To: 2ndDivisionVet
How dare he still lead....tsk tsk.
2 posted on
05/23/2007 4:22:35 PM PDT by
(May 17, 2007 the day I became an INDEPENDENT!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Be nice to see President Cheney in 2008.
3 posted on
05/23/2007 4:33:41 PM PDT by
(Al Qaeda was working in Iraq. They were just undocumented.)
Typical Tom Raum drivel... every article he writes, it’s “Bush bad, it’s all falling apart for Bush, etc.” I find it hard to take anything he says seriously anymore.
And to think the AP actually gives this guy a platform.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
“President Cheney” has a nice ring to it!
(With Vice President Tom Tancredo, just in case!)
7 posted on
05/24/2007 7:01:44 AM PDT by
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