Duncan Hunter is the man that we should be backing.
Damn straight on Duncan Hunter. That’s what I’ve been trying to say. I wish all these Paulies and Team Tancredo members could see the light. If Thompson doesn’t get in, Hunter is more and more becoming my man.
Duncan Hunter may fill the bill better or at least as well as anyone of the Republican hopefuls in terms of “real” conservative principles. But he will never be the nominee.
The nominee will either be Romney or Giuliani. Hunter, Thompson, et. al. will likely fill the bottom half of a ticket. Now, to me, it looks like Romney, but, yes, indeed, almost ALL of them on the Republican side would be a huge improvement over anyone on the Dem side. At this point we just don’t want someone like Bush, who has allowed way too much in the name of his original role as ‘uniter, not divider’, a kind of tongue-in-cheek sealing of his fate that ANYONE in political life should have seen was self-defeating from the beginning.