The article you cited was dated prior to the election of Hamas. You had accused the Bush administration of ‘giving massive amounts of aid to the PA’. Where did you obtain this information from? Also, are you accusing the Bush administration of violating S.2370? Hamas has not ‘ publicly acknowledged the Jewish state of Israel’s right to exist’. When you say, ‘check your facts’, what facts are you referring to?
Ok—here’s something more recent. Again, the PA is getting lots of US aid. Technically, its just not going to Hammas.
From the article:
It is a little-known fact that international aid to the Palestinian territories has actually risen since Palestinians elected a Hamas government in January, 2006. According to International Monetary Fund and UN figures, the Palestinian areas received a total of US$1.2-billion in official aid in 2006, up from US$1-billion in 2005.
America’s contribution rose from US$400-million in 2005 to US$468-million in 2006. Aid from the European Union and other international organizations also increased handsomely, and the UN has called for still greater increases in aid in 2007.
Look at the incentives that have been created for the Palestinians: vote for terrorism, get an increase in your foreign aid. The Palestinian areas now receive more than US$300 per person, per year, making them the most aid-dependent population on Earth. (The people of sub-Saharan Africa receive only $44 per person per year.)