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1 posted on 05/30/2007 5:01:36 AM PDT by drzz
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To: drzz

The videos she is talking about are those :

2 posted on 05/30/2007 5:02:30 AM PDT by drzz
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To: drzz

>>From : Laurie Mylroie Sent : Sat, 07 26 2007

Laurie must be in a time zone far, far away. :)

4 posted on 05/30/2007 5:04:13 AM PDT by TruthShallSetYouFree (Abortion is to family planning what bankruptcy is to financial planning.)
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To: drzz


5 posted on 05/30/2007 5:04:16 AM PDT by Eagles6 (Dig deeper, more ammo.)
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To: EdLake


6 posted on 05/30/2007 5:05:58 AM PDT by Perdogg
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To: drzz

But of course. And 911 isn’t the only thing...

How about OKC and Hussein al Hussaini?

7 posted on 05/30/2007 5:05:58 AM PDT by ovrtaxt (I would rather vote for Lindsay Lohan than Lindsey Graham.)
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To: drzz

I’ve read her books, they are great. She used to send out Iraq/Alqaeda related emails, I haven’t received one in a while

8 posted on 05/30/2007 5:07:41 AM PDT by RDTF (R.I.P. Blue Angel LCDR Kevin Davis)
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To: drzz

I believe it.

11 posted on 05/30/2007 5:30:25 AM PDT by yldstrk (My heros have always been cowboys--Reagan and Bush)
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To: drzz

I’m surprised no one promoting a Saddam-Al Qaeda theory has delved into the background of Zawahiri’s chief aide, al-Hadi al-Iraqi, who was captured last year and now has been moved to Guantanamo. A long-time jihadist, he was once a major in Saddam’s army. It will be fascinating to hear what he has to say given that he was trusted by both Bin Laden and Zawahiri.

As for the anthrax crimes — and let’s hope al-Hadi’s capture has led to a breakthrough — analysis instead is best organized around a consideration of the Means, Motive, Modus Operandi and Opportunity of the crime.

I. Anthrax and the Vanguards of Conquest

The eivdence pointing to Al Qaeda’s responsibility has steadily mounted with each new revelation and public announcement. It’s known that this was Ayman’s intent since the capture of the EIJ military commander in 1998.

II. Means: Al Qaeda’s Biochem Program Codenamed Yogurt,anthraxc.html#Zabadi

LM is mistaken in thinking that AQ needed Saddam’s help. Moreover, none of the documentary evidence suggests Ayman was relying on Saddam for the technical assistance. Instead, he was relying on specialists working under the cover of NGOs and Universities.

a. The 1999 Announcement of Zawahiri’s Quest to Weaponize Anthrax,anthraxc.html#1999Announcement

In 1999, Attorney Al Zayat, the blind sheik’s attorney and other captured EIJ leaders said Ayman would use anthrax to retaliate against the rendering of former EIJ leaders. It would be foolish for Saddam to use anthrax given that had the same public notice that Ayman was going to do it. In other words, there’s no reason to attack your enemy if another guy is going to attack in that way. (Remember back to the days you played the board game “Risk”).

b. Zawahiri’s April/May 1999 Emails To Al Qaeda’s Military Commander Atef,anthraxc.html#ZawahirisemailstoAtef

Atef was killed in November 2001. Cross him off the list of operatives available to participate in a follow-up attack.

c. “I successfully achieved the targets”: Pakistan Scientist Rauf Ahmad’s Assistance in 1999 and 2000,anthraxc.html#Mid-1999%20Documents

The Pakistan ISI hasn’t cooperated with the FBI on this since early 2003. I named the guy in 2002 along with Sufaat.

d. “You are dead! Bang”: Ayman’s Plan To Use Charities And Universities As Cover,anthraxc.html#PlantoUseCharitiesandUniversities

The documentary evidence contradicts Ed’s theory on the language that would be used.

e. Al Qaeda’s 2001 Threat To Use Mailed Anthrax In Connection With Jailed EIJ Leader And Former Bin Laden Farm Manager Mahmoud Mahjoub,anthraxc.html#January2001threat

It was this that prompted the February 2001 PDB to President Bush about the CBRN efforts and the September 2001 report on the threat of mailed anthrax.
The White House knew of the anthrax threat not because of some sinister plot but because they knew there was anthrax planning being done in parallel with the other planned spectacular attacks. Indeed, in his book, George Tenet says the anthrax was done in parallel with the 9/11 planning and even that Ramzi Bin-alShibh was involved in CBRN planning.

f. Taliban’s Interest In The Anthrax Vaccine Laboratory,anthraxc.html#TalibanInterestinVaccineLab

The interest of Taliban ministers is especially interesting given the claim by an Afghan governor that a Taliban minister was captured recently with packets of anthrax intended for mailing to government officials. The same guy says the Pakistan ISI is protecting Mullah Omar. Neither report has been confirmed yet.

g. Hambali, Anthrax Lab Tech Yazid Sufaat, and Ayman’s Anthrax Bomb Maker,anthraxc.html#HambaliandSufaat

h. March 2003 Seizure of Anthrax Production Documents On KSM’s Laptop and Arrest of Bacteriologist Dr. Abdul Qudus Khan,anthraxc.html#KSMandAbdulQuduusKhan

LM’s email referenced in the original post reminds me of Barbara Rosenberg’s email to me in December 2001: “The FBI knows who the suspects are.”

Neither LM, BHR, nor Ed ever actually processes or address the new information — and they certainly never pursue the leads such as interview of Dr. Abdul Qudus Khan.

Neither do the vast majority of journalists.

i. 2003 Capture of Hambali and Sufaat’s Assistants, and the Seizure of Extremely Virulent Anthrax,anthraxb.html#ExtremelyVirulent

j. 2007 Capture of Taliban Spokesman With Anthrax Packets Intended For Mailing To Government Officials,anthraxb.html#TalibanSpokesmanPacketsofAnthrax

This report has neither been confirmed nor debunked. Fascinating that no reporter doesn’t make it a point to do so by calling the office of the Afghan provincial governor.

III. Motive: Reason Senators Leahy and Daschle and the Media Were Targeted

a. The Anthrax Letters: “Written In Language You Can Understand”,anthraxd.html#Motive

b. Profile of an Angry Man: Ayman,anthraxd.html#ProfileofAnAngry

Ed’s theory is really no different than Barbara Rosenberg’s theory — who he harshly criticizes. He just fills in the detail with someone other than Dr. Hatfill. But all his arguments against her theory applies equally as to his own theory. A patriot sounding the alarm about the risk of deadly pathogens is simply not a motive to commit murder by mailng those deadly pathogens to strangers.

c. FBI: “Think 9/11.” “Think Oklahoma City.”,anthraxd.html#Profile

This quote by FBI Director Mueller about who the FBI thinks is responsible says it all. The USG/FBI certainly does not credit LM’s theory - nor does Tenet who in his book notes his belief that there is 2006 evidence that seems to lay a Prague theory to rest.

How does Ed understand “Think 9/11” to mean “a patriot sound an alarm”? or call an emergency parent-teacher conference because, he thinks, a 1st grader wrote the letters? When he first announced his theory, he acknowledged it was wild speculation. Given all the evidence that has mounted relating to Al Qaeda in the past 5 years, it is even wilder speculation today.

d. Significance of Mailing Dates: Camp David Accord and Sadat’s Assassination,anthraxd.html#Mailing%20Dates

AQ doesn’t usually plan attacks based on dates. But Ayman/Vanguards of Conquest (the military wing of the EIJ) do plan their messages around dates and anniversaries. Indeed, Ayman has taken to expressly explaining the anniversary applicable to a speech or message.

e. “Leahy Law” and Appropriations to Military and Security Units,anthraxd.html#Leahy%20Law

I believe Leahy thinks AQ did it. See quote about plane that invaded Capitol airspace. He wasn’t concerned that some patriot was back sounding another alarm.

f. Zawahiri’s View of the “Lies” of the Secular Media,anthraxd.html#Secular%20Media

g. “Release Him”: Retaliation for Detention of the Blind Sheikh and Other Detainees,anthraxd.html#RetaliationforDetention

Most of the terrorist matters have involved folks inspired by the Blind Sheik’s detention.

IV. Modus Operandi: “Pouring Musk on Barren Lands”

The question of tactics has been the subject of sharp debate within the movement and this fact could be helpful in profilng. The perp would favor the view that felt bound by restrictions on the conduct of warfare. Or at least he would be constraining himself so as to not lose the support of members of the Movement who fell on that side of the debate.

a. Related 1996 Letter Bombs to DC and New York Papers and Symbolic Targets

This is highly probative as to modus operandi.

b. Targeted Assassination of Individuals in Symbolic Positions

Ed used to argue that this was not Ayman’s modus operandi. He likely has abandoned in the face of the massive documentary evidence showing otherwise. So we can scratch off this argument as to “modus operandi”

c. Requirement Under Laws of Jihad of Warning Before Using Nonconventional Weapons

This is the one Ed simply does not get and he never discusses the merits — such as the book the first EIJ leader came out with this month. That guy’s lawyer is Al-Zayat, the one who explained in March 1999 (it was March 1999, not 1998, as I said earlier in the thread) who said that Ayman would use anthrax against US targets to retaliation for the rendering of EIJ leaders. Al Zayat’s co-founder of a party in 1999 has been arrested this month as Zawahiri’s conduit to jihadists in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Algeria.

d. Continuing Practice of Sending Poisonous Letters as Threats

One using hydrazine sent during a trial said “Set our brothers free. Bastards.” No flowery Arabic phrasing there, Ed.

e. Use of Code:

Jennifer Lopez Letter and Atta’s Jenny Code

TrebleRebel once posted a brilliant picture relating to Ramzi’s code for 9/11 which is even more relevant now (along with his Jenny code) now that Ramzi is said by Tenet to be a CBRN player. Ed says the letters show it was not AQ when actually the letters show exactly the opposite. Leonard Cole, who did important interviewing of AMI employees on this issue, has come out with a new book about lessons that Israel and the US have learned about terrorism where he addresses the anthrax mailings some.


Given that “school” was Ayman’s code for EIJ, the anthrax mailer is either EIJ or an intel insider (or both). It turns out both.

“In the Hearts of Green Birds” (Inside Green Birds)

Go ahead. Click to see a blown up picture of the stamp. Now that Ramzi, Tenet says, was CBRN, his explanation of the “Green Birds”symbolism is even more significant.

After someone posted “Code of the Anthrax Letters” here on April 11, two weeks later, the New Brunswick fellow who mirrored the unofficial Al Qaeda website that explained the meaning of “Green Birds” has been indicted for income tax evasion. The webmaster of the main site,, has been extradited from London. His name is Babar Ahmad.

KSM and Clouds (Al-Sahab)

The first anthrax letter had “clouds” pictured on it and Ayman’s and KSM’s group is called Sahab — meaning “Clouds”?

Allusion to Atta and Genomic Sequencing of the Ames Strain’sandT’s

f. Summer 2001 Inquiries About Cropdusters and Helicopters

Given the strict compartmentalization that Tenet says applied, even someone making inquiries for this purpose would be generally left in the dark.

g. KSM’s Plan to Poison A Reservoir’sReservoirPlot

KSM likely would only target an embassy (for example, with cyanide). He’d go to hell if he poisoned a water supply serving children (and based on his statement before the tribunal he seems to ascribe to that view). (That is, if the theory of some that there is a supernatural being (”God”) proved to be true). So his direction to Majid Khan to research the subject perhaps related to poisoning localized water supplies, such as a supply serving a military base. Gadhan seems a major clown judging by his recent threat video and so perhaps they don’t have anyone in their inner circle who can reasonably interpret the hadiths relating to nonconventional weapons anymore. Or just choose to ignore the advice. But the islamic law learning specifically that it is haram (prohibited) to poison your enemies well, livestock, crops etc. — or kill women and children. — or noncombatants.

h. Poisoned Penpal: The Murder of Chechen Rebel Leader Ibn Khattab

If senior FBI officials had digested the importance of Ibn Khattab in 2001, they would have move forwarded with a FISA warrant of Moussaoui’s computer. Elzahabi came from Ibn Khattab in mid-August 2001. If his laptop had been accessed, perhaps 9/11 would have been avoided.

V. Opportunity: Tracking Potential Al Qaeda or Egyptian Islamic Jihad or Islamic Group Supporters

a. Fall 2001 Greenlight of Biological Attack By US-Based Operatives

This claim of responsibility is fun. It claims that the greenlighted attack will be by operatives with access to US government and intelligence information. It was seized years ago but not released until 2006. Zawahiri discusses a different document at the same West Point website in his new video.

b. Know Not Just Your Enemy, But Who He Knew

One by one, they’ve been arrested.

c. Egyptian Scientist In The Library Researching Contaminants in Drinking Water

Serious secrecy on this issue, folks.

d. Kandahar souvenir: Hijacker Ahmed’s Blackened Leg Lesion

Ed has never mentioned the fact that Ahmed had just come from Kandahar where the extremely virulent anthrax was found.

e. Astonishing Aafia

An AUSA says Aafia would participate in an anthrax attack if asked.

f. Hoax Letters That May Fly As Real Thing,anthraxa.html#hoaxletters

Any bad guys in St. Petersburg area at the time? (Answer: Yes, to include Adnan El-Shukrijumah, for whom a BOLO was issued along with Aafia).

g. Access to the Ames Strain,anthraxa.html#AmesStrain

Of 16 labs in the US known to have Ames, authorities narrowed it genetically to 4 labs.

h. Made in the USA: The Cell Culture

VI. The Sheiks and the Bioweaponeers,anthraxa.html#SheikandtheBioweaponeers

An Iraqi actively helping Bin Laden’s Saudi sheik worked in the same buidling as Ken Alibek and former head of USAMRIID head, who is a prolific Ames anthrax researcher.
Ali Al-Timimi had a message delivered to members of Congress hand-delivered on the first anniversary of the anthrax mailings to Leahy and Daschle.
Although Iraqi, and the son of an attorney who worked at the Iraqi embassy, there is no reason to think he supported Saddam.
OTOH, even though LM’s theory that KSM was not KSM did not prove out, the conversation that should be occurring is what al-Hadi’s views and connection to Saddam are. Also, Ali’s.

My best guess: look for an indictment soon out of Newark — the US Attorney’s office there. There’s been an increase in “chatter” and Gonzales in January 2007 said that Mueller expected “some sort of resolution” in the “relatively near future.”

18 posted on 05/31/2007 4:09:27 AM PDT by ZacandPook
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To: drzz

Having said all that, the person of LM’s particular interest is just about the most fascinating potential processor I’ve ever heard about. Geographically, skill set, a connection to WTC 1993 that LM perceives based on telephone records.

But the fellow’s training is from a PhD program at a US university, not Saddam’s state sponsored program. He has highly specialized relevant experience and the geography is right. But just because a person is Iraqi does not mean they support Saddam’s regime. He would have been recruited by Ayman or al-Hadi or Atef, not Iraqi intelligence. So part of her WTC 1993 book and analysis may well be a part of the Amerithrax solution, but there is no reason to think it supports an Iraq theory. There are many excellent candidates for an AQ-inspired processor and same for mailer. Hers is darn good — just not a connection to Saddam.

19 posted on 05/31/2007 5:29:46 AM PDT by ZacandPook
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To: drzz

Having said all that, the person of LM’s particular interest is just about the most fascinating potential processor I’ve ever heard about. Geographically, skill set, a connection to WTC 1993 that LM perceives based on telephone records.

But the fellow’s training is from a PhD program at a US university, not Saddam’s state sponsored program. He has highly specialized relevant experience and the geography is right. But just because a person is Iraqi does not mean they support Saddam’s regime. He would have been recruited by Ayman or al-Hadi or Atef, not Iraqi intelligence. So part of her WTC 1993 book and analysis may well be a part of the Amerithrax solution, but there is no reason to think it supports an Iraq theory. There are many excellent candidates for an AQ-inspired processor and same for mailer. Hers is darn good — just not a connection to Saddam.

20 posted on 05/31/2007 5:29:46 AM PDT by ZacandPook
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To: drzz
Laurie knows what she is talking about. Her Bush vs The Beltway lays it all out along with her The War Against America.
21 posted on 05/31/2007 5:33:43 AM PDT by kabar
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