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To: pgyanke

Would it be possible for you to share your final draft for distribution?

30 posted on 05/25/2007 4:03:32 PM PDT by sageb1 (This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
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To: sageb1; Salvation; NYer; american colleen; wideawake; Antoninus; nickcarraway; Lady In Blue; ELS

Below is my final draft... provided there are no major disagreements for me to consider from those who would take the time to review it...


Migration and Refugee Services
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 Fourth Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017

Dear Most Reverend Bishops,

As a Roman Catholic, I am mystified by your stand in this debate regarding illegal immigration. As an American, I am outraged by it. First, I would ask that you honestly frame this issue. No one (except an extreme fringe) has argued against immigrants—we are a nation of immigrants. This is an issue about illegal immigration. Truth is better served when all sides honestly debate.

Your five principles:

1) To make family a priority in immigration law.

Why shouldn’t the interests of the nation be the first priority? Shouldn’t a nation consider the benefit of its citizens before those who maintain their allegiance to a foreign land?

The United States of America has traditionally been (and continues to be) the most immigrant-friendly nation on Earth. No other nation (especially Mexico) treats its immigrants (legal and illegal) better. We consider family relationships in our immigration laws already. The change you are advocating isn’t in regard to our legal and proper immigration laws… you are advocating a change in the way we treat those who circumvent our just laws. I also note that you didn’t specifically mention American immigration law. Mexico enforces its borders and treats violators harshly—why do they not deserve a mention in this debate?

If we are to truly make the family a priority in immigration law, we should consider what a family needs. You are correct that it requires the dignity of the human person. Do we enhance human dignity when we make the poor populations of our southern neighbor increasingly dependent on remittances sent back from migrants to this country? These moneys sent back to Mexico are now the second greatest component of their GDP! Do we encourage the corrupt Mexican government to reform itself and respect its citizenry by giving them an outlet for their huddled masses yearning to breathe freely? Do we strengthen the Church in Mexico by absorbing their congregations into our diocese? The honest answer to these questions is “no”. The Mexican government now sponsors this invasion of our country in its desire for the remittances—which provide it greater revenue than its tourism! If anyone deserves your anger for the plight of the Mexican people illegally crossing into America, you can look no further than Mexico itself!

The one who breaks into my home isn’t a houseguest and the one who shoplifts isn’t a customer.

2) To insist the worker programs contain protection for U.S. and migrant workers.

Our governments already protect the rights of individuals, those that are here legally and illegally. Show me another country where those who have disobeyed the basic laws of sovereignty are allowed access to the courts, petition the foreign government for redress of grievances, receive free medical care and education, and congregate openly without fear of reprisal. There isn’t another country as foolish as ours has become.

3) To allow for an earned legalization program for the undocumented in the country.

We have a legal immigration and naturalization process. All who wish to become citizens should get in line with those who have waited years and decades to follow the law. It violates every rule of fairness, equal treatment and common sense to treat those who sneak into our country preferentially to those who respected our laws at the outset. Those that you seek to legalize broke our laws rather than petition our government to follow the proper process—this is their sole distinguishing accomplishment setting them apart from the millions in line to be processed for citizenship. On this basis the Church feels compelled to act in their defense?

4) To restore due process protections.

As stated above, no other country protects the rights of the individual (whether here legally or illegally) better than America. Why is this country the focus of your attention?

5) To respond to the economic, political, and social root causes of migration.

Perhaps this reform would be better targeted at the home country of those who flee rather than at the nation who coddles them. I would also remind you of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi’s comments regarding Italian immigration in September of 2000 (as quoted in The London Daily Telegraph): “The criteria for admitting immigrants can never be just economic. It is necessary to concern oneself seriously with saving the identity of the nation.” Italy was not an “uninhabited region” lacking in history and traditions, which was fit to be “indiscriminately populated.” While it could admit anyone it wanted, no one had a “right of invasion.” He urged politicians to heed his words, since “not all of the cultures of those newly arrived are in favor of living together.”... He said he had recently aired the same views with a government minister. “I said, ‘If you really have the good of Italy at heart, and want to spare a lot of suffering, then you can't allow all the immigrants in.’” He said these words to defend the Vatican’s official position that only Catholics be allowed to immigrate to Italy. Apparently, the Church does believe in restrictive immigration policies for some countries.

Cardinal Biffi’s comments are very appropriate to this debate about American Immigration and dealing with the ongoing invasion by its closest neighbor.

I would also like to address your Justice Prayer.

Come, O Holy Spirit! Come, open us to the wonder, beauty, and dignity of the diversity found in each culture, in each face, and in each experience we have of the other among us. Come, fill us with generosity as we are challenged to let go and allow others to share with us the goods and beauty of earth. Come, heal the divisions that keep us from seeing the face of Christ in all men, women, and children. Come, free us to stand with and for those who must leave their own lands in order to find work, security, and welcome in a new land, one that has enough to share. Come, bring us understanding, inspiration, wisdom, and the courage needed to embrace change and stay on the journey. Come, O Holy Spirit, show us the way.

You speak of generosity and yet our country, by any measure (except governmental largesse per capita on behalf of the citizens), is the most beneficent in the history of the world. We share our riches, feed the poor and rescue the hurting everywhere on the planet. Those who sneak into our country aren’t coming to “share” our riches, they come to take them. Also, why should Mexicans receive special treatment with a share of our riches? There are at least 25 nations with poorer populations—should we absorb all of them as well? If we do and it crashes our society, who will then take care of the poor around the world as we have when we lose our abilities? You risk killing the goose that lays the golden eggs and having no more eggs.

Regardless of liberal rhetoric to the contrary, our societal strength isn’t in our diversity—it’s in our unity—just as it is for the Church. We believe in the melting pot and E Pluribus Unum. However, a large segment of the illegal community is choosing to not assimilate with our culture. It seems as if American culture is the only culture not worth celebrating on our own soil.

We have a method for passing laws and Constitutional Amendments in this country. Invading our borders and demanding our capitulation aren’t the approved method.

I have read and reread the Catechism of the Catholic Church to find your position on Social Justice. Treating one another as we would be treated ourselves does not mean that every human in the world should get to live in my house. I would have them be safe in their own home just as I want to be in mine. This is true of countries as well. I would see them fix their own countries rather than have them trash mine. Were conditions opposite and their standard of living were higher, I would give them the same respect I ask of them. I would not see this as a reason to violate their law and security. I can only assume you rely on paragraph 2241 for your reasoning: “The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him.” You shouldn’t neglect its explanation below:

Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants' duties toward their country of adoption. Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.

Also, paragraph 2239 has something to say on this subject: “It is the duty of citizens to contribute along with the civil authorities to the good of society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom. The love and service of one's country follow from the duty of gratitude and belong to the order of charity. Submission to legitimate authorities and service of the common good require citizens to fulfill their roles in the life of the political community.”

Both citations from the Catechism depend on the immigrant’s gratitude, solidarity and support of his adopted homeland. Unfortunately, it has been shown time and again that although there are many in the illegal immigrant community who truly desire to live the American dream, too many resort to crime to make their way. We have an epidemic of widespread fraud and identity theft perpetuated by this community as well as the following troubling statistics:

• Illegal aliens are killing more Americans than the Iraq war. More than 15 percent of all murders reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the United States are committed by illegal aliens, three times the representation of illegal aliens in the general population.
• Ninety-five percent of warrants for murder in Los Angeles, Calif. are for illegal aliens.
• Eighty-three percent of warrants for murder in Phoenix, Ariz. are for illegal aliens.
• Eighty-six percent of warrants for murder in Albuquerque, N.M., are for illegal aliens.
• Seventy-five percent of people on the "Most Wanted" list in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
• Twenty-five percent of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals who are here illegally.
• Forty percent of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
• Forty-eight percent of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

Certainly, our country is allowed to recognize these facts and act accordingly in our own defense.

Lastly, I want to leave you with a dichotomy that greatly concerns me. I have called priests and bishops to account for years regarding their silence in the political process. This silence (or outright support for the Democratic Party—the party which champions abortion in this country and around the world) has allowed 50% of Catholics in this country to go adrift in their voting. Rather than educating the congregations that the Democratic Party has in their political platform support for abortion, embryonic stem cell research and homosexual marriage while the Republican Platform has an entire section on the Sanctity of Life, you silence your priests politically. What do we do instead? We hold impotent “right to life” rallies instead of putting down the politicians who violate human dignity. We allow politicians who call themselves “Catholic” to find Church officials willing to publicly administer the Holy Eucharist to them while these politicians censure our Canons and should logically be considered excommunicated Latæ Sententiæ for their obstinate support for abortion. We do this all in the defense of our tax-exempt status.

So I ask you: How can the Church that cowers from its primary mission to educate the masses at the mere mention of the IRS embroil itself in opposition to US laws by offering sanctuary to illegal immigrants regardless of the consequences? You are a walking contradiction that demands an explanation. When you consider this cognitive dissonance, reflect on the Catechism, paragraph 2246: “It is a part of the Church's mission ‘to pass moral judgments even in matters related to politics, whenever the fundamental rights of man or the salvation of souls requires it. The means, the only means, she may use are those which are in accord with the Gospel and the welfare of all men according to the diversity of times and circumstances.’”

As you offer sanctuary in violation of American law, I would remind you also of the Catechism, paragraph 2238: “Those subject to authority should regard those in authority as representatives of God, who has made them stewards of his gifts: "Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution. . . . Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God." Their loyal collaboration includes the right, and at times the duty, to voice their just criticisms of that which seems harmful to the dignity of persons and to the good of the community.” As we were growing up and learning of our faith and duties, you beat this into us pretty well, that we are to be subject to the lawful authorities and just laws over us. Your actions are hypocritical.

So what do I recommend? I would like you to return to common sense and encourage governmental leaders to show true respect for human dignity. Here is a revised five principles for you:

1) Those who exercise governmental authority invested by their constituencies should faithfully and diligently enforce just laws.

Lawlessness is epidemic. When minor crimes will not be punished, greater crimes are committed. In the case of the topic of the letter—illegal immigration—a great injustice is committed to those who stood in line for the legal process when illegals are given preferential treatment as a reward for breaking the law. There is no reason to expect that others will respect our sovereignty if we give away our citizenship so cheaply. Added to this is the expectation that the government encourage immigration for the benefit of the established society.

2) No man should be a ward of his government. Governments should encourage public assistance recipients to work for their pay, as they are able.

Human dignity includes the right to work for your own living. Men shouldn’t be encouraged to immigrate to another country for the public assistance benefits nor should the receiving country be expected to indefinitely support an underclass. This country is about self-determination and liberty. All men should be encouraged to follow the law and to better themselves and their families. This betterment begins with respect for lawful authority and the citizenry of the country to which they immigrate. There are no “jobs that Americans won’t do”. There are jobs that Americans aren’t doing while a significant workforce is paid to be idle. The Church shouldn’t support such an affront to human dignity.

3) Charity shouldn’t be coerced.

Our country is the most charitable on the planet. However, the citizenry is continually assaulted by new taxes for new transfer payments. This has discouraged private charity and made more of the population beholden to the government than to their neighbors. This is a recipe for disaster as an insatiable underclass uses the power of government to extort more from the industrious class and the politicians respond in kind to buy votes and influence. The Church shouldn’t be party to such a transaction.

4) No one should illegally cross legal governmental boundaries in time of peace and for purely economic reasons.

5) Countries faced with significant expatriation of citizens should correct the situations driving the exodus.

If you wish to see the Church grow in America, put aside your opposition to American heritage values and our shared culture. Your opposition scandalizes us in the eyes of our patriotic Protestant brethren and closes the ears of those who would benefit from our ecclesiastical integrity.

Finally, I would remind you that this country fought a war with itself which should have settled the debate on whether cheap labor is the basis of our greatness. No, our greatness comes from our faith, hope and love—and the generosity which comes from these. There is no reason for the Church to be in opposition to the sovereignty of such a country.

John 10:1 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber;

Respectfully, pgyanke

Cc: My Pastor My Bishop

Addendum: I wrote this letter before I saw Mr Kevin Appleby’s interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN over the weekend. His performance left me cold and fearful for the Church in America. If he couldn’t hear his own contradictions (and neither could his superiors there) then I’m afraid there isn’t much chance you will read this letter either. He couldn’t bring himself to utter the words “illegal” immigrant… such political correctness isn’t worthy of our great Church.

31 posted on 05/29/2007 2:14:10 PM PDT by pgyanke (Duncan Hunter 08--You want to elect a conservative? Then support a conservative!)
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