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Iraqi, Coalition forces continue security efforts
Multi-National Force - Iraq ^ | Spc. Scott Kim

Posted on 05/24/2007 5:16:12 PM PDT by SandRat

BAGHDAD — A press conference discussing the status of security in Iraq was held at the Combined Press Information Center in the International Zone Wednesday.

Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV, Multi-National Force-Iraq spokesman and Dr. Ali Al-Dabbagh, spokesman for the government of Iraq, talked about the progress that has been made and continuing efforts that will make Iraq a safer country.

“Our commitment to help Iraq’s government secure progress and provide hope for its people is strong and clear,” Caldwell said.

Coalition forces have been working hard with Iraqis to prepare them for their responsibility of protecting Iraq.

“We’re working with the MNF-I to supply and train the Iraqi forces so that they can handle the security at the end, because ultimately, they will be responsible about the security situation,” said Al-Dabbagh.

The challenges facing the Iraqi people are many as they are trying to establish a judicial system based upon fair treatment under the law while under assault from terrorists, said Caldwell.

“The Iraqi security force and its Coalition partners are taking on these outlaws,” Caldwell said. “We are helping the Iraqis fight Al-Qaeda, which is trying to plant its poisonous ideology in Iraq through horrific terror tactics and mass murders.”

During the past week, from May 16-22, Coalition forces conducted 45 focused operations against Al-Qaeda.

“These raids resulted in the killing of 19 terrorists and the detention of 88 more,” said Caldwell.

There are also ongoing missions to find the three missing Soldiers that were taken on May 12.

Iraqi Police did find the body of a man whom they believe may be one of the missing Soldiers, said Caldwell.

“We have received the body and we will work diligently to determine if he is, in fact, one of our missing Soldiers,” Caldwell said. “We continue to remain hopeful that we will find, safely, all three of our American missing Soldiers.”

Caldwell went on to praise the American Soldiers serving in Iraq for their hard work, sacrifice and bravery.

“I only hope that I was able to convey to you their incredible dedication, their commitment and their desire to help the Iraqi people and see a better way of life for the future,” he said.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: efforts; frwn; iraq; security
In other developments throughout Iraq:

Coalition forces killed six terrorists in related raids targeting senior leaders of an Al-Qaeda suicide attack cell and detained 23 others in operations around Iraq Wednesday morning.

Coalition forces killed two terrorists, detained 19 suspected terrorists and uncovered a cache of Iranian money and bomb-making materials Wednesday morning in Sadr City.

Press Releases

1 posted on 05/24/2007 5:16:13 PM PDT by SandRat
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2 posted on 05/24/2007 5:16:37 PM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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