You're still just trying to rationalize a way of breaking the law and not feeling guilty about the damage you're doing if you hire illegal aliens.
I'll bet you're really careful in your business about not accepting counterfeit dollars and you're not relying upon the government to check all those bills for you. Why? Because it damages YOU and your business if you accept a fake bill. But when the damage is done to someone else by you accepting counterfeit ID and other documentation from an illegal alien, then you just don't want to care. Would you like to come down to where I live near the U.S./Mexican border to see the damage the illegal aliens do on their way to meet up with their lawbreaking employers?
Ahh nice strawman, where did I say I do not care?
Where did I say that illegals should be allowed into the counrty?
Where did I say I want to break the law? Its not at all what I am saying (and you know it). I am saying why is it my responsibility to clean up someone else's mess? I didn't let these folks in, the US government is responsible for closing the borders and ridding us of the Illegal's problem. But now they have laid the burden on me and then say I will be fined if I don't follow through.
Well let us take this a step further. You live on the border so I want a new regulation in place that sez anyone like you who sees an illegal cross the border must apprehend the illegal or report him to the authorities and if you do not do so immediately then you are fined or imprisioned.
Hell that makes more sense if you think about it, that way they never even get to try and get a job illegally.