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To: SirLinksalot

Does ID, in any of its incarnations, admit that natural processes, including but not limited to Evolution, are quite capable of producing the complexity and variety of Earthly organisms?

"If by the term --- not limited to Evolution, you are opening the way for some intelligent agent that guided or directed the process, then the answer is YES.

No, what I am asking is if ID posits that there is possibly another completely natural (meaning non-guided) process that can produce the kind of complexity we see in Earthly life, or is anything of that complexity limited to intelligent design?

Does ID suggest that any of the non-supernatural intelligent agents putatively responsible for Earthly life are less complex than Earth life?

"Here is where we see VARIATIONS and IN-HOUSE DEBATE within proponents of ID. The simple answer is WE DO NOT KNOW AT THIS TIME. The way I understand ID proponents is this --- they argue by everyday observation -- SPECIFIED COMPLEXITY ALWAYS requires intelligent, purposeful agents."

OK, I can assume by this then that all Earthly life exhibits signs of CSI, is that correct?

How can we objectively identify and measure CSI?

"ID as a science is principally interested in DESIGN INFERENCE and DETECTION. It does not purport at this time to describe WHO the designer is."

How is the determination and detection of design done?

254 posted on 06/21/2007 4:07:07 PM PDT by b_sharp (The last door on your right. Jiggle the handle. If they scream ignore it. Leave no quarter.)
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To: b_sharp
No, what I am asking is if ID posits that there is possibly another completely natural (meaning non-guided) process that can produce the kind of complexity we see in Earthly life, or is anything of that complexity limited to intelligent design?

Based on my understanding, I think the answer is NO. And here's my question to you --- what other unguided process (other than random mutation plus natural selection ) can you think of that could possibly explain the complexity of life ?

OK, I can assume by this then that all Earthly life exhibits signs of CSI, is that correct?

YES I think it is correct to say that.

How can we objectively identify and measure CSI? How is the determination and detection of design done?

I refer you to a lecture given by William Dembski in response to this question. He says things better than I ever could. See here :
257 posted on 06/22/2007 9:41:42 AM PDT by SirLinksalot
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