Military make better money than students on average. I try not to be too generous with other people’s money.
They probably mentioned Iraq because they’ve heard complaints before.
Income shouldn’t enter into their decision. The military puts a lot on the line and deserve every penny they make. In fact, they don’t get paid enough. It would be nice to do it just to say “Thanks, guys, for making it safe for our citizenry to go to movie theatres and not have to worry about being blown up by terrorists on American soil.”
Mentioning Iraq is one thing, using the phrase "invasion of Iraq" gives away their mindset - and it's not a matter of Military make better money than students on average... - "military" are putting their lives on the line, They sacrifice quite a bit more than students "on average" = that should count for something, even if only a bit of discount at the movies - Hel*, they should be given Complimentary tickets as a thank you...
Military make better money than students on average.
>>>>So do senior citizens.
They probably mentioned Iraq because theyve heard complaints before.
>>>>No doubt. I imagine they’ll hear it again and again.