You didn't ruin my "mad on"; :) I have never heard that phrase before....MSNBC posted the story; whatever source they had, they are still responsible for the content on their site.
Second, the AP has several other versions of the story where they plainly mention the kid was home-schooled.
I didn't see them in my google search. Can you show me some of those "several" versions?
So, your feeling that home schooling is being ignored or slighted in this case doesn't seem warranted.
I think it is absolutely warranted. I have news on all morning...over three hours, I heard the story three times and the only time it was mentioned was during the 5:00 am hour.
We obviously have different observations.
So, to so easily show how ridiculous you are being, here is just a VERY few instances of some findings where the home-schooling aspect was brought out RIGHT upfront that took mere moments to conduct...
AP report in the San Diego Union Tribune "The home-schooled eighth-grader easily aced 'serrefine'
AP report on "The home-schooled eighth-grader easily aced 'serrefine'"
This one from the San Jose Mercury News"As Evan hoisted his trophy, his mother Jennifer and father Michael beamed from the audience. Jennifer, who is his homeschool teacher and devoted herself to helping him prepare, blinked back tears."
Heres an AP report from Time Magazine"Evan, a home-schooled eighth-grader from Danville, Calif., breezed through the competition Thursday night to become the nation's top speller."
Here is the same AP report on ABC News "Evan, a home-schooled eighth-grader from Danville, Calif., breezed through the competition Thursday night to become the nation's top speller."
And now something from that old rag I like to call the San Francisco Chronicle"The homeschooled spelling phenomenon received a golden loving cup trophy and $20,000 -- money the young college-bound scholar says 'I'll probably give to my parents.'"
These were just the FIRST few that showed up on my Google search.
Now, I like to gig the MSM as much as anyone and it is beyond doubt that the MSM is as left as any average Marxist. But when we Conservatives attack them with NO truth behind us, we diminish the reality of their leftism and make OURSELVES look like the idiots. So, its best to do it when you have BOTHERED TO DO THE RESEARCH!
OK. Now that I have made you look the fool. I have to go now.
Bye, bye.