Better take Romans 13 into special consideration. (Submission to the authorities) They will be judged for those sins.
sorry, hit a 2 and meant three, and never even picked it up. you know what I meant. It is interesting that the Nazis and the Communists, who neither knew nor cared anything for the bible, were absolute bulldogs for Romans 13. I am assuming that in acknowledging the authority of Romans 13, you acknowledge that the state rules ON BEHALF OF GOD, and that when it weilds the sword for its own benefit, and not to punish evildoers, that Christians have both a duty and obligation to engage in revolution against tyranny?
Just a passing question: Do you turn yourself in when you break the speed limit?
Do you ever take the position that "this speed limit is ridiculously slow, and I will drive at a safe and cautious speed, even if it exceeds the posted limit"?
Have you ever done any work "off the books" or on "contract" and failed to include that in your yearly income taxes?
The above question assumes you are w-2 paid and your employer is the federal bagman. If not, do you report all your received moneys?
Have you ever "bartered" for something, like put in a field line for a carpenter, who then fixed your door? The IRS claims ALL transactions like this are reportable income. Do you report them?
In many states all personal property items in a MULTITUDE of areas are subject to special taxes. 4 wheeleers, jon boats, dogs, special tools above a certain price limit, etc, etc. Do you know what these laws are,and do you seek to comply, or are you happy to remain in possible disobedience to the recognized authorities?
Are all of your firearms registered properly? Do you know what these laws are in your municipality, state, etc. Have you made sure that everyone knows what you have who is "legally entitled" to know?
Do you have more than one copy of MS Windows on more than one machine? Have you ever copied the cab files (back B4 XP) onto more than one machine?
Is all your shareware paid for?
Do you have any bootleg software on your machine that was "just given" to you by someone else?
Do you ever copy movies off the TV for VHS personal use?
Do ou ever TIVO them?
(Sorry, I am sure there are a bunch more for TV, but we don't own a TV, so I am not sure what the latest craze is.)
Have you or your wife ever "borrowed" prescription medication from a friend because you were: nervous/in pain/depressed/unable to sleep/ etc etc.
Have you ever failed to declare items that should be taxed when coming back in to the US border?
Helping me with those questions will provide a great backdrop on how seriously you truly take Romans 13 (and I Peter 2).