The article claims that the break-even cost is when oil reaches $35/bbl; however, it does not indicate what year that statement was made, so inflation could have an impact. Given that oil is currently nearing twice that level, the subject is certainly worth revisiting. Unfortunately coal liqifaction and gasification releases large quantities of CO2--don't tell Algore.
The long term solution to our fossil fuel and CO2 problem has to be electrical separation of hydrogen from water, powered by nuclear. We need to be producing gasoline from ANWR and the Eastern Gulf in the near term while we make a maximum effort to bring nuclear/hydrogen on-line. Our nation's future depends on it. All we need to do now is to convince the Democrats.
I agree that hydrocarbon fuel is dirty and I am an advocate of H from H20, fuel cells and nuclear power; not to mention superconducting transmission facilities. I was trying not to go off topic.