3. Illegal aliens are NOT necessarily coming here to work. Lou Dobbs recently reported that 33 percent of our prison population is now comprised of non-citizens. Plus, 36 to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare. So, for a good proportion of these people, the American dream is crime and welfare, not coming here to work.
They say that the immigrants are coming here for jobs that no American wants. OK, I will stipulate that for the argument at hand (although i dont really believe it.) So, now they get their Z visas and they are legal to work in the country. (of course at THAT point who cares about being a citizen?)
Now that they are legal, why would they want to do those crappy jobs that Americans won’t do. Why wouldn’t they go to the next level job? And leave the crappy job unfilled. Until someone who couldnt get a Z Visa steps up and takes the job, without documentation.
I guess if the Z Visa folks would have to pay into Social Security, without being eligible for benefits, I would start to go along with it. But that will never, ever happen.
I guess I dont get it. I must be an idiot. I think I will just crawl under a rock.
Then I call Lou Dobbs on BS as well.
Look at the DOJ stats on the demographic makeup of prisoners at both the state and federal level. It’s nowhere near that high. Let’s see some credible stats, not just hysterical anecdotal information.
Same goes for the welfare statement. Let’s see some hard statistics. Just tossing a statistic out there to try and make a case doesn’t make it fact. That’s a DU tactic.
Like I said above: I don’t want people entering this country illegally. But suspect “facts” and hysterical vitriol do nothing toward that end, and probably hurt the cause more than anything.