Nice post - I appreciate you view - and I am sorry for your loss.
You know - many, many, posts inside a forum like FR are cold because they come through the non-personal application of a keyboard.
It’s easy to attack - or belittle when you don’t have to look at someone - or consider very very personal feelings.
FR is a great forum - but at times - some members forget human frailty and they fire off comments with little or no consideration.
I have been guilty of this myself - more than I would like to admit.
I cannot imagine the grief Cindy Sheehah must have suffered - I hope I never do.
So much so that when Michelle Malkin interiewed her almost two years after her son's death, she admitted she was still grieving so much she was unable to put a headstone on his grave. We all grieve differently, and cozying up to commie dictators, (one of whom has just shut down the only free television station in Venezuala with the people rioting in response) besmirching the name of the United States all over the world, burying her uterus is Crawford, demoralizing the troops at every turn, hey, it's just Cindy's way.