As I said previously, I don’t have any Hispanic relatives or ancestors. I don’t support any foreigners being here illegally and I think the new law announced last week is a travesty. I would love to see the illegals deported. However, IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD A HOSPITAL BE PERMITTED TO REFUSE EMERGENCY TREATMENT TO ANYONE.
Unfortunately we live in a society of more elderly “Me-Generation” patients. Since each medical record is unique to each patient, the healthcare providers are allowed to also document the behavior of patients.
For example, if a patient insists they know more than the doctor, or if they demand services without payment, which they themselves declare they require, without professional concurrence, they also establish a historical trend that might be used the next time they visit any practitioner who pulls up their medical history.
It pays to be courteous to the healthcare practitioners and not invite negative comments on the patient HC record.
I completely agree with you. :-)