It certainly isn't central to me that a guy from outside be used.
What is central is what you cite -- a man who gets the political backing.
Would it work then?
Legislation prohibiting the garnering of free medical or educational benefits or Social Security or tax credits or other taxpayer funded entitlements by individuals who have broken U.S.immigration laws is mandatory, as is punitive economic fines for corporate entities who support breaches of law.
Federal funds for municipalities, counties or states who refuse to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement activity should be denied, and elected officials who provide “sanctuary services” to illegal aliens should be subject to conspiracy laws.
Build an efficient and operable fence/wall/barrier with height, form and technical sophistication and substance sufficient to reduce most if not all illegal entries throughout the entire Southern boundary, manned by personnel (enforcement and judicial), vehicles, vessels and aircraft, both manned and in UAV configuration to locate breaches of the border, and arrest, detain and return any and all violators to whence they came, AFTER recording their photos, fingerprints, DNA and retinal identification features, with permanent legal exclusion
from entry, attainment of residency or citizenship FOREVER.