I’m ambivalent....not about breasts....I love them. God bless em...
But ...I am conflicted on breast feeding in public.
I think a bit of cover is better than letting it all hang out for sure..
My wives only breastfed for a month or so and used at least a big burp towel to cover the baby’s head well
then after a month, it was Enfamil Low Iron or Lipilease....it’s easier for night feeding...quicker....babies will suck on the teat leisurely....especially boys....they don’t feed as strongly...
I breastfed both my children well past 12 months, my first until 2 years and my daughter until 18 months. I never exposed my breasts, there is no need for that. With the right blouse, you can cover your “stuff” and allow the child to remain uncovered so that they don’t sweat while eating. There were many times that I could breastfeed and people would actually walk up to me and start talking, not knowing I was nursing at all. There is an art to it.
Your feelings of conflict would most likely disappear if there weren't so many slovenly women (notice I'm not using the complimentary term "Ladies") who care not a whit about the sensitivities of others. If the concepts of grace and decorum were universally adopted as a matter of course, this would never have arisen as an issue of law.
I think a bit of cover is better than letting it all hang out for sure..
Although the article states that the law specifies it be done 'discreetly', we can rest assured that there will always be those who insist on testing the limits of the law and will create public nuisances of themselves as a result. The already overworked police of Great Britain will find themselves needing to determine whether vaguely expressed "discretion": standards are being complied with, and this vagueness will encourage activists to push for a complete revocation of all allusions to 'discretion' in the law.