Also search US Senate for e-mail addreses. E-mail Senators especially now that George W. (aka Jimmy Carter) Bush is trying to ressurrect the scam.
Just sent the following:
“I see our nation in as great a peril as the period prior to The War Between The States. Once again, wrong-headed democrats are leading the charge towards anarchy with an incessant cacophony of defeatism, appeasement and hatred. I praise you for your resoluteness in fighting terrorism. I may be the last person who whole heartedly agrees with the decision to remove Saddam Hussein and to continue on the offensive in Afghanistan.
Your accomplishments in guiding this country through these perilous times have been outstanding. That is why writing this letter is so painful. The Amnesty Bill you espouse and which Ted Kennedy sponsored is a travesty of American justice. There is a serious disconnect between Washington and the rest of America on this issue. You ignore the people at your own risk. Americans will not tolerate being preached to and denigrated by a ruling elite, who presume to tell us what is best for us. This is now the THIRD time we have pardoned lawbreakers entering this country and each time the problem gets worse. Quite frankly, Mr. President, no one believes that this is any better than the two previous attempts to stop invaders.
PLEASE STOP SUPPORTING THE BILL IN ITS PRESENT FORM. If you really want comprehensive reform, seal the borders FIRST, and then we can talk about dealing with 12 million (or is it 20 or 25 million, who knows?) invaders and where we are going to come up with 2 TRILLION dollars to support them. Otherwise, this issue will rear its ugly head in 20 years and it will be Americans who will be booted out.
BTW, I am a first generation American, as is my wife. Our parents came here the old fashioned way legally.”
Just got back the standard canned reply. Let’s no give up the fight.