I am also, however, entitled to my opinion of your opinion and you know how low an opinion that is. Objectively and justifiably so since you actually have the temerity to defend the indefensible training ground of the leftists known as gummint skewels. Be sure to get back to us when your kids turn leftward. Meanwhile, you and other love slaves of the National Education Associaton pay all of the exorbitant bills for the gummint brainwashing of those kids abandoned to the gummint skewels and leave conservatives' earnings alone.
As to the leftward leaning of my children, again you have missed the mark - both girls are very conservative and very grounded in our religion. Any parent who leaves the responsibility of their child's spiritual and moral training to another gets exactly what they deserve. My husband and I did neither. At 17 and 20, I could not be prouder of their morals, but it was not left to chance - ever.
You never bothered to read what I wrote - all you did was overlay your opinions and expectations over my statements and twist it into some sort of odd debate. Attacking a fellow conservative is in poor taste - what say we leave the attacking to those we have huge differences with rather than try to find ways to mock another over imagined slights and some imaginary 'scale of conservatism."