ping a ling...
This is a clip from Saving Private Ryan of the beach landing. The music is Iron Maiden - The Longest Day. It’s a very good video in my opinion, and it’s fan made, as the band never made a video for this song.
Severloh, you have been replaced by millions , maybe tens of millions more, who share your bloodlust, but not your conscience/ they are called Islamic Jihadists. As evil as Naziism was, I can’t see as comparable to Islam. Regimes come and go, and National Socialism gripped Germany for less than two decades, whereas “Islam is forever”. They both believed in “tommorow the world” but Islam has positioned itself infinitely better than Naziism ever could to accomplish that objective. There were thousands of Severlohs , count on it. There are probably a few dozen of his kind among the rank and file of Islamic Fundamentalists.
I hope Herr Severloh will come to peace with what he did. He committed no sin. He was a soldier and he did a soldier’s duty, even if his country was in the wrong. I am certain that God and the men he killed will not hold that devotion to duty against him on the Last Day.
Yes, the Nazi state was evil, but no more so than was our “glorious” Soviet ally. Herr Severloh and thousands like him were in many ways just as much victims of Hitler’s foul reign as anyone else. Sometimes I think that the world would have been better had the Nazis won on the Eastern Front...
People sometimes forget that the dead and wounded are not the only casulaties of war. How this guy must have suffered during his 43 years of self-imposed hell!
Bet this guy shot at Uncle Al.
I hope he finds his own peace.