraid...people
In 2008 we could be screwed
It will always seem like bad weather
Although the sun may be out
She's more dangerous than ever
Of that, you should not have a doubt
Is there a chance to stop Hillary?
Yes, there's just one that I see
Every one of you could become Billy Dale
And she could set you up and this time not fail
And she would use her power like all tyrants do
There's no place to hide if she says she wants you
But Peter will do his part...a legal stake into her heart
Into that black heart
If you're asking me, Doug, now what can be done?
Peter Paul will do his part
Legally he'll drive.......a stake in the vampire's heart
If you're asking me, Doug, now what can be done?
Peter Paul will do his part
Legally he'll drive.......a stake in the vampire's heart
87 posted on
06/22/2007 8:28:26 PM PDT by
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: All
88 posted on
06/22/2007 8:34:32 PM PDT by
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: All
When is someone going to ask a U.S. Atty why this tape was withheld? It might have been somewhat useful during the FEC investigation that cleared Hillary.
89 posted on
06/22/2007 8:46:09 PM PDT by
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: doug from upland; Congressman Billybob
Thanks Doug. Thanks Peter. (Thanks John)
92 posted on
06/22/2007 8:53:40 PM PDT by
To: doug from upland
95 posted on
06/22/2007 9:22:10 PM PDT by
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: doug from upland
Doug, have you talked about this with Matt Drudge?
I read stuff on Drudge and then a few weeks later it is on the television.
The MSM can't avoid his stuff for very long anymore.
You can hear Rush Limbaugh reading down the Drudge page some days.
It certainly wouldn't hurt to get him to post this.
97 posted on
06/22/2007 9:39:57 PM PDT by
(Perpetual Candidate using campaign donations for your salary - Its a good gig if you can get it.)
To: doug from upland
I admire your perserverance and its starting to pay off.
Didn't I see this story posted on a CBS web site?
101 posted on
06/22/2007 10:14:18 PM PDT by
(lying liberal media - our most dangerous and powerful enemy)
To: doug from upland
103 posted on
06/22/2007 10:30:25 PM PDT by
(Banks must print illegal counterfeit to make profit? Kennedy/Bush would try to make it legal.)
To: doug from upland
excellent and infuriating....stay safe
106 posted on
06/23/2007 5:55:46 AM PDT by
(I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,and to the republic for which it ...)
To: doug from upland
Nice work Doug, unfortunately if Reagan was Teflon, the Clintoons are titanium.
111 posted on
06/23/2007 6:47:18 AM PDT by
("Courage is when you are scared to death, saddle up and ride out anyway." John F'in Wayne.)
To: doug from upland
Very nice..... Has she seen this?
115 posted on
06/23/2007 7:26:53 AM PDT by
(Liberalism is a mental disorder.)
To: All
"In the summer of 2000, I knew Mr. Gary Smith and believed his work to be professional and of very high quality. I remember that he was asked to produce a fundraising event for my Senate campaign, which was held on August 12, 2000."
121 posted on
06/23/2007 8:06:28 AM PDT by
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
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