My, my ... now there's a stupid poll. They don't know this, they just think it's likely?
And they are often correct in that belief. The advent of interactive mapping programs tied to databases of registered sex offenders is very revealing. We can finally see very quickly where the convicted offenders are living. It doesn't cover where the undetected offenders are lurking.
I grew up in the 60’s. We were outside all the time - winter, spring, summer or fall. We played a lot of sports, spent time in the woods, and did plenty of things that you probably couldn’t do today. It truly was a different time.
There is far more fearmongering over abductions and things now than in 1970, even though the odds of your child actually being abducted is far far less.
Nowadays when it happens its all over the news, and fear mongering to sell newspapers. It hits the primortial fear of every parent, but the reality is, your kid is SAFER today from such an event then they were when we were growing up.
I can’t imagine not telling my kids to GO PLAY....