So, yeah, you dont need to write a paper explaining how design is so patently obvious that only guys with half a brain, like me, cant see it. It just so happens that your refusal to do so doesnt advance your cause by one inch. You can type away all day long about how Im not as smart as Mssrs. Kelvin and Newton, but youre not helping those high school kids who you believe are being deluded by their teachers that there is no peer-reviewed paper that confirms intelligent design ideology, despite its obviousness.
My mind is not made up. Although I believe you are trying to pass off creationism as science in the guise of intelligent design, you can convince me if you become the first to have a paper supporting creationism in a peer-reviewed journal. In addition, you might be able to convince high school students that a wizard is behind it all. Can you imagine the repercussions of such an event? Youd be in the history books as the man who single-handedly changed the face of biology forever. I can see it - Russ Paielli, an aerospace engineer by training, demonstrated the importance of education when he wrote a paper that convincingly showed the role of an intelligent designer in guiding life. By strictly adhering to the scientific method and eschewing any reference to the supernatural in his paper, Paielli opened up new fields in biology.
I urge you to write that paper. You have a good grasp of the ideology, and as long as you refrain from the acerbic sarcasm and hostility that characterized your first few posts, you have a good chance of helping our kids gain a better appreciation of the truth.
Do your part to help our country. Spread your truth through the channels of the oppressor peer-reviewed journals.
Ok, I said I was finished with this, but one more post.
My mind is not made up. Although I believe you are trying to pass off creationism as science in the guise of intelligent design, you can convince me if you become the first to have a paper supporting creationism in a peer-reviewed journal. In addition, you might be able to convince high school students that a wizard is behind it all. Can you imagine the repercussions of such an event? Youd be in the history books as the man who single-handedly changed the face of biology forever. I can see it - Russ Paielli, an aerospace engineer by training, demonstrated the importance of education when he wrote a paper that convincingly showed the role of an intelligent designer in guiding life. By strictly adhering to the scientific method and eschewing any reference to the supernatural in his paper, Paielli opened up new fields in biology.
my reply:
I suggest you apply the same standard to the theory of evolution. I suggest you pound your fist on the table and *demand* that evolutionists publish a peer-reviewed paper explaining how the ear evolved by purely naturalistic mechanisms.
And if you think such a paper has been published already, I suggest you track it down, because I’ll bet dollars to dimes it hasn’t. What biology and biochemistry papers usually do is to simply *assume* evolution as the default and don’t even *try* to corroborate it in any specific terms.
OK, I’m done wasting my time with you. Let me know when you find that paper.