“I know its too much to expect that these politically correct vigilantes have their teaching licenses taken away. But perhaps its not too much to ask that they be officially reprimanded by the university.”
If the resulting litigation costs Duke enough, and enough of the ‘perfesser’ class pay enough in judgements, then Duke might be willing to cleanse its academic stable of communists, Marxists, and other assorted, sordid socialism addicted intellectual whores.
Mucking out the Duke academic stalls isn’t as difficult as Hercules’ task. The question is - will the Duke University Board of Trustees, the President of Duke, and the faculty Senate have the backbone to clean their own university.
Ultimately, the question before tehe Duke ‘community’ is - Got Backbone?
The Duke faculty is generally representative of universities at large. To wit:
1. The stables will never be cleaned.
2. The infamous 88 will not suffer for their misdeeds.
3. When Marxists are proved wrong, they brush it off and go on to the next cause.
Parents: investigate the college you plan on sending your kids to. While the vast majority of Professors are scared little Marxists weasels, some make more of an effort to educate rather than indoctrinate. It takes kids 10 years of real life to get over the political indoctrination.