Shame on you Bush haters, shame on you.
here, let’s make it easy for folks:
Looks like Dubya never got the old lesson from his grandparents about
how you can’t unring a bell you’ve rung.
Not matter how many spin-doctors you dispatch to undo the damage done by
truly speaking your mind and having it end up in print.
Thus, the kicker passage for me:
OK, vote against it then “if you don’t want to do what’s right for America.”
They want al Qaeda to win.
He accused opponents of immigration reform of using distortion and scare tactics “to frighten our citizens.” That’s exactly what the
Democrats accused Bush of doing in 2004 and 2006 but, hey, it worked for
him then and it might work for him now.
Just as the campaign used to do, after Bush accused his opponents of
being unpatriotic and un-American, a senior official approached
reporters to say, “In no way was he questioning anyone’s patriotism or
desire to do what’s right.”