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To: deaconjim; 2ndDivisionVet

Someone needs to save this for a future record, since it will be gone by mid-morning on Monday when his campaign staff sees it!

I would if I knew how.

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

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Posted at 4:59 PM on 5/17/2007 by christian_ferry
Immigration Reform

John McCain said the following today at a press conference on the new agreement in the Senate on immigration reform and border security:

The American people expect us to work in a bipartisan fashion to resolve compelling issues that affect our nation.

This is the first step, an important step, in moving forward with comprehensive overall immigration reform. Not only will this legislation finally accomplish the extraordinary goal of securing our borders, but it will also enhance interior enforcement and will put employers on notice that the practice of hiring illegal workers will no longer be tolerated. Before we can look at any program to deal with the undocumented workers currently in the U.S., or future workers wishing to enter, we must meet certain enforcement and security triggers that will let everyone know that we are serious about enforcing our laws and we’re not going to repeat the 1986 amnesty.

Senator Isakson, long ago, had a proposal that we had to take certain steps in order to make sure the American people know that our border enforcement is as complete as much as possible before we move forward with other issues...This is the first step. We can and must complete this legislation sooner rather than later. We all know that this issue can be caught up in extracurricular politics unless we move forward as quickly as possible.

This is a product of a long, hard trail of negotiation and I’m sure that there are certain provisions that each of us would not agree with. This is what the legislative process is all about; this is what bipartisanship is about, when there’s a requirement for this nation and its security that transcends party lines. I’m proud to have been a small part of it.

Posted at 5:11PM on 5/17/07 by HannibalHamlin
Our nation has been betrayed. We have no nation.
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Posted at 11:40AM on 5/18/07 by pattypatriot
You are right! The “bipartisan” answer to illegal immigration being proposed and touted as NOT AMNESTY is JUST THAT! How would the justice system treat citizens of this country that used false or stolen identification to work in this country? How about failing to file income tax returns (known as TAX EVASION)? I know, do you? We would be prosecuted, incarcerated, and our property would be seized by the IRS. But, the illegals only have to pay a fine and “touch back” to gain a path to citizenship? PLEASE, just how stupid do you people in Washington think We The People are? If these people are NOT held accountable to the same laws we MUST IS AMNESTY!
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Posted at 9:24AM on 5/20/07 by Srout
This Kennedy/McCain Amnesty Bill is a travesty!! Call/email/write/fax and say NO to Amnesty!! U.S. Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121 U.S. House switchboard: (202) 225-3121 White House comments: (202) 456-1111 Find your House Rep.: Find your US Senators:
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Posted at 5:36PM on 5/17/07 by sdesq
It is a sad day in America. Shame on you Senator McCain for supporting this bill. You have lost a once strong supporter. I cannot vote for someone who supports making illegal aliens permanent legal residents in this country. Amnesty is not the answer.
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Posted at 4:48PM on 5/18/07 by Srout
When recently asked who I thought won the first two Republican debates; I answered Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich. They’re the only two candidates conservative enough to not be in this stupid race yet... They’re not late, the other eager beavers are early! They’re the only two not joining the chorus of ten, eager to demonstrate their lack of conservative credentials in a futile attempt to attract both conservative and liberal voters. As a result, they’re also the only candidates not losing supporters in the debates. Like “patriot”, the moniker “American” is not assigned to an individual simply on the basis of residency or job title. We have lots of folks living in this country, both legally and illegally, who could never qualify as “Americans”, including some who wouldn’t want to, even if they could. Now we have a growing list of politicians in Washington DC that could never be accused of being “Americans” either, working around the clock to destroy the country they were elected to protect and defend, pandering to the non-American vote since all real Americans are fed up beyond voting. Republican voters removed republicans from power in ’06 and now with democrats even lower in approval ratings than Bush or the previous republican congress, American voters are running out of options. If Bush or any other politician were half as committed to securing America as they are to securing Baghdad, both illegal immigration and homeland terrorism would already be a thing of the past. Real Americans want their borders secured, period! But clearly, no noteworthy elected Washington representative supports such an idea. You won’t find a single Washington insider of any power, from either party, working to enforce existing immigration laws on behalf of legal Americans. If you want to hear from your elected official on the subject of immigration, you’ll have to attend a La Raza rally, where you will hear politician after politician promise civil and civic rights to illegal invaders, at odds with and at expense to, every legal American citizen. Both parties see potential new voters in the 12 to 20 million illegal alien constituency and they are willing to ignore 280 million legal Americans in pursuit of the illegal vote. Democrats blame republicans and their corporate friends, which is more fair than not. But let’s get real; nobody is pushing harder for legalizing illegal immigration than liberals and labor unions in search of a bigger proletariat class of federal dependents who can always be counted upon to vote Democrat. We have American troops currently in battle, dying for a country that doesn’t even support their mission. We have politicians on both sides of the aisle who voted to send them into that battle, now desperate to force retreat and defeat by cutting off funding and emboldening our enemies with anti-American rhetoric and traitorous war propaganda. Everyone claims to support the troops, but few actually do. Our elected officials have become wealthy beyond imagination while bankrupting the most productive, prosperous nation on earth. They have secured their own financial future while destroying ours. Every politician rails against spending and growth of government, but each and every one contributes to insane spending and an endless growth of government. Clearly, all politicians believe Americans to be too stupid to worry about. Based upon what we continue to let them get away with, it appears they might actually be right about something for a change! America is a sovereign nation built upon certain specific principles. Those principles include unalienable God given individual rights to Life, personal Liberty and a right to define and pursue individual Happiness, establishing individual social and economic order through individual effort and sacrifice. Yet congress and their judicial minions alienate all of these rights daily. America is a nation built upon a belief in the individual, no matter where they came from, no matter what color or religion they are, no matter which side of the tracks they grew up on. America is a nation that believes in free enterprise, not socialism. America believes in personal freedom, not some so-called greater common good. There is no common good greater than individual freedom! Yet those in Washington DC disagree, believing instead that there is no common good, greater than themselves. To be “American”, one must believe in, support, defend, promote and preserve fundamental American ideals and principles for future generations, just as those before us preserved them for our generations. But today, Washington DC works to undermine it all. Washington DC no longer supports free enterprise, national sovereignty, freedom or individual rights. They support the further empowerment of themselves over the people they were elected to represent. They divide by voting bloc for purposes of personal gain. They won’t unite even for the sake of national survival. But they will for the benefit of illegal aliens and foreign enemies. Every elected official in this nation, from the President to members of congress, from every judge that sits on a bench to governors and state legislators, down to every mayor or city council member, takes an oath of office, sworn before the people who give them power and the God who made America the greatest nation on earth. And almost without exception, they work today towards an un-American or even anti-American agenda, breaking that oath without so much as an apology. These folks can not be called “American”. And so long as they continue to act against the interest and will of the American people, they represent the single largest threat to the American people and the future of this nation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. (From the Declaration of Independence) There are no more Americans left in Washington DC today, demonstrated by the current move to erase, rather than secure, our borders, by the trust given a corrupt United Nations over American sovereignty, by the lining of their own pockets via the plundering of ours, by the demand for a military failure in Iraq and the broader war on terror, by their insistence upon the rights of terrorists over the right of American citizens to be secure. The list of examples is endless today and the sum of that list can only be described as destructive towards the American end. There is nothing “American” about it! The time to reverse this trend is passing and only a second American revolution will re-install the fundamental principles of the greatest nation on earth. When those given power by the people no longer listen to the people through peaceful means, less peaceful measures will eventually be taken. There are no Americans left in Washington DC, but there are all across America. One must hope that they will unite and stand together peacefully soon, to turn the tide by replacing un-American politicians with American politicians, before the only choice remaining it to abolish the government which only serves itself. May God Bless these United States and every true patriot willing to stand and be counted, whatever the cost. Freedom has never been free and it never will be. Thomas Jefferson warned us in no uncertain terms, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” A radical extremist thought? I fear this day is soon coming... Americans will not allow forever, the anti-American agenda of Washington DC.
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Posted at 1:11AM on 5/19/07 by hope08
RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!! GREAT POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if they will only pay attention. McCain is done as far as I am concerned, as well as Rudy.
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Posted at 1:11AM on 5/19/07 by hope08
RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!! GREAT POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if they will only pay attention. McCain is done as far as I am concerned, as well as Rudy.
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Posted at 6:18PM on 5/17/07 by mgco
I can’t think of a way you that you could have done more damage to our future Senator. You lost me today.
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Posted at 6:22PM on 5/17/07 by drgonzo
Not only have you sold out the country today you threw away any chance you had winning the republican nomination. You are not a conservative by any are a joke
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Posted at 6:33PM on 5/17/07 by indolent
I am sorry to leave you now Senator McCain. I believe you are a true hero but your so called bi-partisanship Amnesty legislation is nothing short of a treasonous action. You might as well let Ted drive you home from the date also, because you just drove off the cliff when it comes to your run for the Presidency.
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Posted at 8:37PM on 5/18/07 by JIDude
My feelings exactly.
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Posted at 6:37PM on 5/17/07 by mississippimud2007
I have never been so disguisted at my Government , than today. We are being invaded, and our leaders are selling us out. Where do we turn? Jeff Davis
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Posted at 7:13PM on 5/17/07 by sdesq
Mitt Romney
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Posted at 7:14PM on 5/17/07 by sdesq
Governor Mitt Romney On The Senate Immigration Agreement05/17/2007”I strongly oppose today’s bill going through the Senate. It is the wrong approach. Any legislation that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country indefinitely, as the new ‘Z-Visa’ does, is a form of amnesty. That is unfair to the millions of people who have applied to legally immigrate to the U.S.”
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Posted at 7:50PM on 5/17/07 by ALambka
Think for yourself, Don’t go with the sound bites look at there actions. Ron Paul is the only one Who has always Done as our Constitution says. If you Don’t believe Me check him out yourself. Mitt Romney has Violated the 2nd Amendment
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Posted at 6:50PM on 5/17/07 by Arby
What are you thinking, Senator McCain? Your betrayal of this country ranks up there with Benedict Arnold. Thanks to people like you, everyone can rest assured that our laws no longer matter. As long as you admit that you have broken them, all will be forgiven. People are coming here, breaking the law, DEMANDING citizenship, and you cave in? We are being invaded! What does it take to convince you? Last year, the protest chants were, “Today we March! Tomorrow we vote!” They don’t care if it’s legal or not. Why should they respect our election laws when they won’t respect our immigration laws? You are an abomination as a senator. You have friends in the illegal immigrant community, but you will NEVER become president. You blew that chance! Your unemployment checks are one government expense that I will NOT be complaining about.
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Posted at 6:52PM on 5/17/07 by duramaxhd
How can I trust you and Kennedy to protect the USA? Both of you where there in 1984 and still no ENFORCEMENT! This issue is a deal breaker for me and many others. 1)head of house hold return home???? How about all return home! 2)Where is the FENCE? Good fences make good nabors. 3)No temporary, automatic or provisinal anything...Secure the border first. How hard is this to understand?????? NO AMNESTY NO FREE RIDE round them up and send them home. You must be stupid or brain dead or both. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR YOU NO MATTER WHAT. IF you are willing to roll over on such an important issue as this, then what else are you willing to roll over on?
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Posted at 1:25AM on 5/19/07 by hope08
#1Campaign Finance reform (McCain/Finegold) #2 Judicial nominations. Just a couple all ready done.
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Posted at 1:25AM on 5/19/07 by hope08
#1Campaign Finance reform (McCain/Finegold) #2 Judicial nominations. Just a couple all ready done.
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Posted at 7:00PM on 5/17/07 by Iluvmycountry
Mr McCain, you call it bipartisenship but we call it selling out. Today, my support for you has ended. There was a time I totally respected you but that is gone today. You should have got a clue when you didn’t even place in the debate. The American people don’t want someone who plays both sides, they want someone who stands up for them. I believe you will never become president because of this and I for one will do my best to prevent it.
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Posted at 7:06PM on 5/17/07 by imtoast
Mr. McCain, I now question your patriotism.
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Posted at 7:07PM on 5/17/07 by CourtneyA1
This is a sad day for our country! What is happening? The government has officially “sold-out” to the special intrest and citizens of other countries than listen to US citizens. You have lost my vote Mr. McCain, you have shown your true colors. We can not afford a president like you. Sad and Depressed in California, CC
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Posted at 7:17PM on 5/17/07 by RWBlack
Senator McCain; This is the worse bill that I could ever imagine passing Congress on immigration. I hope your campaign last long enough to make it to Tennessee so that I can vote AGAINST you. Thank you Tennessee Legislature for moving the primary up.
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Posted at 7:23PM on 5/17/07 by BillL
McCain has not represented the state of Arizona’s desires for years. This is the worst violation yet. What the @#$^& are you thinking of Senator??? You’re DONE!
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Posted at 7:31PM on 5/17/07 by timk
You have betrayed this nation. You have lost your right to run for any office including the president. 70% of the American people do not want amnesty. This will come back to haunt the Republican party in 2008. Would we call you El Presidente? Who presides over the country of North Mexico?
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Posted at 7:38PM on 5/17/07 by Pete
You lost my vote in the primary on this issue.
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Posted at 7:38PM on 5/17/07 by ALambka
This is a betrayal of the citizens of the united states. It is a crime that you have chosen to represent Corporate interests above the Constitution And Citizens of this country. I am looking for someone to save this once great nation and you Sir are not It.
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Posted at 7:52PM on 5/17/07 by ALambka
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Posted at 2:42AM on 5/18/07 by mailbev
Give me a break. Mc Cain is finished. But, you are supporting a raving maniac!
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Posted at 7:44PM on 5/17/07 by Desertmom
I am sickened by your part in the immigration bill. You have let America down. My husband is a blue collar worker in the construction field. He is one of 3 legal workers out of dozens.This bill will put the final nail in the coffin of the middle class. I will do everything in my power to keep you from being the next President.
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Posted at 7:44PM on 5/17/07 by Desertmom
I am sickened by your part in the immigration bill. You have let America down. My husband is a blue collar worker in the construction field. He is one of 3 legal workers out of dozens.This bill will put the final nail in the coffin of the middle class. I will do everything in my power to keep you from being the next President.
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Posted at 7:49PM on 5/17/07 by CourtneyA1
Mitt says: “I strongly oppose today’s bill going through the Senate. It is the wrong approach. Any legislation that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country indefinitely, as the new ‘Z-Visa’ does, is a form of amnesty. That is unfair to the millions of people who have applied to legally immigrate to the U.S. “Today’s Senate agreement falls short of the actions needed to both solve our country’s illegal immigration problem and also strengthen our legal immigration system. Border security and a reliable employment verification system must be our first priority.”
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Posted at 7:49PM on 5/17/07 by CourtneyA1
Mitt says: “I strongly oppose today’s bill going through the Senate. It is the wrong approach. Any legislation that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country indefinitely, as the new ‘Z-Visa’ does, is a form of amnesty. That is unfair to the millions of people who have applied to legally immigrate to the U.S. “Today’s Senate agreement falls short of the actions needed to both solve our country’s illegal immigration problem and also strengthen our legal immigration system. Border security and a reliable employment verification system must be our first priority.”
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Posted at 7:51PM on 5/17/07 by CourtneyA1
How can we ever trust you? I have deflected from the “McCain Camp” to Mitt Romeny, at least he’s on America’s side.
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Posted at 7:59PM on 5/17/07 by shocked
I would like to express my disgust at the new immigration bill. I find it extremely unfair that my parents had to wait many years to come to this country, but you are now passing a bill to allow people who came here illegally to live here permanently. I cannot understand why you are rewarding these illegal immigrants. Why would sell out all Americans.
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Posted at 8:00PM on 5/17/07 by dumbfounded
Senator McCain you just fumbled the ball and the other team is running the other way while you slap yourself on the back. Real conservatives do not like Faux republicans who make deals with Ted Kennedy. You just don’t get it and do not have a conservative bone in your body. You take an oath to protect and serve the republic, but I think you were thinking you serve Mexico and big business who want to exploit all of these low wage workers. You will not even get the Republican nomination now that you just helped sell out the American electorate. There are many Democrats that are angered over this move too. Too bad Senator Kyl was pulled over to the irrational side too. You were a hero and now you are a sellout of our sovereignty. George Bush disgust me also because between he and yourself you think you just have to do something even if it is a bad law. Thanks for nothing and losing sight of what really matters.
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Posted at 2:46AM on 5/18/07 by mailbev
Couldn’t have said it better. McCain has just lost the nomination. He has just proven he doesn’t deserve to be President.
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Posted at 8:08PM on 5/17/07 by PabloHayward
Politically, you’re through. Not only will you not be President, you most likely will never be a Senator again. But don’t worry... I’m sure Mexico will welcome you with open arms!!!!!!!!!
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Posted at 8:12PM on 5/17/07 by Rover
Robert - Thanks for your comment re conservatism. I have problems some of it but in light of developments today a response would be pointless. I will not vote for McCain.
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Posted at 8:37PM on 5/17/07 by BorderlineBob
Well. it was fun while it lasted. Sorry to see you go. Immigration is one of those “hard” issues out there. In my life I spent a couple of years riding the border with one of the nations agencies that enforces it....I teach people how to fly airplanes.......and carried a badge and a gun. I thought I had some “obvious answers” before I did those years, and now to me it is about the hardest domestic issue that there is. (Virtual Paragraph break) it involves everything...who is and who can become an American, and all while people are here. I dont envy anyone having to vote on it. Take care............Robert
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Posted at 8:22PM on 5/17/07 by karna
I am disgusted and frustated Mr McCain. You have let us down hard. What we need is to SECURE the BORDERS, FENCES WORK. Illegal means? ILLEGAL!. My Grandfather came hear from Ireland in 1912. Through Ellis Island. Meeting the laws of the nation and showing respect for this country. This is a slap in the face to us all. You lost my vote. Karen No Calif
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Posted at 8:27PM on 5/17/07 by joelatte
I joined the site for one reason only ... to tell McCain that this immigration bill has just cost him any chance he had to be president .,. he will go down in history along with Arlen Specter, Graham and Bush as the biggest Traitor of all time.
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Posted at 8:37PM on 5/17/07 by imtoast
Mr. McCain, what you have done is made us prisioners in out own country. You have done to us what was done to you in Vietnam. This past year my neighborhood has turned into an “illegal” encampment and I can’t begin to tell you what has been going on in my neighborhood. People like you have taken away my home I have worked hard for and now I am forced to move so I don’t have to endure the things that are going on in this neighborhood. May the same happen to you.
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Posted at 8:37PM on 5/17/07 by saveamerica
As a registered Republican I can say John McCain will not get my vote.... Mr. McCain how can you reward people that break the law. How about if I go rob a bank do I get a free ride????? I would hope and think not. How dare you sell out our country.... You may be a war hero, but you are not a hero to those of us who want to keep our country great..... P.S. I think you just lost the election as of today...
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Posted at 8:40PM on 5/17/07 by PatriotOne
You are proud to have played a “small part” in crafting legislation that would turn the United States of America into a Third World country..... Senator, you are a military hero and a political joke! You have a greater chance of becoming President of Mexico than President of the United States. I trust this “bipartisan” legislation will fail just as you have failed the voters of Arizona and the legal citizens of the United States.
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Posted at 8:46PM on 5/17/07 by Colin
You are all acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. This bill is significantly different than McCain-Kennedy, and even an immigration hawk of John Kyl’s stature was able to sign on. Every serious commenter on the immigration issue has acknowledged that a mass deportation of illegal immigrants is an impossibility. Now we have a chance for serious border enforcement to be in place before any other aspects of immigration reform are triggered. We have a chance for greater workplace verification. We have a chance to register the millions of illegal aliens already in this nation, and to keep waves of additional illegals out, giving them a LEGAL way to come to America. We can stop distracting CBP and ICE with tracking down migrant workers, hotel maids, and roofers, and have the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security (emphasis on the word SECURITY) go after the truly dangerous. Possible terrorists who overstayed visas. It’s a shame certain politicians and public personalities wish to demagogue this issue and try to rabble-rouse instead of working to make this country safer, because that’s exactly what this bill and everyone who supported it and worked on it did — make this a safer nation!
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Posted at 9:03PM on 5/17/07 by BorderlineBob
Every serious commenter on the immigration issue has acknowledged that a mass deportation of illegal immigrants is an impossibility. .,..(THAT WAS A QUOTE FROM THE POST I AM REPLYING TO.....WHERE ARE PARAGRAHS?)........(Virtual paragraph break). That is the key isnt it? That is the twilight from fantasy to reality in dealing with the issue. When I was “on the border” I spent a lot of time in San Antonio. It was really quite amazing. I Hung out with a lot of friends from the USAF and Army who were there (classmates). Not everyone but most of them had a maid or semi nanny or they called them something. The vast bulk of which when they would see my badge and gun would freeze. What are we going to do? round all them up and toss them south? (Virtual paragraph break) Aint gonna happen. The mechanisms are not there, we are NOT that kind of people, and the economy would simply flounder. Robert
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Posted at 11:49PM on 5/17/07 by HannibalHamlin
“Every serious commentator”? EVERY? You know all of them? Have you decided who’s serious or not? Are you the gauleiter of seriousness?
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Posted at 2:55AM on 5/18/07 by mailbev
Every serious commentator? Do you mean the biased liberal press who would never actually support making these people follow the law? What a joke. These people deserve no amnesty. McCain is finished. We need to contact all our legislators to make sure this bill is finished and fails as well! Amnesty is NOT the answer! We are a country of laws. Or, we were...
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Posted at 5:02PM on 5/19/07 by JBStephens
Are you a fisherman, Bob. If so, when you go fishing, do you expect to catch every fish? And we have had nannies and gardeners long before we had this huge number of illegal aliens. Granted, I would probably charge more to toil in the hot sun than many illegals who have few options, but those wages are only the up-front costs. Look at what that “bargain” costs with regard to our criminal justice, medical and educational systems.
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Posted at 5:02PM on 5/19/07 by JBStephens
Are you a fisherman, Bob. If so, when you go fishing, do you expect to catch every fish? And we have had nannies and gardeners long before we had this huge number of illegal aliens. Granted, I would probably charge more to toil in the hot sun than many illegals who have few options, but those wages are only the up-front costs. Look at what that “bargain” costs with regard to our criminal justice, medical and educational systems.
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Posted at 5:02PM on 5/19/07 by JBStephens
Are you a fisherman, Bob. If so, when you go fishing, do you expect to catch every fish? And we have had nannies and gardeners long before we had this huge number of illegal aliens. Granted, I would probably charge more to toil in the hot sun than many illegals who have few options, but those wages are only the up-front costs. Look at what that “bargain” costs with regard to our criminal justice, medical and educational systems.
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Posted at 12:48AM on 5/20/07 by mauibob
1st, we DO round up those that commit another crime and and send them back with no chance of ever getting citizenship. 2nd we eliminate the automatic citizenship of children. 3rd, we confisctae all assets of illegals gained while illegally working here, much like asset forfeiture during a drugbust. 4th, we fine companies and landlords who hire and house them knowingly. 5th, we disallow their children access to our public schools. 6th, we make english the official language and stop printing everything in multiple languages. We would also make the legal immigration easierm but with some basic minimums such as an ability to speak basic english. This would be a good start and send a strong message that illegals are not welcome.
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Posted at 9:20PM on 5/17/07 by HannibalHamlin
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Posted at 9:36PM on 5/17/07 by BorderlineBob
How come our immigration laws are never enforced....that is what you wrote (or close to it)...Virtual paragraph break...Do you remember the Swift Boat ad? Guess who helped pay for it? DAvid Weekly. He builds homes in Houston. ...want me to go on? (VIRTUAL PARAGRAPH BREAK) you want to go to the houses IN Houston who have an illegal maid, cuff her and toss her back across the border? Most of the people employing those women are Republicans. (VPB) Robert
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Posted at 3:01AM on 5/18/07 by mailbev
Who cares who employs them? The fact is that they are illegal and they broke our laws. What part of that don’t you get? It doesn’t matter where they are or who employs them. They have broken the law and don’t deserve citizenship. Do we need to talk slower so you can understand?
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Posted at 9:23PM on 5/17/07 by saveamerica
This spoiled brat do not brake the law. And what are you talking about we can not round them up? They are stealing from us; our tax dollars our schools. GET THESE LAW BREAKERS OUT OF THE COUNTRY...
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Posted at 11:52PM on 5/17/07 by AREALAmerican
We cant round them up for deportation? First....why not? Has it ever been tried? Second, we could certainly round up a large quantity by visiting home depot every day. Third, they would SELF DEPORT if we would seriously fine/jail employers who hire, cut out social benefits, cut out illegals education, etc. (virtual paragraph or whatever) Why dont we try enforcing the laws on the books currently prior to granting AMNESTY. (virtual paragraph) I could care a less about the little maid in Houston, or San Diego, or any other city. They are here ILLEGALLY and they are a serious overburden our our country. GET THEM OUT, welcome them back LEGALLY.
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Posted at 3:58AM on 5/18/07 by mailbev
Well said. I think most Americans are pretty sick and tired of hearing that we “can’t” round these people up and send them home. The lawmakers are basically saying they can’t enforce our laws. What does that say about them? If they can’t do it; maybe we need to elect some folks that can.
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Posted at 8:48PM on 5/18/07 by pattypatriot
You do not have to deport them. Simply put an end to the FREE medical (tongue in cheek: for my recent 3 day stay in a hospital I was billed $35,000. This did NOT include doctor, anesthetist, or any other professional service. JUST the hospital. So how many illegals do you think I was being billed to cover?), FREE education (again, tongue in cheek: property taxes on our homes pays a large part of their costs as well as diverted funds from the state general fund), and let’s change the constitutional provision for “birth here equals citizenship” to ONLY those born to non-citizens currently IN the naturalization process are “instant” citizens. That would end the “anchor baby” issue would it not? No, deporting ALL of them is a fantasy we can all dream about that will never happen. We MUST stop GIVING them for FREE what we ourselves must pay for.
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Posted at 1:53AM on 5/19/07 by hope08
Thank you George. Maybe you forgot about the amnesty in 1986! It was a one time deal, or so they said. Here we are once again, with the same B.S. line. You would think people would be smart enough to realize it. Atta was stopped by the Police 2-4 weeks before 9-11. He had an expired VISA, the officer could not ask about legal statsus do to policy. WE are a Sovereign Nation.With out border security, There is NO NATIONAL SECURITY!
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Posted at 1:01AM on 5/20/07 by mauibob
Why only mention one? There has been 7 amnesty bills passed since 1986. Courtesy of Michelle Malkins site: There have been seven illegal alien amnesties passed into law since 1986: ·The 1986 Immigration and Reform Control Act blanket amnesty for an estimated 2.7 million illegal aliens ·1994: The “Section 245(i)” temporary rolling amnesty for 578,000 illegal aliens ·1997: Extension of the Section 245(i) amnesty ·1997: The Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act for nearly one million illegal aliens from Central America ·1998: The Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act amnesty for 125,000 illegal aliens from Haiti ·2000: Extension of amnesty for some 400,000 illegal aliens who claimed eligibility under the 1986 act ·2000: The Legal Immigration Family Equity Act, which included a restoration of the rolling Section 245(i) amnesty for 900,000 illegal aliens] Guess what? None –not one—of those amnesties was associated with a decline in illegal immigration. On the contrary, the number of illegal aliens in the U.S. has tripled since President Reagan signed the first amnesty in 1986. The total effect of the amnesties was even larger because relatives later joined amnesty recipients, and this number was multiplied by an unknown number of children born to amnesty recipients who then acquired automatic US citizenship.
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Posted at 8:52PM on 5/17/07 by Digger
You should be ashamed of yourself. Giuliani for ‘08.
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Posted at 11:48PM on 5/17/07 by AREALAmerican
Guliani? Are you kidding? He may be left of McCain. The Republican party has left its conservative base and joined the Democrats left of center. The party needs a thorough cleansing of 90% of its party. GROW A SPINE AND STAND UP FOR THE MAJORITY OF US CONSERVATIVES!!!
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Posted at 12:16AM on 5/19/07 by AugieDoggie
Vote for Mitt Romney. A Mormon, yes, but he won’t foist his religion on you...we’ve got the First Amendment.
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Posted at 8:53PM on 5/17/07 by PRCS
Senator McCain, I sponsored my wife into this country 32 years ago. She did not come here for employment, but has worked continuously (and legally) since 1977 and has been a Naturalized U.S. citizen since 1991. She will always be an immigrant. The issue at hand is NOT immigration; it is, in the main, about foreign laborers who didn’’t even bother to obtain a passport from their country and also chose to illegally enter our country rather than to avail themselves of existing U.S. temporary worker programs—and who now expect us to believe that our immigration system is ‘broken’. It is also about politicians who lack the courage to address the issue honestly. On that basis, I simply cannot vote for you in the 2008. So long, skipper. PRCS Corrow USN (Ret)
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Posted at 1:56PM on 5/18/07 by ldain
Absolutely right - where are the Republicans with courage to stand up for our laws and our values?
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Posted at 9:21PM on 5/18/07 by JIDude
Amen. My wife is also an immigrant, recently though. We went through great difficulties for five years dealing with the INS/USCIS trying to get her into this country LEGALLY. We were told by the USCIS that, since 9/11, things were becoming more difficult and we accepted that. But there is one piece of cognitive dissonance that remains - why make it so much tougher on those attempting to gain entry into the access legally? Why try to ferret out potential terrorist ties of those trying to come in legally when the southern border is wide open? It makes no sense.
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Posted at 9:04PM on 5/17/07 by Digger
Allow me to expand on my earlier comment... You have betrayed the country today Mr. McCain. You have lost my primary vote which will not go to Giuliani or Romney. Your plan shows your spineless and gutless stance on any issues which are important to the American people? Why will the enforcement measures in your bill be taken seriously when Washington has shown no political will to enforce the laws on the books? In case you don’t know the answer, let me provide it for you. They won’t. We have already been promised immigration control for amnesty. Amnesty was granted, illegal immigration skyrocketer. You are promising the same thing again, and the same exact thing will happen. You are a fraud. You are an embarrasment, and I hope your primary approval rating plummets to the basement as I fully expect it to do. The country wants the border control and the laws enforced, we do not want amnesty and more hollow lies and promises of future enforcement.
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Posted at 9:04PM on 5/17/07 by peanut
You have sold out the American public. At one time I thought that you were a voice of reason, but now I know you do not represent the wishes of the American public. You have obligated the American taxpayer to trillions of dollars in entitlements to people who have illegally barged into this country. You have lost my vote.
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Posted at 9:11PM on 5/17/07 by jalexsword
Jesus said to Peter, before the cock crows thrice you will betray me. This is the third time you have betrayed America, Mr. McCain, the first time was the McCain Feingold bill, the second the McCain Kennedy Education bill, and now the third time the amnesty bill. For shame Mr. McCain. May God have mercy on your soul for the destruction of a once great country.
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Posted at 9:15PM on 5/17/07 by saveamerica
“But the little we do know about the bill is troubling. According to reports, the bill contains a new ‘Z Visa’ that allows those who entered our country illegally to stay here permanently without ever returning home. This rewards people who broke the law with permanent legal status, and puts them ahead of millions of law-abiding immigrants waiting to come to America. I don’t care how you try to spin it, this is amnesty.”
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Posted at 9:23PM on 5/17/07 by semperfidelis
Mitt Romney!
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Posted at 9:31PM on 5/17/07 by disappointedmom
Senator McCain, I can’t believe that you are supporting this bill. I have just read all the comments to this blog. Out of 42 comments only one is supporting you. There is NO WAY I would vote for you now. Everyone I meet, I will discourage them from voting for you. You are a traitor and a disgrace to the country you CLAIM to love so much. Shame on you... Shame, Shame on you.
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Posted at 9:33PM on 5/17/07 by thepredictor
Senator McCain just lost the bid to become the Republican nominee because of the immigration issue. I use to respect the Senator as a straight shooter, no more and I especially liked the agreement you had to sign to post this that they could modify or edit the content or delete posts. Remember when the Senator was a straight shooter and a man of courage and integrity. Those days are gone. A sad day for America.
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Posted at 9:34PM on 5/17/07 by thepredictor
Senator McCain just lost the bid to become the Republican nominee because of the immigration issue. I use to respect the Senator as a straight shooter, no more and I especially liked the agreement you had to sign to post this that they could modify or edit the content or delete posts. Remember when the Senator was a straight shooter and a man of courage and integrity. Those days are gone. A sad day for America.
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Posted at 9:34PM on 5/17/07 by noillegals
A very sad day in what used to be called The United States of America...
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Posted at 9:41PM on 5/17/07 by Colin
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Posted at 9:49PM on 5/17/07 by ALambka
I am now Blocked?
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Posted at 9:53PM on 5/17/07 by Raleighnorthcarolina
You have lost my vote
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Posted at 10:07PM on 5/17/07 by dxstxn
Disgusting. At one time I loved the idea of McCain being President of the United States. Now I know this will never happen. NO AMNESTY!!!!!
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Posted at 10:11PM on 5/17/07 by Roy
Senator McCain, I am pleased to inform you that you have lost my support for your campaign as my nominee for the Republicans. PLEASED, because today, you showed your true colors. Today, you sold out my country. The country that, like you, I spend over half my life serving in a military uniform. The difference between you and I is that I still have enough respect for my country to know that the immigration deal you have signed on to is one of the most DESTRUCTIVE things that you could have done to MY country. There is not much left of MY country, Senator. All those years I spent on the deck of an aircraft carrier have apparently been in vain. Who would have known that the people I havSenator McCain, I am pleased to inform you that you have lost my support for your campaign as my nominee for the Republicans. PLEASED, because today, you showed your true colors. Today, you sold out my country. The country that, like you, I spend over half my life serving in a military uniform. The difference between you and I is that I still have enough respect for my country to know that the immigration deal you have signed on to is one of the most DESTRUCTIVE things that you could have e come to trust in my party could sell me and my country out so quickly. I have a very tight and close knit community of friends that are all Republican, and you can bet your bottom dollar that before election day comes in Texas for the Primaries, we will ALL have yard signs proclaiming how you sold us out. I dont even think that if you were to change your position on this issue, you can recover the trust of those of us who once held you in such high esteem. Roy G Pender IV
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Posted at 10:32PM on 5/17/07 by ibeyben
we must stop this ivasion of illegal and put our military on the border. What is going on . i will never vote for you Mr Mccain.
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Posted at 10:34PM on 5/17/07 by Betrayed
Senator McCain... You sir are a TRAITOR. I hope it was worth it. What was the price at which you sold out your own country? Criminals crossing over the border have ruined many hard working american lives. Now you reward them. No American should ever vote for you again.
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Posted at 10:39PM on 5/17/07 by urgoing2dowhat
McCain, I honestly thought that you were smarter then this! If anything you would have supported strongly to secure the border. We live 23 miles away from the Mexico border and we see this problem every day! NO TO AMNESTY & NO TO YOU IN 2008! WHAT A SELL OUT YOU ARE! A Republican in AZ.
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Posted at 10:46PM on 5/17/07 by Laura123
There is no way I can vote for you unless you reverse your stance on the new immigration deal. The passage of this bill would be national suicide. I can’t believe that you are a part of this. Illegal aliens are a huge burden on American society. They comprise thirty percent of our federal prison population; this criminal element puts the American public at risk of becoming victims of various violent crimes. This has become extremely evident with the arrest of the Fort Dix terrorists, half of which were illegal aliens. As well illegal aliens drive down wages, which threatens the waning middle class. Proof of citizenship should be required to receive medical care, education, or any other taxpayer-funded service. The constitution should be amended to stop children born to non-citizen parents in the United States from becoming automatic citizens. This anchor baby loophole needs to be eliminated. Mass deportation with a fence across the entire border is the only adequate solution to this problem. All federal funds should also be cut off to sanctuary cities, which care more about protecting illegal aliens than its own citizens. Please change your mind.
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Posted at 12:49AM on 5/18/07 by BorderlineBob
What is an anchor baby? (PARAGRAPH)....tell you what you open your version of The Constitution, I know it more or less from memory. Show me where that “anchor baby” line is another plan (PARAGRAPH). I had breakfast with a Marine (A USMC know like The Senator’s son is.) This Marine was born in this country to an illegal who is still illegal. He (this Marine) has been to Iraq twice. Have you? What would you tell him about his Mom. I am waiting? Robert G. Oler
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Posted at 3:55AM on 5/18/07 by mailbev
Tell him mom is illegal and needs to go back and get in line to enter this country legally. Why point out a son born of an illegal who is serving in this countrys military while not admitting that there are so many more who milk our education system without paying any taxes and seeing that hospitals systems are collapsing because of millions they spend giving free medical care? Maybe you need to speak to millions of middle class American citizens who pay for these lawbreakers each and every day. Oh don’t choose to look at what jeopardy these illegals actually pose to the United States. It must be nice to just ignore the problem and act as if this immigration bill would actually be good for this country. We’ve heard it all before. Maybe if we all write our elected officials; we can keep this bill from becoming law. Either that or we can voice our opposition by voting against all the bills supporters at the ballot box. Your head buried in the sand; you’re a lost cause and will never get it.
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Posted at 11:12AM on 5/18/07 by BorderlineBob
Let see. The Marine is fighting in a war that you probably supported but I bet havient thought about going to, or sending your kids to and you would send his mom home..............Robert
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Posted at 1:16PM on 5/18/07 by AREALAmerican
Yes. In fact, if she hadnt broken our laws in the first place we wouldnt be in this spot. No, I wasnt a Marine, but I was NAVY. Robert, please talk about the 30% of our prison system that is filled with ILLEGALS. Ild love to hear your brilliance on them.
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Posted at 1:21AM on 5/20/07 by mauibob
That he’s a son of a felon, like many legal citizens serving jail terms. Is she?
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Posted at 1:17PM on 5/18/07 by AREALAmerican
Yes. In fact, if she hadnt broken our laws in the first place we wouldnt be in this spot. No, I wasnt a Marine, but I was NAVY. Robert, please talk about the 30% of our prison system that is filled with ILLEGALS. Ild love to hear your brilliance on them.
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Posted at 10:54PM on 5/17/07 by stevef8
John McCain just sold out his constituency and, in fact, all Americans. He’s just a Ted Kennedy twin. In 1986, these same people stated they were approving amnesty and securing the borders so this would never happen again.... well, guess what...the borders were NOT secured then and they won’t be’s just lip service in an attempt to distract the voting public. AMERICANS MUST REMEMBER AND REMOVE THESE COWARDS AND TRAITORS FROM OFFICE IN THEIR NEXT ELECTION!!!!!
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Posted at 10:57PM on 5/17/07 by tellem
Are you kidding? The American people do not want you to court the 20 million illegals...they want a fence and security and McCain they want you to send everyone of these illegal people home. I renounce my Republican affiliation if this bill passes.
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Posted at 11:02PM on 5/17/07 by Federalist
Senator McCain: I am appalled, disgusted, fed-up, and hoping Fred enters the race. Whatever your virtues, your faults are too numerous to overlook. There is a reason why conservatives don’t trust you and today that scab has been ripped off that wound yet again. Your campaign is Done. What a sad day for America. Regards.
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Posted at 11:07PM on 5/17/07 by BorderlineBob
THAT DID IT.....I’ve read the comments here and on most of the GOP sites. I was waiting until the end of the year when the money in theory got tight. I maxed out for McNasty in 00 and was planning to do so anyway for this year. But why wait? McNasty did the right thing on this. This is what you do when you govern for The Republic. Senator I am in on a monthly basis for a Maxout by Sept. It is an honor to fly your wing at anytime Sir. Roger All The way...ROBERT G. Oler..................CAN WE FIX THE PARAGRAPHS?
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Posted at 4:08AM on 5/18/07 by mailbev
McCain is finished. What he did was sell America down the river. He was not thinking about governing the Republic. He caved to special interests lobbys for Mexico. He should have thought about the security of the United States and its’ legal citizens objections to granting an amnesty to all these illegals. Glad you are happy about it. I don’t think the money you may donate will make up for those of us who will now never support him. Go ahead; waste your money if you like. McCain is out of the race now.
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Posted at 11:09PM on 5/17/07 by americafirst333
I think you have sold out the american people and betrayed our trust. This is nothing but amnesty no matter how you color it. Just what we need. More illegals to jam our schools, health care system and our jails. CLOSE the border FIRST.
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Posted at 11:10PM on 5/17/07 by 1964Bill
This immigration bill is wrong. Any one who votes for this bill will never recieve my vote again.
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Posted at 11:43PM on 5/17/07 by AREALAmerican
John McCain SOLD US OUT TODAY. You lost my vote, and I will do my best to SPREAD THE WORD about your hideous betrayal of our country. This AMNESTY bill you put forth today will burden us forever. Our nation cannot survive with this type of leadership. WE can and WILL vote you out.
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Posted at 11:51PM on 5/17/07 by TMan
John McCain is a great patriot and an American hero. The time has come for real patriots to get together and help guide the country in lock step for the future of law abiding citizens. This country was founded on laws good and bad. The only way the United States of America will survive is to adhere to and live by the law. Please change the informal policy of creating laws with no intent on enforcement of them. The American citizens deserve more than just 1000’s of pages of rhetoric that has only feel good words, hidden pork, and no tactics for implementation and enforcement. Your votes should be placed only on bills that are what the people want. You can bet this is how they will vote.
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Posted at 12:10AM on 5/18/07 by HannibalHamlin
I agree. Why make NEW laws that won’t be enforced? I think we should repeal the 17th Amendment. Get rid of the princes and princesses of the Senate who think only of themselves and NOT of the average American citizen. I’m another who won’t be voting for McCain in any case. I was skeptical of his mental stability in the past and now I know he’s slipped over the edge.
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Posted at 12:10AM on 5/18/07 by WillBIllegalforFood
I hope all the illegal aliens McCain imports are enough to keep him in his senate seat because there is probably no LEGAL way he is going to become president if this goes through and there is no way I as true US citizen would ever vote for him, nor by the looks of it from reading his own website would many other, which is probably why he wants to make millions of illegals voters in US elections. I think the McCain straight talk express has derailed and subsequently after being bought out was restaffed by illegals and is now the express to a third world USA. Corruption and under the table payoffs is all I can suspect because there is no way Republicans can be so clueless on this issue, stop immigration and work to remove illegals from this country and you will remain in power indefinitely because you will have the majority of Republican voters on behind you.
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Posted at 12:14AM on 5/18/07 by fight4americans
How dare you, Mr. McCain, side with illegal aliens over the majority of Americans? How?!! You of all people, who so bradley served in the U.S. service, would just stand and watch America be invaded by another nation. How!!? Why!!??? WWII vets didn’t fight and die so foreigners could step on Amreican soil and push their son’s, daaughters and and granchirdrin to the side; disrespect thier country and laws? They wave thier flag in our face on our soil!!!!! Please, fight for us, protect me... my family, all Americans.
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Posted at 12:14AM on 5/18/07 by unidos
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Posted at 12:15AM on 5/18/07 by Beav
No to any form of amnesty,or no vote for you!!!!!
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Posted at 12:16AM on 5/18/07 by sumu
I’ve always had a lot of respect for John Mc Cain, but his support of this amnesty bill is a deal breaker. On this single issue alone, he would not get my vote. Nor will any California public official that defends or supports this bill. Companies that make contributions to any supporter of this outrageous bill will not get my business. Is that clear enough? How anyone can think that this ‘amnesty’ bill is what the American public wants is beyond comprehension, and doesn’t deserve to be elected dog catcher, much less president.
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Posted at 12:17AM on 5/18/07 by unidos
JOKE!!! That is what all of you haters are... A JOKE!!! First, the people on here saying that you are not going to vote for McCain because of this purposed bill. Please!.. come on! The truth is he didn’t have your vote to begin with! McCain has always been in favor of an immigration reform that would provide a path to citizenship for illegals in the United States!
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Posted at 12:26AM on 5/18/07 by WillBIllegalforFood
I’d call it the “dirt path to citizenship.”
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Posted at 12:26AM on 5/18/07 by HannibalHamlin
unidos... Why not enforce our present laws? Why make NEW laws?
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Posted at 8:06AM on 5/18/07 by conservrepub
Why would anyone vote for the Keating Five!!!!!!!
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Posted at 2:29PM on 5/18/07 by JACKW
On election day we’ll see who the joke is on.HA!HA!
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Posted at 12:49AM on 5/18/07 by mk
his Immigration Bill is bad! Don’t vote for it! It is going to cost me more taxes, more in medical fees, and my family’s and friends’ wages will fall ! Don’t try to save the world; just save my country. Don’t give it away to people who want to steal it! I think this is the most important issue facing our country. Secure the border first, then make changes to the immigration laws. Enforce the once already on the books !
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Posted at 12:57AM on 5/18/07 by crashcaddy
i will never vote republican again if this immigration amnesty bill passes. it is not a melting pot when one country is invading. this is a disgrace to all american peaple . how dare we reward law breakers with a path to citizenship.the american peaple are not as stupid as you think. we know your giving amnesty ! say were going to strengthen our borders ? a little late isnt it ? i guess we wont have an illegal alien problem if we make them all legal. come live in the real world and you will change your mind real fast
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Posted at 1:26AM on 5/18/07 by CourtneyA1
You know who should be mad? The poor single mother working at Target with 3 kids making $8/hr. Any money that was going to go to help her get an education, her kids stay healthy and go to better schools....that money has just gone not help the poor of another country.
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Posted at 1:47AM on 5/18/07 by sdmtnbiker
I only joined to tell you how disappointed I am, I feel the 6yrs I spent in the service was a waste of time, at this point I would not walk across the street to spit on you if you were on fire. Enjoy the money you made from mexico today.
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Posted at 2:03AM on 5/18/07 by hope08
Senatory McCain: He has sold out your country once again. once before with Russ Fiengold. Once again with Ted Kennedy! It seems to me John McCain is a one man crusader to destroy the Republican Party, and The United States of America, as we know it!! John McCain, You have lost any support you may have had from me, in your Presidential DREAMS! God Bless what will be left of America as we know it!!!
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Posted at 2:30AM on 5/18/07 by mailbev
It’s not a matter of some ‘provisions’ that some of us might not agree with! It is an AMENSTY package no matter how you try to dress it up. Do you really think we are that stupid?! I guess you and any others in Washington that would vote for this bill do. You just lost me, my family and at least ten of my friends’ votes today. It is sad that you, along with other Republicans, participated in secret back room negotiations to give the illegals an amnesty package. The fact that you stated today that “now employers will NOW be put on notice that hiring illegals will no longer be tolerated” is a joke and makes it no easier to swallow. Again, no matter how you try to dress it up; it IS AMNESTY! How sad that the citizens of this country have been betrayed. I intend on writing all of my states representatives tonight. I just hope that those in Washington will hear our outrage and this bill fails. That will not do anything to save you Senator McCain; your fate is now sealed. Isn’t it great that you feel so proud! All you have proven today is that you don’t deserve to be our President!
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Posted at 2:32AM on 5/18/07 by Brandi
Senator McCain, do not vote to increase Mexico’s lebensraum within our borders! Why should we have to be ethnically replaced by Mexicans? Please try to help America and not Mexico. I know that you fought for America in the past; Thank you for your service. Please, Fight for America again… Thanks
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Posted at 6:08AM on 5/18/07 by Srout
Fred Thompson in 2008!!!
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Posted at 3:42AM on 5/18/07 by tired
I was, in fact, planning to support McCain. Apparently I was misled into thinking he has a strong stand on enforcement and border control. As for I’m frustrated by the damage being done by illegal immigration, I feel sorry for those trying to legally emigrate only to see law breakers getting in via amnesty. The only way to get my vote back is for McCain to prove there will be enforcement without amnesty. And I don’t mean spin it as some bi-partisan deal that had to be made. The democrats think they’ve been given a people’s mandate in the last election when, in fact, it was a message to the republicans to act like republicans. I thought McCain got the message but, now, it’s just a sad day. Don’t know what to do at this point.
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Posted at 6:03AM on 5/18/07 by Srout
I’m feeling pretty disillusioned today. I mean, we have men and women dying in battle right now trying to protect this nation. Now the Democrats and not a small number of Republicans (especially John McCain) have effectively disintegrated our borders. What are we fighting for again? I am having a lot of trouble justifying our soldiers being put at risk abroad while our politicians work to dissolve our nation regardless of the effort of our troops. This amnesty will alter our political and cultural landscape by tainting it with an illegal and criminal element that never respected our laws to begin with. Then again, our own house and senate doesn’t respect our laws and the President has consistently refused to protect our very borders. Really, I’m having a lot of trouble reconciling our foreign policy when our domestic policy seems to cancel it out. Why did our soldiers have to die if we’re just going to cease being a nation of laws anyways? I will NEVER vote for someone that sponsored this amnesty nonsense. Can you hear me, John McCain?
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Posted at 6:22AM on 5/18/07 by Darth
Our brave men and women in uniform are overseas fighting and dying for our country while McCain is back home in DC trying to GIVE it away!!
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Posted at 7:08AM on 5/18/07 by vdirico
Mr McCain, This is a repeat of the 1986 amnesty, you and Fat Boy ( have sold out your nation. Vinny
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Posted at 7:44AM on 5/18/07 by rnz40l
The immigration bill is bad for America and worse for you! You say you want to lead our culture. It seem you really would rather morph it into something decidely alien. Since the beginning of life itself not a single one of your ancestors failed to pass on the gift of life and culture so that you might live and thrive. Do you think they endured every imaginable human suffering just so you at the pinnacle of their creation could throw it all away with the wanton stroke of a pen. Such arrogance is nigh beyond human comprehension. If you think your ancestors would not object, think again. Just think of the voting public as their current stand-in proxies. I only pray there are enough of us left to do them the honor they richly deserve. My ancestors were among the first to come to Jamestown and I have some considerable right to object to the irresponsible and wanton destruction of their culture. We have a right to a nation with borders that preserve our culture. Even God preserves separate domains for the heavens, the earth, and the waters. All of these are wonders and of unimaginable glory. But if you throw them all into one pot, you destroy their glory and create a culture of nothing but bubbling mud. Like only an innocent can, I feel the cold kiss of Judas. In Dante’s depiction of hell he put the worse sinners down in the very bottom of the pit and of course Satan was in the midst of the bottom of the pit. In the mouth of Satan he put Judas being chewed to pieces. I hope you don’t find Dante’s art offensive and censorable. What would you do next, burn the bible and other major works of art. 30 pieces of silver was the price one paid for a slave that had been gored by an ox in Old Testament Law. More low wage earners in America will not make us strong, we should be attracting top talent. You’ve got it upside down and backwards. I don’t know what you’ve become but you are certainly not my brother. You are not a friend of my family. You are not someone who honors the sacrifices of my ancestors. I don’t consider you part of my culture. It would seem that in trying to please everyone you have truly lost your sense of self, family, culture, and heritage. How can someone who has so entirely lost his way be a leader of anyone?
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Posted at 8:43AM on 5/18/07 by Jeannei
I am glad to see that you are allowing comments from those who disagree with you on this issue . including me.. All we want is the laws that are on the books and have been there for decades to be enforced.You dont need to change the laws you need to enforce the ones that are there. round em up get em out. you could have removed a bunch at may 1st protests. We only want immigrants who respect our laws and they surely dont.
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Posted at 8:48AM on 5/18/07 by cwa7148
I have always been a supporter of the senator but after yesterday that has all changed!!!! Seeing Sen. McCain up at the podium selling out America just made me sick. The illegals cannot vote but be assured honest Americans will and now it will not be for McCain!!!! THANKS FOR SELLING US OUT.
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Posted at 8:53AM on 5/18/07 by RedinBluePA
This immigration bill is utterly pathetic, and you have lost ANY chance whatsoever of getting my vote in ‘08. We are no longer a sovereign nation when people who come here illegally are not prosecuted. How many other nations allow people to come through their borders, and then stay there? Only the foolish ones do this.
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Posted at 9:02AM on 5/18/07 by Jeannei
I dont want to hear there are too many of them here for us to send them back. uh uh its because our congress sat on thier butts and watched as they poured over our borders and did nothing . if it costs a lot to send them back then so be it. let congress go without pay and benefits until every last one is sent back. Because congress failed the legal american citizens! respect has to be earned and congress thinks giving handouts earns respect? think giving out citizenship like its candy makes the ones obtaining that citizenship respectful citizens? not at all does just the opposite and this post is from an original mccainiac
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Posted at 9:12AM on 5/18/07 by Dotson
Would it be so hard to remove the illegals one by one. And let a new mexican laborer come in under a farm laborer visa? This will keep pickers picking. Have the farmers needing the laborers send in a request for the amount of laborers they need for that year and have that many Mexican laborers let in the country that year! And get those that broke our laws out of this country permanently. It could be done using fingerprints! If their is anyone that is good with web pages out their lets start up a “vote them ALL out” campaign! I will sacrifice my senator Mel Martinez to be the first one to be ousted and then, Arizona can sacrifice that snake in the grass John McCain! And why do they blame the employers for hiring the illegals, when the government wont do their jobs and keep them out. And then to threaten us! Stating we can’t come up with a better plan for years if you don’t except this one. Since when does the Government threaten us? WAKE UP AMERICA! FIGHT BACK!!
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Posted at 9:21AM on 5/18/07 by Dotson
The congress and senate only want the amnesty so that they can get the votes from the illegals once they become citizens. And then they will get the loyalty of the mexican Americans because they got the illegals in! john mccain is a side winder. “Vote them all out”!
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Posted at 9:54PM on 5/18/07 by USAProud
Let’s not forget to add Senator Jon Kyl to our list. Perhaps the good people of AZ will stand up and recall both their senators.
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Posted at 9:23AM on 5/18/07 by Jeannei
Senator McCain Remember Michael Christian, he said the pledge to the USA not to Mexico. As did all of you Pows
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Posted at 10:11AM on 5/18/07 by DanB
05.16 John McCain Will Do What Is Right For America The statment above came straight off your Presidential Campaign web site. But your actions as of 5.17 shows America how wrong this statement is. You close the boarders FIRST! And do it QUICKLY! You put the cart before the horse, and by doing so you have lost any chance that I would even consider to vote for you to become my President. I hope people of Arizona send you a message and remove you as their Senator. American and Arizona need true Republicans in office.
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Posted at 10:15AM on 5/18/07 by iowashorts
We are being sold out by you, Senator McCain. It’s probably a mute point with you, Senator McCain, but I was also one who hoped to have you as a viable contender for President. I can no longer foster that hope. To argue for a success at a compromise rather than a defeat on principle is too dangerous a game to play when it comes to our nation security and sovereignty. I would rather have a clear deliniation of who is for our security and who is not. If we’re going to go down the tubes as a country and as a culture, I’d rather go down iin flames and know that I tried my best to fight it. I DO NOT support this compromise, and no one who is rational, clear thinking, and loves this country would support this AMNESTY bill would, either.
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Posted at 7:44PM on 5/18/07 by Jeannei
Ok now everyone has vented , take a deep breath. Dont blame this all on McCain each and every one of us are to blame also. We didnt protest the illegals crossing our borders , we also sat and watched and did nothing. Congress thought we were not paying attention. and sadly many were not. If you dont care why should they? should have been an outcry back in 86!
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Posted at 10:15AM on 5/18/07 by tjkreto
Senator McCain, your support of this amnesty bill is an embarassment to the United States of America. With illegal immigrants comprising over 20% of our Federal Prison population, it is obvious that we need FEWER of their kind in our great nation. You must re-think your treasonous action against our great country. Immediately put a STOP to this bill and the influx of people which will come to our shores further dilluting our culture. Please, for our children.
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Posted at 10:23AM on 5/18/07 by dumbfounded
Open your eyes and smell the coffee. All this bill will do is allow lawbreakers a free ride while all the hard working tax payers will pay for it. You better learn to speak spanish because Mexico just aquired the entire United States with the Help of Senator McCain
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Posted at 10:35AM on 5/18/07 by TMan
I’m glad someone is stepping up and doing a good thing for this country. Joining the Marines is very admirable, life changing, patriotic, and appreciated at this time of war. Go SimperFi but, tell him then it is his responsiblity as a natural born US legal citizen that it is time to stand up and do the RIGHT thing. Your Mother would expect that from you. Stop the double standard. Heck, how did his mother miss out on the Reagan AMNESTY opportunity? Besides adults are responsible for themselves and if he is over 21 why don’t he follow CURRENT LAW and sponsor her himself. We don’t need this anymore than I need a tax bill to fund this hanging over my red blooded Air Force Desert Storm Veteran head.
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Posted at 11:16AM on 5/18/07 by BorderlineBob
Red blooded is good...are not we all? anyway you dont know many illegals or families where there are illegals in the family (Particularly core groups where one or both parents is illegal, but the kids are citizens). You dont know many of them do you? The boy is 19. He has already earned the Silver Star for Valor in combat agains the enemies of The United States. He is as “native” as you and I are (I assume you were born into The Republic). I dont know this Marines mother but I do know a lot of people like her and him. Issues are black and white when all you do is listen to Kieth Oberman or ORielly. Get out in the real world and try and come up with something practical..............McNasty has done that...........Robert
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Posted at 10:33PM on 5/18/07 by TMan
I understand now. Some just don’t get it. The coolaid is just too good. Hey, all I’m saying is that breaking the law is ok as long as 51% of this REPUBLIC’S voters go along with it and want to change it. It’s fine. Democracy needs debate. Riddle me: How do we make this fair for those who have followed the law, have jumped the hoops, and have crossed the T’s? Do you reward a child for purposely lying to get out of trouble? Be responsible! Reward bad behavior and that is what you get. Anyhow, NEVER FORGET THE ALAMO!
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Posted at 11:23AM on 5/18/07 by hook76311
The fact is that we do immigrants to come in and work in our country. After all there are jobs that Americans just do not want to do, But no matter how anyone wants to spin it this “agreement” or `Important Step’ is just a way for the Government (McCain included) to back out and bow to those that should not even have a voice…. It is really a shame that the only thing that we can count on is our Government stabbing the American people in the back…. Mr. McCain the will of the AMERICAN people is all that you should be concerned with. Not those that are here ILLEAGLY. I can only hope that the “Agreement “that you are proud of will hopefully be thrown out when it comes time for making it law. To all that read this don’t bother trying to respond to this… I only logged on to leave a comment for McCain’s staff… I will never be back to this site again.. Thanks for allowing me to post my thoughts
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Posted at 11:29AM on 5/18/07 by shagmanx
I am enraged by the Political Leadership of the great country, giving life (“a path to citizenship”) to millions, MILLIONS of law breaking, resource draining, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! This is NOT a race or discrimination issue PERIOD. It is about the core welfare of all American Citizens rights and values, being diminished by those that should not have any say in what this country and its leaders SHOULD stand for. Thank you Mr. President to be… NOT.
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Posted at 11:34AM on 5/18/07 by CharleyWhiskey
John, I’m afraid you misread your checklist. This quote I picked up today on another blog accurately summarizes why your latest deal with the senator from Chappaquddick has now put you out of the running for President: “ I’m a Canadian here in the US on an E2 Investor visa - I get to stay for 5 years based on my investment in a new business that employs Americans. If I’m lucky I can get a 2-year extension on that visa but otherwise I have to leave. Neither my wife nor my children are allowed to work or even have social security numbers, and we are by definition ‘resident aliens’ although somehow we manage to live with the shame of that label. My best option to get a green card is to invest 100 times more than the fine an illegal would have to pay to get a z visa and a path to permanent residency. Why am I not eligible for this citizenship giveaway? I’m well-educated, English-speaking, no burden on society, I bought a home and car here, and pay more than my fair share of taxes. Congress has sent me and others in my position a clear message: I’m one of the suckers who played by the rules, and I’m paying the price. Thanks for shining some light on this horrible bill, a watershed moment that will mark the end of America as we know it. I come from a country that has embraced bilingualism and multiculturalism, both slow-motion forms of cultural suicide.” That’s it John, from another ex-Naval Aviator in the class just after yours.
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Posted at 11:34AM on 5/18/07 by CharleyWhiskey
John, I’m afraid you misread your checklist. This quote I picked up today on another blog accurately summarizes why your latest deal with the senator from Chappaquddick has now put you out of the running for President: “ I’m a Canadian here in the US on an E2 Investor visa - I get to stay for 5 years based on my investment in a new business that employs Americans. If I’m lucky I can get a 2-year extension on that visa but otherwise I have to leave. Neither my wife nor my children are allowed to work or even have social security numbers, and we are by definition ‘resident aliens’ although somehow we manage to live with the shame of that label. My best option to get a green card is to invest 100 times more than the fine an illegal would have to pay to get a z visa and a path to permanent residency. Why am I not eligible for this citizenship giveaway? I’m well-educated, English-speaking, no burden on society, I bought a home and car here, and pay more than my fair share of taxes. Congress has sent me and others in my position a clear message: I’m one of the suckers who played by the rules, and I’m paying the price. Thanks for shining some light on this horrible bill, a watershed moment that will mark the end of America as we know it. I come from a country that has embraced bilingualism and multiculturalism, both slow-motion forms of cultural suicide.” That’s it John, from another ex-Naval Aviator in the class just after yours.
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Posted at 11:35AM on 5/18/07 by pattypatriot
How would the justice system treat citizens of this country that used false or stolen identification to work in this country? How about failing to file income tax returns (known as TAX EVASION)? I know, do you? We would be prosecuted, incarcerated, and our property would be seized by the IRS. But, the illegals only have to pay a fine and “touch back” to gain a path to citizenship? PLEASE, just how stupid do you people in Washington think We The People are? If these people are NOT held accountable to the same laws we MUST IS AMNESTY!
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Posted at 11:46AM on 5/18/07 by JBStephens
Dear Senator McCain, Since 2000, I have been one of your most ardent and vocal (to anyone who would listen) supporters. I consider you a great American hero and of all in politics and government, the one with the most integrity and sense of honor and sacrifice. During the Clinton years, we were asked to believe that character does not count. For me, it has always been the single most important factor. I thought and still feel that you possess it in spades. I have disagreed with your position on campaign finance reform and the tobacco settlement legislation, but you were still my choice to lead this great nation. However, I am not sure that I can accept your position on this immigration bill. I understand the need for immigration. Currently, there are about three workers for every retiree but soon that ratio will flip. I understand there are many jobs that must be performed that most Americans do not want. But there must be a better way than an amnesty. I am afraid the damage has already been done to your candidacy, but I strongly urge you to reconsider your position. I wish you only the best, and will always be appreciative of the sacrifices you have made for your country. God bless you and your family.
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Posted at 12:29PM on 5/18/07 by yankeerudy
Immigration is just one of many sticky topics that the next U.S. President must deal with. By laying out their positions on these topics, candidates can connect with voters and, hopefully, earn their party’s nomination. I’m surprised that Senator McCain isn’t doing better in one presidential candidate poll:
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Posted at 12:33PM on 5/18/07 by ArmySGM
Senator, you have lost my vote and the votes of many of my fellow soldiers and friends. I will campaign against you rather than for you.
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Posted at 12:36PM on 5/18/07 by cbkaty sir frighten people, especially women & children..... You might as well stick a fork in’re done.
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Posted at 12:45PM on 5/18/07 by Hermosan
The bill regarding amnesty. Let us call it for what it truly is. My husband recently became a US citizen. The proper legal way. We paid lawyers and did everything legally. He entered this country legally. We know how hard it is to become a citizen and want to keep it that way. Allowing illegals to become citizens via a bill is wrong and all involved should be ashamed of themselves. The cost will be astronomical and something we can not afford! I am ashamed to see things like this. My husband was from a country that was ruled by dictatorship. It is embarrassing to explain how things like this could be going on in a democracy. Especially when we in California are against it and most effected by it, but we are getting it crammed down out throats anyway. My plan is a simple one. Go after the employers and secure our borders. When the jobs dry up the illegals will go home! If some steps are not taken in a positive direction away from this bill. I will VOTE against all who have voted for it. It appears that Democrats and Republicans are looking to their needs instead of the peoples needs and desires. It is because of this that I my just look into a 3rd party. Also, how did special interest groups get so strong. Allowing them to oversee and approve a government bill is like allowing prisoners the authority to of who gets control of the jailers keys. Once these illegals get their citizenship, they won’t be working for less than 10 bucks per hour. They will be competing for jobs with my sons! We don’t need more people in our work force. It is wrong to say American won’t do the jobs that they are doing. We did them in the past and we can do them again. Remember, I will vote against ANYONE voting for this bill! I will also be passing my views along to anyone willing to listen. Politicians should be ashamed of themselves, if they pass this bill. Do the right thing and go after the employers. Illegal is illegal, no matter how you spin it. Sinncerely, Jane
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Posted at 12:45PM on 5/18/07 by Hermosan
The bill regarding amnesty. Let us call it for what it truly is. My husband recently became a US citizen. The proper legal way. We paid lawyers and did everything legally. He entered this country legally. We know how hard it is to become a citizen and want to keep it that way. Allowing illegals to become citizens via a bill is wrong and all involved should be ashamed of themselves. The cost will be astronomical and something we can not afford! I am ashamed to see things like this. My husband was from a country that was ruled by dictatorship. It is embarrassing to explain how things like this could be going on in a democracy. Especially when we in California are against it and most effected by it, but we are getting it crammed down out throats anyway. My plan is a simple one. Go after the employers and secure our borders. When the jobs dry up the illegals will go home! If some steps are not taken in a positive direction away from this bill. I will VOTE against all who have voted for it. It appears that Democrats and Republicans are looking to their needs instead of the peoples needs and desires. It is because of this that I my just look into a 3rd party. Also, how did special interest groups get so strong. Allowing them to oversee and approve a government bill is like allowing prisoners the authority to of who gets control of the jailers keys. Once these illegals get their citizenship, they won’t be working for less than 10 bucks per hour. They will be competing for jobs with my sons! We don’t need more people in our work force. It is wrong to say American won’t do the jobs that they are doing. We did them in the past and we can do them again. Remember, I will vote against ANYONE voting for this bill! I will also be passing my views along to anyone willing to listen. Politicians should be ashamed of themselves, if they pass this bill. Do the right thing and go after the employers. Illegal is illegal, no matter how you spin it. Sinncerely, Jane
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Posted at 12:49PM on 5/18/07 by WillBIllegalforFood
I’d take 10 draft dodging cowards who didn’t support this bill over one war hero who is by all accounts leading the charge.
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Posted at 1:05PM on 5/18/07 by Royfrzr
“In 1986 Senator Kennedy said, ‘This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this.’ Senator Kennedy lied to us. Shame on you Senator McCain! Our nation has been betrayed we are now Americo!
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Posted at 1:06PM on 5/18/07 by LeatherneckMT
Treason, it’s nothing short of Treason. You have sold this country down the drain, you and the rest of the “elite” jerks in washington DC are bound and determined to destroy this Nation from within. YOU and people LIKE YOU are the reason the Republican Party got it’s butt handed to it on a platter last November. Welcome to the Minority John, ya’ll will stay there for the foreseeable future.
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Posted at 1:11PM on 5/18/07 by AREALAmerican
Yes. In fact, if she hadnt broken our laws in the first place we wouldnt be in this spot. No, I wasnt a Marine, but I was NAVY. Robert, please talk about the 30% of our prison system that is filled with ILLEGALS. Ild love to hear your brilliance on them.
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Posted at 1:23PM on 5/18/07 by BorderlineBob
It is the best that can be realistically done. We need realistic solutions to difficult problems. Robert
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Posted at 1:25PM on 5/18/07 by BorderlineBob
One more thing...about the 30 percent illegals in the prison system. I helped put some of them there. Robert
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Posted at 1:32PM on 5/18/07 by Russ4McCain
Certainly it angers many good American patriots that millions on non-Americans sneaked into this country and will now have a chance to stay, and for some, to eventually become American citizens. But I ask all of you who are angered by immigration reform to keep in mind the causal relationships here. Don’t be blinded by your emotions. Our current immigration problems are mostly due to the following five reasons: (1) a nearly two-thousand mile long southern border with less affluent neighbors which consists of nothing but uninhabited desert; (2) a fast-growing and (comparatively) extremely wealthy U.S. economy; (3) a Constitution that prevents the federal government from unchecked police-state tactics in controlling immigration; (4) a revolving door election system that negatively impacts smart, long-term policy implementation; and (5) a liberal media. In other words, it’s not John McCain’s fault. The solution to the U.S. immigration problem is going to be imperfect, and in its current state, the proposed legislation is certainly imperfect. Some would prefer to arrest and deport all illegal aliens. Most in this regard have little or no experience with law enforcement and the courts, and do not understand what this effort would entail. Or, if they do understand what such a monumental undertaking would entail, they have selfish goals that are politically unworkable (and in fact political suicide) in our liberal democracy. A smaller minority would prefer to declare sovereignty is dead, and open our borders to anyone and everyone who wants a piece of the American dream. Ditto on the defects to this idea Thus, a compromise - the essence of politics - lies at the root of any workable solution. As with most big government initiatives, the devil is in the details. The Dep’t of Homeland Security is a bureaucratic monstrosity because it has to be. It’s big, it’s ugly, and it’s here to stay. In a nation of laws, where each person has inalienable rights, whether citizens of this country or not, each individual case must be adjudicated on the merits. And that means you cannot round up 12 million people and cattledrive them home, no questions asked. Is the current situation unfortunate? Yes. Are there 1,000 ways to craft a solution? Yes, given the myriad levers and machinations of government. Are some illegal aliens, in essence, going to be granted “amnesty?” under the current proposal. Yes, unfortunately, although we must be honest and admit that amnesty has many definitions, and your’s alone is not the only definition. Sen. McCain demonstrates leadership with his backing of comprehensive immigration reform by understanding the limits of government and working to create bipartisan support that reaches a lowest common denominator workable solution. If you disagree with it, and prioritize the problem over all other issues facing society, then well, fine, cast your vote accordingly. But don’t be offended when (1) those of us who are more familiar with the realities of law and government shake our heads at your absolutist tendencies, or when (2) your guy loses. Or gal, as the case may be. No one is completely happy with this. Nor, I’m sure, is Senator McCain. Nor, obviously, are most commentators to this blog. Nor am I. But life is unfair. Deal with it. This country is evolving, and always has evolved, in many unexpected ways. We can work together to create a better future, or we can hunker down in our respective corners and stake out our grounds. When and if that becomes the norm, the United States - originally a nation of nothing but immigrants - will truly be on the decline.
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Posted at 2:40PM on 5/18/07 by JBStephens
You make some good points, however your assertion that “police tactics” are the only way to defend our border is ludicrous. Our Constitution calls for defending our borders and defending our laws. Including immigration laws.
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Posted at 3:02PM on 5/18/07 by JBStephens
By the way, the Indians were here before this country was founded, as were my ancestors. We are not all immigrants.
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Posted at 11:48AM on 5/19/07 by Russ4McCain
Yeah JB, I forgot to mention the Indians. True enough. But when I say “police-state tactics,” I mean the images and press that will result from US federal agents raiding Latino households throughout the U.S. Many Latino families are part-legal, part-illegal. The Fourth Amendment (and court rulings in its wake) require reasonable suspicion of a crime having been committed before any person in the U.S. can be subject to search or seizure. Picture this: Border Patrol paddywagons pull up to the front-door of suspected illegal immigrant enclaves for a massive raid (really now. . . one-by-one?). Federal agents in dark jackets and with firearms drawn pounce. Men scatter, women scream and yell, children cry, and all the while, the videotape is rolling. If you don’t think that America’s image abroad has suffered in recent years (meaning the image of democracy abroad), then just wait until the Dep’t of Homeland Security gets the order from the Atty General to start sweeping immigrant neighborhoods. This is why I tie in the liberal media. I’m not a dreamer, folks, nor an idealist. This is realism. We have suffered greatly by porous borders and lax enforcement, and the price we’ll pay is the cost of 12 million (give or take) illegals being allowed to assimilate, having cheated their way in. But if it can be said there is a silver lining to 9/11, it is that we have been awakened to this massive problem. The most practical solution to prevent immigration from ever running rampant again are the trigger mechanisms built into the current law which REQUIRES strict measures at border enforcement FIRST. We did not have UAVs with infrared and seamless wireless networks in 1986. Now we do. The odds of securing the border have greatly improved through technology and the willpower of a U.S. citizenry that has finally been awakened to the problem. And remember, under the proposed legislation, those who fail criminal background checks, or who present medical liabilities, or who are found to have committed fraud, will not pass muster under the current system, and will be subject to exclusion. As will those who can’t hold a job or who fail to pay taxes. So pick and choose. If you want an America surrounded by brick walls AND with a deteriorating image abroad, then keep ranting about the current bill. If you want an America that tries to salvage its past as a beacon of hope and democracy - really one of the true things that sets apart from other nations of the world - then try looking a little closer at the reality of things. Thanks also to Borderline Bob’s enlightened comments. Senator, keep a steady keel. You’re doing just fine. No pain, no gain.
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Posted at 5:23PM on 5/19/07 by JBStephens
Hi Russ, I didn’t intend to suggest that we raid homes in the middle of the night to capture illegals. But we can begin by deporting and labeling permanently inelligible ones who have found their way into our criminal justice system We can insist that our financial institutions do not enter contracts with people unqualified to do so. We can insist that our educational system is here for the benefit of OUR youth, as well as our hospitals. When illegal immigrants receive only what they are entitled to, the number coming here will be dramatically reduced. Go to Mexico or just about any other country in the world illegally and see what services you are offerred.
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Posted at 1:49PM on 5/18/07 by ldain
Your support of this immigration amnesty bill is a betrayal of the trust of all legal American citizens. Vote no! Build the Fence! Enforce the laws!
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Posted at 1:56PM on 5/18/07 by JACKW
I hope all Americans who work,pay taxes and obey the law are watching, Senator. And I encouragemy fellow Republicans to make a point of getting to the polls on Primary Day and vote against you and your attempt to sell out America to the criminals that illegally cross our borders. You’re all done.
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Posted at 2:52PM on 5/18/07 by elad
Out of disgust about 7 years ago, I dropped my registration as a Republican and became an Independent. I am planning to re-register of as a Republican so I can NOT vote for you for president. I cannot understand how anyone can stand against the 70% of Americans that are against amnesty or anything that looks like amnesty. Don’t count on California to put you in the Republican running for president. I wouldn’t vote for you for dog catcher at this point. I keep wondering why MALDEF and LA RAZA have so much power over people like you. The people of Arizona better recall you if they want our tourist dollars.
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Posted at 3:23PM on 5/18/07 by Digger
Your points are not good. (1) As to the border, all undeployed military should be patrolling our borders and making sure that no illegal encroachments occur. We are at war, and this is the job of an army at war. I refuse to accept any comment that the United States Military cannot secure our borders. They can, and they must. This is doable by one president with will to act and does not need to involve any say so from congress. (2) The fast flowing and extremely wealthy U.S. economy will only continues so long as it’s legs are not cut from underneath it. A bankrupt U.S. government will lead to higher taxes to support the growing welfare state and the U.S. economy will crumble. Employers need to be heavily punished for hiring illegal aliens. This is doable by one president with will to act and does not need to involve any say so from congress. (3) “Police State Tactics” All of the immigration laws on the books are constitutional and can be enforced without “Police State Tactics” Just because you do not provide free welfare, health, education, and jobs to people who have crossed our soverign borders illegally does NOT make us a police state. Just because we choose to return those people who came illegally, does NOT make us a police state. Enforcing our laws does NOT make us a police state. If our current immigration laws were enforced as written, this problem would be solved without us becoming a police state. This is doable by one president with will to act and does not need to involve any say so from congress. (4) Your solution to the revolving door which causes bad policy is to support a man who continues to make bad policy? No, bad policy can be countered with one stroke of a president’s veto pen. This is doable by one president with will to act and does not need to involve any say so from congress. (5) The liberal media is a problem. Republicans who play to that media because it thinks it will help them are even bigger problems. If I don’t like democratic ideas, why would I support a man who allows those ideas to come to fruition? Answer: I wouldn’t, and I will not. I don’t know who gets my vote on primary day, but I know who won’t. Take a guess Johnny boy. If Tancredo or Hunter look like they can pull it off, they will for sure. If not, it’s ABM for me. Anybody but McCain.
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Posted at 10:37PM on 5/18/07 by BorderlineBob
REally...all the “undeployed military” should be on the border...Thats a wondeful plan isnt it. Back from Fallujah...go to New Mexico and patrol the border...then go back to Ramadi. a little reality would be nice. Robert
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Posted at 11:54AM on 5/19/07 by Russ4McCain
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Posted at 4:06PM on 5/18/07 by imurgen
How can you even consider approving a laughable, appaling bill such as the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform?” and think you can be elected as the next President of this great nation? Have you gone out of your mind? Have you not even heard of the words “ENFORCEMENT;” “ANARCHY;” “JUSTICE;” “RULE OF LAW;” “DISCRIMINATION;” “SOVEREIGNTY;” just to name a few. There will definitely be anarchy when our current laws are not enforced, and instead, more laws are enacted to cover up whatever deficiencies the government might have.Why do our legislators, like yourself, keep discriminating against the U.S. citizens? Why don’t you punish the law-breakers, the illegal aliens, instead of rewarding them with immediate legal status and a pathway to U.S. citizenship? Why do you keep providing for these people with U.S. taxpayers’ money? You call this justice? Where is the rule of law here? These people have zero loyalty to the United States. They come here illegally insisting on their language and their culture, and take to our streets, demanding “immigration rights” but carry other flags, like the Mexican flags. And you just take it and give in to their demands. What happened to our sovereignty as a nation? Why do you have to ask persmission from Mexico before we can do what we have to do with our porous borders? And you want to be the next leader of this country? You got to be kidding me! I want a great President who will stand up for the rights of the American citizen! (That’s not you, obviously!)
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Posted at 4:24PM on 5/18/07 by Sickened
Now you’ve done it! You’ve helped make sure that low paying jobs stay that way or get worse. You’ve given the go ahead for millions of illegals to stream across our borders to take advantage of your stupid decision. Who cares if both sides of the aisle agreed on something. That’s not the victory in this case. It is the loss. The loss of pride in your country and what it stands for. Sure you are letting people in on the American dream. All the while stealing it away from the citizens (legal) who will be forced to pay the way for these illegals through their taxes. The social strain of this decision will be immeasurable. If you are trying to lose out on becoming our next president, you picked the perfect way to accomplish that. Remember. Illegals can’t show their gratitude of your amnesty program with votes. Or is that next on the agenda?
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Posted at 4:27PM on 5/18/07 by USAProud
Thank you Senator McCain for exposing your true colors. You have lost my vote and my support in your run for the presidency. I will work hard for that candidate that supports America and a true conservative agenda.
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Posted at 4:55PM on 5/18/07 by AugieDoggie
NO NO NO NO!!!! The only immigration reform I will accept is a southern border secured by a brick wall five feet thick, 20 feet high topped with three feet of barbed wire and as long as from San Diego, California to Brownsville, Texas with NO BREAKS in it. There should also be heavily armed guard towers about every 1,000 feet or so (Take a cue from the East Germans!!) NO ONE should be in this country unless they were born here (NO ANCHOR BABIES!!) or have the legal papers to prove they belong here LEGALLY! We have been sold out by the Senate — why don’t they just take every map of North America and an eraser and erase that line between the US and Mexico?
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Posted at 4:55PM on 5/18/07 by CourtneyA1
The new round of poll numbers for McCain and Bush should be pretty interesting. You mine as well close up your presidential campaign office, you’re done. McCain either didn’t know people were going to react like this (very out of touch then!) or just didn’t care. Neither is a good reason for his support of this crazy AMNESTY bill.
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Posted at 5:16PM on 5/18/07 by standupnow
Add me to this, MR. McCain you are a TRAITOR ! How dare you, Mr. McCain, side with illegal aliens over the majority of Americans? How?!! You of all people, who so bradley served in the U.S. service, would just stand and watch America be invaded by another nation. How!!? Why!!??? WWII vets didn’t fight and die so foreigners could step on Amreican soil and push their son’s, daaughters and and granchirdrin to the side; disrespect thier country and laws? They wave thier flag in our face on our soil!!!!! Please, fight for us, protect me... my family, all Americans.
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Posted at 6:10PM on 5/18/07 by Nevadadad
Senator McCain: Do you serve the Land of Liberty or la Tierra de la Mordida? Where should we send you bricks? To remind you of what an average citizen desires, I’ll paraphrase an earlier campaign slogan - ... it’s the border, ___
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Posted at 6:16PM on 5/18/07 by rlukk
Mr. McCain you have sold out the American people and lost my vote
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Posted at 6:57PM on 5/18/07 by BigDumbApe
As a lifelong Republican, I was previously behind Senator McCain in his bid for the White House. But given his support for the Kennedy/Bush Immigration Bill — which let’s be blunt, grants total AMNESTY to the 12 million illegals living in the U.S. — I can no longer support the Senator and will now switch my vote to another candidate, as well as any pledge money I had considered donating. In the long run, perhaps this post — or others like it — may mean little to someone like the Senator, but I’m pretty sure I’m NOT the only Conservative Republican out here who feels betrayed by your support for the Kennedy Bill. So I just wanted to vocally say how disappointed I am in you. Translation: I’m taking my vote AND my money elsewhere!
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Posted at 12:22AM on 5/19/07 by AugieDoggie
You are NOT a “big dumb ape” if you have already realized that McCain is probably considering “Si, yo puedo” as his campaign slogan. My friend, go to and pledge your support there. You’ll be much happier.
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Posted at 7:20PM on 5/18/07 by fastscott
Senator McCain-close your campaign offices-take a vacation and save the money you would spend on trying to get elected. Yesterday you sold this country down the river. I used to hold you up as a great American-I no longer do. I used to think of you as a hero-I no longer do. I used to think of you as a good politician and a straight arrow-I no longer do. The first time you sold me out was when you were in Iowa and you stated that you really did not give a damn about Fathers rights and the condition of the family courts in this country. The second time has been on the immigration amnesty. Senator I will not let you sell me or my country out again. I feel ashamed for my past support of you. I used to say that you would have been better than Bush-that is being thrown back in my face. You have lost my support and my respect.
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Posted at 7:20PM on 5/18/07 by fastscott
Senator McCain-close your campaign offices-take a vacation and save the money you would spend on trying to get elected. Yesterday you sold this country down the river. I used to hold you up as a great American-I no longer do. I used to think of you as a hero-I no longer do. I used to think of you as a good politician and a straight arrow-I no longer do. The first time you sold me out was when you were in Iowa and you stated that you really did not give a damn about Fathers rights and the condition of the family courts in this country. The second time has been on the immigration amnesty. Senator I will not let you sell me or my country out again. I feel ashamed for my past support of you. I used to say that you would have been better than Bush-that is being thrown back in my face. You have lost my support and my respect.
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Posted at 7:37PM on 5/18/07 by reaganlvr
*****ATTENTION JOHN MCCAIN******** If this joke of an immigration reform bill passes, WE WILL NOT VOTE YOU INTO OFFICE!!!!! Oh, and please quit calling yourself a conservative.
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Posted at 7:47PM on 5/18/07 by NJJeff
Senator McCain, I have been a supporter of yours for a long time. But this immigration bill is bad for America. I can not support a candiate that supports this bill. Read the comments on your own website, and see that Republicans and Americans will not support this bill. I am sorry to see you self destruct in this manner.
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Posted at 7:48PM on 5/18/07 by NJJeff
Senator McCain, I have been a supporter of yours for a long time. But this immigration bill is bad for America. I can not support a candiate that supports this bill. Read the comments on your own website, and see that Republicans and Americans will not support this bill. I am sorry to see you self destruct in this manner.
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Posted at 8:09PM on 5/19/07 by 2000RaceSupporter
I saw him self-destruct in 2000. He’s doing it again but this time he wants to take out the Republic Party and the US social support system as well. Why does he do these things?
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Posted at 7:56PM on 5/18/07 by 131313
Mr. McCain- If you vote for any type of amnesty I will NEVER vote for you in 2008!!!!
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Posted at 8:13PM on 5/18/07 by Enora
My vote is lost. This bill sells out the US. Being an “American” doesn’t mean anything to you guys. Our country is buckling under the burden of supporting all the illegals. Every little town in the US is over populated with a “community” of folks who don’t pay taxes, are destroying our public schools, health care systems, and public services. If this goes through we’re done. Thanks, Life long Republican voter Age 34
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Posted at 8:36PM on 5/18/07 by JIDude
I lived in Tucson during most of the 80’s and 90’s and I saw the horrible impact illegals were having on that once lovely city. These are not the same folks who used to move to America from Mexico in years past - many of these are violent criminals. So we wrote letters and complained to the federal government that we needed border security as every year it got worse and worse. And you know what? Nothing was done. And now the elites have handed us what is basically a fait accompli. Good going, senator - you will go down in history for this and it will not be a kind history.
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Posted at 8:43PM on 5/18/07 by Theomo
No one calling themselves a conservative would compromise on such a sacred value such as borders. Regan blew it in 1986, we are not going to let it happen again. I am off the McCain bandwagon. You aren’t a conservative and you are hardly a patriot if you want to continue to allow this travesty of human exploitation continue. If you want to get the conservative vote, try some of the following positions: 1) Cut off all government benefits to illegal aliens now! 2) Jail the CEO’s and board of director members of companies that employ illegal alien workers! 3) Send the 28% of our prison population that is here ILLEGALLY BACK to the countries they came from. 4) Change the 14th amendment to limit US citizenship to people born here while the parents are LEGALLY here! Eliminate all anchor baby problems! 5) National ID cards (passports) used for all government benefits (including schooling). 6) Make English the official language of the United States. Until then John, you won’t get any support from me. Sadly, I am now stuck pulling for Mitt.
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Posted at 8:52PM on 5/18/07 by thisguydosenotgetit
There have post going on for two days now. McCain has total access here, and has unlimited access to millions of potential voters... With all this at his finger tips... There is no response, no comments, nothing... Do you all think that he is just really busy... or could it be that he just dose not care? I, a former McCain supporter ( no longer because of this) believe that he just dose not care.... Come on John explain to all of those that were going to vote for you why you decided to Knife all of us in the back.... could it be because you never had to sit in an emergency room for hours because the people in question use it as a Doctors office? Could it be because you are living a life of privilege and F every one else as long as you and your family are not affected in the way of taxes, traffic, loss of jobs? Or could it simply be that you just do not care? By the way it may be a good ideal to go ahead and switch parties.... I cannot believe that anybody in this party would ever vote for you again. Once again thanks for the knife in the back.. hope you have a great day
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Posted at 9:42PM on 5/18/07 by strengthandhonor
Your support of this immigration bill has caused me to remove myself from your mailing list, and you have lost my support. What in the phrase “infrastructure collapse” don’t you get?
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Posted at 9:59PM on 5/18/07 by Florida2008
Why is Sen McCain supporting the sham immigration bill? He is failing his obligation to defend the Constitution and uphold exhisting laws.
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Posted at 10:03PM on 5/18/07 by nosellout
John- I have supported your candidacy in the past, but can no longer do so - this amnesty bill is a sham and a danger - the Z visas are a nightmare of gargantuan proportions. Let’s see - parents, spouses, children, an indefinite stay permitted, why bother moving to a “path to citizenship” when you can just stay here, bring all your chums (oops, I mean “family”), and continue remaking modestly corrupt America into completely corrupt Mexico? I will actively work for this bill’s defeat and will work against any candidate who is on record supporting this travesty.
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Posted at 12:27AM on 5/19/07 by AugieDoggie
How about if someone in the Arizona Republican Party starts a petition to remove McCain from office. That should do it. Maybe if he loses his current job with all its cushy benefits and has to get a real job like all the rest of us, he may get it.
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Posted at 10:49PM on 5/18/07 by bugs
sorry you forgot who you where.....
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Posted at 11:12PM on 5/18/07 by Dotson
Mr. McCain you stated in your recent letter. “Senator Isakson, long ago, had a proposal” Why wasn’t the proposal done long ago? Why wait for now? Let me tell you why. It is because of the extra votes that you and the others will get from the new citizens. Then you stated “ We can and must complete this legislation sooner rather than later”. “move forward as quickly as possible.” Yes lets snowball this amnesty through as quickly as possible so THE PEOPLE won’t be able to stop it. Then you stated. “This is a product of a long, hard trail of negotiation and I’m sure that there are certain provisions that each of us would not agree with. This is what the legislative process is all about; this is what bipartisanship is about,”. This is what bipartisanship is about? You are a employee of THE PEOPLE! We do NOT have to except your concept of the best. The best you can do is what we want! Not what you want. Because WE ARE THE PEOPLE! WE decide!
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Posted at 11:13AM on 5/19/07 by pattypatriot
I agree with this in it’s entirety. However, Mr. McCain made quite clear on “meet the press” last Sunday that he does NOT care what anyone elses position or opinion is on what is best for the country because he firmly believes he has the best life experiences to make the decisions that ARE best for the country. So, does this sound like he is representing We The People? NOT.
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Posted at 12:03AM on 5/19/07 by Dotson
Estimates based on Census data, National surveys, administrative data and other sources indicate that the current [2/2007] illegal population is between 12 million and 20 million. Did you know that according to the National Census. Arizona’s 2006 population is only 6,166,318! That means Mr. McCain wants to let in to the United States the population equivalent of Two (2) to 3.24 States of Arizona’s. Or at worst. More than the ENTIRE state of New York. Including the City of New York! Or ruffly 1/15 the ENTIRE population of the UNITED STATES! Now how do you feel about amnesty?
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Posted at 12:06AM on 5/19/07 by JM
John McCain was once one of my heroes. No more. He’s blown one great opportunity to capitalize on his former bravery. If the fool were reading his own blog, he’d realize the tide of mainline American public opinion is running against him. The passion and fury being expressed here will surely be reflected in the electorate turning against him in the primaries. God, I can’t stand it!! You can’t screw America and be loved by Americans. It’s obvious to me but not to any of the McCainiacs. Down with illegal aliens and their supporters.
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Posted at 4:45AM on 5/19/07 by myname123456
NO AMNESTY!!!!! Senator McCain, I still have not decided on which candidate to support in 2008. It is so early in the process and there are so many candidates; but that shady secret backroom amnesty deal with Teddy Kennedy has removed your name from my list of possible candidates to support. There will be no amnesty for illegals; the American people will not allow it. You libs have done this many times in the past and every single time you promised that it would solve the problem. All that ever happens is that five times the number of illegals who are here now, end up getting amnesty. Then they sign up for every single program they can get their hands on and the load gets even heavier for those of us pulling the wagon. There will be no amnesty and your 2008 campaign is finished. You have lived a good life senator, serving your country in Vietnam (thank you) but you ended your political career with this amnesty bill. I sincerely hope that you enjoy your retirement..
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Posted at 9:33AM on 5/19/07 by GREEKSTER
Well, you & your ilk, have succeeded in selling out your country. This is such a traitorous act. I am sooo dis-illusioned with the governments actions on immigration. What don’t you pompous, disconnected, elitists in D.C. understand about the term & definition “illegal?” We as a people have endured the limitations & rhetoric of The Patriot Act & the protecting America mantra only to see false conservatives fall in lock step with the socialist left of our nation. I surely hope this traitorous act on your part surely precludes you from any further terms in Arizona & eliminates you from any possible presidential nomination. At this time I don’t know who I will vote for, BUT.. you have most assuredly have eliminated. You acually make Benedict Arnold look like a PATRIOT. I view you in the same class as a spy, someone who would sell out their country for their own personal gain. At the LEAST, this item should be placed on the ballot for the AMERICAN people to vote on, after all it is OUR country & as you have appearantly forgotton you are SUPPOSED to work for US. What a pathetic bill you & your leftist drunken chum Kennedy have crafted. You are as vile as the Clintons,Murtha & Reid. You action has resulted in your political self-castration. I hope the real Americans of Arizona & America vote you & your kind out as you surely do not deserve your position. History will show that you & your kind have squandered America’s trust, our fore-fathers deams, and our military veterans sacrifices for your personal power quest. You are a blight on America. This is the truth....reality is a tough thing to accept. I’ll give you credit though, it takes a tough man to look into the mirror everyday & see a traitorous sellout & not be affected
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Posted at 10:07AM on 5/19/07 by langjahr
I have never been so disgusted by my government as I was the day the “deal” was made. How can McCain back the selling out of America to foreign interests? Giving ILLEGAL immigrants any path to citizenship is an act of treason and should be dealt as such.
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Posted at 11:08AM on 5/19/07 by misaa
Thanks for selling out our country!!! This is an invasion that has taken place and should we reward them? Lets invite 20 million Iranians in as well and our stupid government can welcome them in with open arms!! - How can you do this? I thought you were a Patriot!! - What ashame!!
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Posted at 11:08AM on 5/19/07 by misaa
Thanks for selling out our country!!! This is an invasion that has taken place and should we reward them? Lets invite 20 million Iranians in as well and our stupid government can welcome them in with open arms!! - How can you do this? I thought you were a Patriot!! - What ashame!!
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Posted at 12:23PM on 5/19/07 by drwegs
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Posted at 12:35PM on 5/19/07 by chilson
If this is a good bill than why rush it though next week? Let the American people read and debate this bill before any steps are taken. I think it should be shot down until all the candidates running for president debate it in front of the American people. You guys in the Senate and house are sick of hearing “Amnesty” and the American people are sick of hearing you can’t enforce our own laws. You are the ones that allowed States to give illegal aliens a safe place to hide even though they are breaking federal law by doing so. The police can’t even ask if these people are here illegally. This is a common sense issue; you say you can’t find all the illegal aliens so changing the law is the answer? Common sense tells me you can’t find all the American’s that have broken the law, but you don’t give them amnesty You must think we are all stupid. You will lose any chance you had at the presidency if this passes, and for the life of me I can’t understand why you can’t wait for the people of this country to be fully informed about it before making a decision on such an important issue. You are a servant of the people not a dictator, or are you?
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Posted at 1:23PM on 5/19/07 by legalAmerican
Dear Senator McCain, I am a 25 yr. old American citizen currently looking for a new, challenging, and well paying job. I have experience in many fields, including surveying, drafting, and all manner of construction and farming. Having worked in these fields since age 13, I am a hard worker with a strong sense work-ethic. I will also have my college degree within the next year. Unfortunately, the negative influence of illegal immigration has suppressed my wages and caused the price of my health insurance/ medical expenses to sky rocket. I understand that you are offering an Agriculture job for what sounds like an excellent wage. If the job is not already taken, I would like to fill out an application. Please contact me, at your convenience, to set up an interview. Given the opportunity, I would make an excellent lettuce picker. As a proud American, There is no job I would not do.
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Posted at 1:40PM on 5/19/07 by TxAggieInNY
As with many posting comments on this site, I believe that the proposed immigration “reform” bill is a terrible abuse of the power that we, the voters, place in you, the politicians, to serve as our representatives in government. Giving amnesty to people who are in this country illegally is wholly wrong, and will be remembered at the next election cycle. I for one was seriously considering supporting Mr. McCain as a viable candidate for president, as he has in the past been true to centrist convictions, and been a firm supporter of the ideals of life and liberty that are core to our Americanism, but the decision to advance this legislation against the overwhelming opposition of the public is greatly concerning. I strongly urge you to reconsider, as I do not see how I can in good conscience support someone for the office of president who is apparently so blind to the issues that this will create (for example, crippling the social security system), and deaf to the desires of the constituency. Thank you.
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Posted at 2:09PM on 5/19/07 by DavidCruz
I have to agree with the statement made by the majority of the posters. Mr McCain has been on the wrong side of many issues. From Campaign Fin. reform to the illegal immigration issue, Mr McCain has shown that he’d rather compromise principals to get along with the democrats than to take the conservative (The RIGHT) position. I am a hispanic male born in this country. My parents LEGALLY immigrated to this country back in the 60’s. With little education or grasp of the english language. My family came here, worked hard and provided a better life for their children. I consider myself blessed to be living in the greatest country on earth. I have worked hard, managed to finish my education, worked for several fortune 500 companies and now run my own business. I have two children. Both I believe will far exceed anything i or my parents accomplished. None of this would have been possible if this great country did not have a path to citizenship. So, when we talk about the immigration issue. I fully understand the plight of Illegals. But that in no way removes the fact that 12+ million mexicans decided to enter this country illegally and break the law. 12+ million that want to cut in front of the legal immigration line. Mr McCain, That’s simply unamerican, unconservative and ungodly. The only immigration bill you and the rest of congress should be working on should soley focus on Border security. Once you can prove to the american public that you have secured the border and deported the majority of the illegal population. Then we can have a talk about immigration reform. Mr McCain, I appreciate your service to our country in vietnam and your stance on the war in iraq. I know that you are a decent man. But i cannot in good conscience cast a vote for you. My vote will be going to Mitt Romney. (Fred Thompson if decides to run) If you are the Republican nominee, I like many conservatives will stay home on election night. Maybe another lost in the Republican primary will sway you to come back to your conservative roots. David Cruz Philadelphia PA
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Posted at 2:10PM on 5/19/07 by birdman
This is not reality. These people have already broken the law by being here, therefore they should be deported. I live in America but it feels as though I am living in Mexico. The fact of reality is Mr. McCain, you support amnesty for people who are here illegally, what about those who came to America legally and who have to earn there citizenship. How can you enforce this bill when you can not even enforce the laws that are the books today? No on amnesty and we the Americans who believe in borders, language, and American culture will vote you and anyone else who is for this bill. I thought you were a patriot a few years ago it seems as though you have become what Bush is a globalist.
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Posted at 3:15PM on 5/19/07 by Laurie
The Senate bill doesn’t mention passing a medical test that all legal citizens must pass, will this be included? How extensive can a background check be if Mexico is dying to unload their citizens, so they can send money back to relatives in Mexico? Isn’t this a little bit like Cuba sending the boat people? Will the employers who verify an illegal has been in the country before January ‘07 be punished as required by law for employing an illegal? Will this be another law that is ignored?
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Posted at 3:54PM on 5/19/07 by teacherteri
This lastest bill is just as unacceptable as the last one. America can’t afford the 2.3 trillion dollars this bill will cost taxpayers. Nothing short of deportation for ALL illegal aliens is acceptable. If you vote for this bill or if this bill family and I will reregister as Independents and we will not vote Republican again. BTW -what makes you think Mexicans are going to elect you- an old white guy -in any future elections?
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Posted at 5:17PM on 5/19/07 by Shinz
Your support of illegal aliens and disregard for American citizens is why I cannot vote for you. I have a friend from Trinidad that has been trying to come here legally for 4 years.
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Posted at 5:28PM on 5/19/07 by misaa
Does anyone here know much about Tom Tancredo? He’s against it!
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Posted at 6:08PM on 5/19/07 by chasman
Dear Senatro - Not Amnesty - What a joke !!!! You George Bush and all the rest of the traitors to the Republican party and the Ameican people must think we are stupid. Straight talk express I suggest you change that name - You can rest assured I will be working to insure you finish last among the field of candidates running for office. And thank god George Bush does not have much time left in his term so we can get rid of that joker as well
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Posted at 7:34PM on 5/19/07 by Iluvmycountry
Chasman you are right both Bush is just as bad as McCAain aneither are not really conservative, ADIOS to both of them...
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Posted at 7:42PM on 5/19/07 by Iluvmycountry
Chasman you are right, Bush is just as bad as McCain neither are not really conservative, ADIOS to both of them...
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Posted at 6:36PM on 5/19/07 by Citizen
John McCain you have betrayed this nation. You have shown that you care more for illegal alien lawbreakers than you do for the voting citizens of this country. You and anyone else supporting this amnesty bill have seriously misread the will and the anger of the American people on this matter. We already have existing immigration laws. Those laws should have been enforced and employers of illegals should be arrested and held accountable. If you arrest a few in every city word will get around to the other employers and they will stop hiring illegals. When the jobs dry up most illegals will self deport. Our goverment has failed in its duty to defend the sanctity of this country’s borders and protect its citizens from the invading illegal aliens. I will never support you for anything again. You will never get my vote. You have sold out your voting constituents in your state. They should start proceedings to remove you from office immediately. Tom Tancredo has a history of voting against any measures that allow illegals to stay in this country and will not give them any additional rights. He is who I’m backing for President.
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Posted at 6:49PM on 5/19/07 by retired1
Colin: You are not very well educated on S.1348 because if you were, you would know it forms the North American Union(SPP) and does away with our Constitution and Laws. If you doubt this, go to C-Span and listen to the Ambassador of Mexicos’ speech from last evening stating exactly that.
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Posted at 6:50PM on 5/19/07 by retired1
Colin: You are not very well educated on S.1348 because if you were, you would know it forms the North American Union(SPP) and does away with our Constitution and Laws. If you doubt this, go to C-Span and listen to the Ambassador of Mexicos’ speech from last evening stating exactly that.
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Posted at 7:13PM on 5/19/07 by SouthernSpirit
CAN YOU HONESTLY PUT ALL THE BLAME ON McCAIN? Realistic response above . I personally do not want 12 million illegal immigrants given a free pass into the United States but like it or not we have to start somewhere. As mentioned above, if we sent Armed Immigration Officials, Armed Police etc… into Illegal Alien’s homes with the intention of deportation (mother’s screaming, babies crying, you get the picture), couldn’t you imagine the response from the Media coverage, the Civil Liberties Union, the Jesse Jackson’s, Al Sharpton’s and other like minded organization? Be part of the solution; contact your State Rep’s and Senator’s (they are easy to contact, they all have e-mail and mailing addresses). Voice your opinion, tell them you’re sick and tired of equal yet not equal, tell them to quite hiding behind “Political Correctness”, tell them you want English as the primary language, etc…. You voted these people into office now demand that they pass legislation that is in your best interest. It always amazes me how people will sit quietly in a corner and do nothing until it’s to late, get out of your corner, sign petitions organize a group of like minded people and fight for YOUR AMERICAN RIGHTS. Can you honestly put all the blame on McCain? What did you do to prevent any of this from happening? It didn’t happen over-night. STOP ALLOWING SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS FROM BEING THE ONLY VOICE HEARD IN AMERICA!!!
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Posted at 8:12PM on 5/19/07 by retired1
SouthernSpirit: Many people have been writing, e-mailing, phoning and our politicians either shrug it off, turn off their phones, ignore e-mails and so the people went to D.C. to have talk-radio expouse the wrong-doings all over the country but did you hear the media mention it? In fact these people went to politicians offices and were kicked out by some as if they don’t represent us and others hid until it was over. In fact the Media has been the worst offenders of choosing what should be heard and hidden through the years so if you don’t dig around on the computer, forget it! Just like the SPP/ NAU was hidden in the Dept. of Transportation files so the politicians could say they didn’t know a thing. All of the lies are coming to the front and time people wake up before it is way too late.
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Posted at 8:40PM on 5/19/07 by SouthernSpirit
You will get no arguement from me about the Media.I agree.
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Posted at 8:56PM on 5/19/07 by SouthernSpirit
OOPS! I meant argument not arguement. I’m really getting frustrated now, I just burnt my PotRoast.
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Posted at 7:14PM on 5/19/07 by SouthernSpirit
CAN YOU HONESTLY PUT ALL THE BLAME ON McCAIN? Realistic response above . I personally do not want 12 million illegal immigrants given a free pass into the United States but like it or not we have to start somewhere. As mentioned above, if we sent Armed Immigration Officials, Armed Police etc… into Illegal Alien’s homes with the intention of deportation (mother’s screaming, babies crying, you get the picture), couldn’t you imagine the response from the Media coverage, the Civil Liberties Union, the Jesse Jackson’s, Al Sharpton’s and other like minded organization? Be part of the solution; contact your State Rep’s and Senator’s (they are easy to contact, they all have e-mail and mailing addresses). Voice your opinion, tell them you’re sick and tired of equal yet not equal, tell them to quite hiding behind “Political Correctness”, tell them you want English as the primary language, etc…. You voted these people into office now demand that they pass legislation that is in your best interest. It always amazes me how people will sit quietly in a corner and do nothing until it’s to late, get out of your corner, sign petitions organize a group of like minded people and fight for YOUR AMERICAN RIGHTS. Can you honestly put all the blame on McCain? What did you do to prevent any of this from happening? It didn’t happen over-night. STOP ALLOWING SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS FROM BEING THE ONLY VOICE HEARD IN AMERICA!!!
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Posted at 7:14PM on 5/19/07 by SouthernSpirit
CAN YOU HONESTLY PUT ALL THE BLAME ON McCAIN? Realistic response above . I personally do not want 12 million illegal immigrants given a free pass into the United States but like it or not we have to start somewhere. As mentioned above, if we sent Armed Immigration Officials, Armed Police etc… into Illegal Alien’s homes with the intention of deportation (mother’s screaming, babies crying, you get the picture), couldn’t you imagine the response from the Media coverage, the Civil Liberties Union, the Jesse Jackson’s, Al Sharpton’s and other like minded organization? Be part of the solution; contact your State Rep’s and Senator’s (they are easy to contact, they all have e-mail and mailing addresses). Voice your opinion, tell them you’re sick and tired of equal yet not equal, tell them to quite hiding behind “Political Correctness”, tell them you want English as the primary language, etc…. You voted these people into office now demand that they pass legislation that is in your best interest. It always amazes me how people will sit quietly in a corner and do nothing until it’s to late, get out of your corner, sign petitions organize a group of like minded people and fight for YOUR AMERICAN RIGHTS. Can you honestly put all the blame on McCain? What did you do to prevent any of this from happening? It didn’t happen over-night. STOP ALLOWING SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS FROM BEING THE ONLY VOICE HEARD IN AMERICA!!!
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Posted at 7:51PM on 5/19/07 by JohnM
If this bi-partisan bill is so fair and beneficial to the nation, can someone please explain to me why it was secretly constructed behind closed doors, only to be foisted upon the public at the last moment by surprise ?
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Posted at 8:15PM on 5/19/07 by 2000RaceSupporter
Go to, click on last night’s archieved broadcast with Mark and Fred Thompson. They’ll give you the scoop.
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Posted at 8:34PM on 5/19/07 by SouthernSpirit
“Washington Politics”!!! We American Citizen’s have become lazy about politics. We elect (unresearched) id!ots and then scratch our heads and wonder how can this happen? We depend on other’s to voice our opinion. Every registered voting American Citizen should contact their elected official’s and voice their opinion and demanded that they (elected official) do what they were elected to do.
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Posted at 8:12PM on 5/19/07 by LisaK
Senator McCain, this is not all your fault; after all it was Senator Kyl who took part in the “closed doors/secret negotiations” So, in order to be fair, I will say Good Bye to both of you.
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Posted at 8:46PM on 5/19/07 by 2000RaceSupporter
Senator McCain you wanna self-destruct again, fine. But: STOP trying to destroy this nation-state; STOP trying to destroy the Republican Party; and STOP stuffing my mail box with your worthless propaganda
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Posted at 8:58PM on 5/19/07 by 2000RaceSupporter
. . . and STOP cussing at real republican senators.
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Posted at 9:00PM on 5/19/07 by creed4all
Once again the American people have been sold out by politicians. My vote no longer belongs to the McCain Camp.
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Posted at 9:37PM on 5/19/07 by azprospector
Your stand on the ILLEGALS shows that you care for big business, and people who have broken the law. My family and friends could never support a person to be President that stabs its country and citizens in the back. You have lost any hope of getting our votes.
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Posted at 10:33PM on 5/19/07 by ProudAmericanFamily
I am an American By PAF There have only been two days in my life when I felt sick in the pit of my stomach for America. September 11, 2001 and today, May 17th, 2007. Today I learned that I have been betrayed by my President, my Senate, and my Political party. Today I learned that the citizenship I have treasured so much has been reduced in value to nothing by some. Today I learned that to some, I have no voice. Today I learned a hard truth. To some, the American dream is only the dream of the immigrant and not the right of the home grown citizen. Today I learned that my country is not solid as stone but rather it is transient like a ripple on a lake. Today I learned that my home is no longer my home. My people are no longer my people. My leaders are no longer my leaders. Today I learned that my president has a price. My senate has a price My political party has a price. Today I learned something else too; I learned that they can’t break me. Because I am an American. I can not be bought. I can not be sold. There is no price on my citizenship. There is no price on my love of country. There is no price on my loyalty to America and her ideas. While others whom I should be able to trust conspire against me, I sit and contemplate. I sit and remember. I sit and cry. And I make a firm resolution. I am going outside to raise my flag and shine a light. Tonight I am going to rest, and break bread with my family. I will watch a silly movie to restore my soul. I will take a bubble bath and burn a candle. And then I will sleep. And when I wake up, I will face a new day. I will make the phones in Washington Buzz. I will fill their fax machines. I will overburden their emails. I will write letters. I will call talk shows. I will plan rallies. I will call friends. And I will not stand down. Because I am an American. I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I am a patriot, truth seeker, light shiner, an activist. I am a peaceful but fierce protector of my homeland. I am an American. And just when those that conspire relax, when they are sure that they have exhausted our resources, our energy, our enthusiasm and our spirit, I will bounce back. I will learn relentlessly. I will speak extensively. I will rally exhaustively, I will protest, I will scream, I will stomp my feet. And then I will vote. Because I am an American. That can not be given by anyone. It is not theirs to give. It can not be taken by anyone. It is not theirs to take. It can not be awarded. It can not be denied. I will not stand down. I will not sit quiet. I will not surrender. I am an American.
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Posted at 10:47PM on 5/19/07 by 2000RaceSupporter
That’s the best!
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Posted at 1:01AM on 5/20/07 by LvMyCountry
Thank you, Thank you PAF Yours is the very best post I have read and my feelings exactly. I will not vote for McCain or anyone else who votes for this Amnesty Bill. I will not give up I will keep calling,writing,visiting Senators offices or what ever else it takes. I am an American and I intend to do whatever it takes to keep my country.
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Posted at 12:22AM on 5/20/07 by AmericaDeadSince1933
Senator, I hope you read these comments and discover that people have caught on to the fact that you’re nothing but a phony. You and 99% of your colleagues disgrace this nation and continue to commit constructive treason for supporting bills like this and for not disclosing the reasons why you do not heed the voice of the People. Many of us know that since the formation of the corporate entity in 1868 known as “UNITED STATES”, and the bankruptcy of the nation’s treasury in 1933 where the Fed. Reserve took final control of the country and FDR promptly revised the “trading with the enemy” act and declared that all American citizens are enemies of the state, we know that no matter what, your loyalties lay with your corporate/international bankers who control you. It is their will to destroy America, so naturally it must also be your will. One day you will answer for your actions.
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Posted at 12:25AM on 5/20/07 by MrHong
Ted Kennedy says the immigration system is broken. Well since he has been in charge of it for the past 42 years, that must mean he has broken it!! Yet you want to continue with his failed policies that put illegal aliens ahead of legal immigrants. What will you tell the families of the thousands of legal immigrants who die overseas each year while waiting for a green card? That you prefer law breakers over them? These people who truly want to be Americans are dying because of the long waiting times caused by past amnesties. With your current actions you spit on their graves. You are truly disgusting. For more info go to
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Posted at 12:34AM on 5/20/07 by Geeper
Mr. McCain your support of the immigration bill tells me that you are not a true Republican, and you are only a RINO. You will not get my vote because you are not a True Regan Republican.
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Posted at 4:32AM on 5/20/07 by waymore
you have sold us out mccain, this bill is nothing short of an absolute travesty to our nation, i wouldnt vote for you in a million years now, you dont stand a chance now of getting the republican nomination, you had better go stand behind hillary and barrack, you might have a chance with the democrats now,
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Posted at 4:32AM on 5/20/07 by waymore
you have sold us out mccain, this bill is nothing short of an absolute travesty to our nation, i wouldnt vote for you in a million years now, you dont stand a chance now of getting the republican nomination, you had better go stand behind hillary and barrack, you might have a chance with the democrats now,
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Posted at 4:32AM on 5/20/07 by waymore
you have sold us out mccain, this bill is nothing short of an absolute travesty to our nation, i wouldnt vote for you in a million years now, you dont stand a chance now of getting the republican nomination, you had better go stand behind hillary and barrack, you might have a chance with the democrats now,
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Posted at 5:38AM on 5/20/07 by PRCS
Illegal aliens really are ‘special’ people. They don’t have to get a passport from their home country to travel to America. They tell us they come here ‘to do the jobs that Americans won’t do’, but chose to illegally enter the country rather than avail themselves of existing ‘temporary worker’ programs. They don’t have to pass the background or medical checks that many others do. Once here, they get ‘free’ medical care. And if they bring the family with them—even though they’re just here ‘to do the work that Americans won’t do—mama and the kids get ‘free’ medical care, too. Their foreign born children (you know, the one’s they brought with them when they came here ‘to do the jobs that Americans won’t do) get a ‘free’ American education. One has to be pretty smart to achieve such success in life. And one has to be even smarter still, after all that, to convince our elected ‘representatives’ that the immigration system is ‘broken’. They must be barely able to control their laughter watching the gringo congress, and the clueless journalists covering them, fixing our ‘broken’ immigration system. The first step in the legislative process is to deal with the facts. The issue here is not about immigration. Immigration is a process in which (generally) foreign nationals—after completing necessary paperwork—receive permission from Uncle Sam to enter the country for THAT purpose. The issue is ‘temporary’ foreign laborers who chose to enter the country illegally. Stop confusing the two issues.
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Posted at 8:23AM on 5/20/07 by roadrunner
All of these things you said, should have come AFTER you secured the Border, which you have NOT done. The law you passed last year (building 700 miles of fence, not barricades and electronics) has NOT been done. You spend more time cozying up to Teddy Kennedy(the biggest liberal snake in the US Senate), and running for President, than you do listening to your constituents’ wishes. Well, I for one am NOT going to vote for you anymore, and neither is my cousin and her husband. We all feel you have NOT done the job we elected you for. (Deporting the illegals, not rewarding them with amnesty). How dumb do you think we are? This bill gives instant amnesty to these criminal aliens immediately. It does not require them to pay their back taxes to the IRS. It does NOT require them to go to the rear of the line. WHY are MEXICANS special? Why do they get MORE RIGHTS than American citizens? Why are they better than other countries would-be immigrants? The day of the rope is rapidly approaching, Mc Cain, and you sir, are a TRAITOR !
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Posted at 8:59AM on 5/20/07 by OutragedAmerican
John McCain is a SELLOUT. He panders to corporations. He refuses to work for Americans. He refuses to uphold his oath of office and protect us from invasion. Do NOT VOTE for this Traitor.
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18 posted on 05/20/2007 6:38:14 AM PDT by Vn_survivor_67-68
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68

Thank you.

20 posted on 05/20/2007 6:40:22 AM PDT by deaconjim (Because He lives...)
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68
One of the best lines on the whole page:

You might as well let Ted drive you home from the date also, because you just drove off the cliff when it comes to your run for the Presidency.
21 posted on 05/20/2007 6:44:00 AM PDT by deaconjim (Because He lives...)
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68

Thanks for saving those for us. I can’t believe that McCain’s people have not deleted those yet - they’ve been on for several days now. Do they never check their own website? I do hope they copy them all & give them to McCain so he can see them. He needs to know how he is seen by the American people.

We need to do the same thing to Bush - he has betrayed us terribly here.

22 posted on 05/20/2007 6:47:17 AM PDT by alicewonders (Duncan Hunter. Seriously.)
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68
Thanks for saving those. This one was my favorite. (I repunctuated it so it would be easier to read; apologies to the author):

Posted at 10:33PM on 5/19/07 by ProudAmericanFamily
I Am An American

There have only been two days in my life when I felt sick in the pit of my stomach for America. September 11, 2001 and today, May 17th, 2007.
Today I learned that I have been betrayed by my President, my Senate, and my Political party. Today I learned that the citizenship I have treasured so much has been reduced in value to nothing by some. Today I learned that to some, I have no voice.
Today I learned a hard truth. To some, the American dream is only the dream of the immigrant and not the right of the home grown citizen. Today I learned that my country is not solid as stone but rather it is transient like a ripple on a lake. Today I learned that my home is no longer my home. My people are no longer my people. My leaders are no longer my leaders. Today I learned that my president has a price. My senate has a price My political party has a price. Today I learned something else too; I learned that they can’t break me.
Because I am an American. I can not be bought. I can not be sold. There is no price on my citizenship. There is no price on my love of country. There is no price on my loyalty to America and her ideas. While others whom I should be able to trust conspire against me, I sit and contemplate. I sit and remember. I sit and cry.
And I make a firm resolution. I am going outside to raise my flag and shine a light. Tonight I am going to rest, and break bread with my family. I will watch a silly movie to restore my soul. I will take a bubble bath and burn a candle.
And then I will sleep. And when I wake up, I will face a new day. I will make the phones in Washington buzz. I will fill their fax machines. I will overburden their emails. I will write letters. I will call talk shows. I will plan rallies. I will call friends. And I will not stand down.
Because I am an American.
I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I am a patriot, truth seeker, light shiner, an activist. I am a peaceful but fierce protector of my homeland. I am an American. And just when those that conspire relax, when they are sure that they have exhausted our resources, our energy, our enthusiasm and our spirit, I will bounce back. I will learn relentlessly. I will speak extensively. I will rally exhaustively, I will protest, I will scream, I will stomp my feet.
And then I will vote.
Because I am an American.
That can not be given by anyone. It is not theirs to give. It can not be taken by anyone. It is not theirs to take. It can not be awarded. It can not be denied.

I will not stand down. I will not sit quiet. I will not surrender.
I am an American.

32 posted on 05/20/2007 7:19:30 AM PDT by truthkeeper (It's the borders, stupid.)
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68


34 posted on 05/20/2007 7:31:05 AM PDT by processing please hold (Duncan Hunter '08) (ROP and Open Borders-a terrorist marriage and hell's coming with them)
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To: deaconjim; alicewonders; truthkeeper; processing please hold

Continuation of post #18 above...the comments on McCain’s website (for posterity)

Posted at 9:36AM on 5/20/07 by mikeyh0
Shame on McCain for selling out this great country!! The American people granted amnesty in 1965 and 1986 - that’s enough! I only signed on to this site so I could tell McCain he is finished.
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Posted at 9:44AM on 5/20/07 by mikeyh0
Because of ypour selling out of our great country, I will never vote republican again. Shame on you for supporting amnesty!!
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Posted at 9:44AM on 5/20/07 by mikeyh0
Because of your selling out of our great country, I will never vote republican again. Shame on you for supporting amnesty!!
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Posted at 9:48AM on 5/20/07 by zevgoldman
Senator McCain you have failed your nation, failed your oath of office and failed yourself as a man. You have shown utter arrogrance in your position on illegal aliens. Why do you seek to punish America? We didn’t torture you, the North Vietnamese did. Causing pain for America won’t silence the devils in your mind. Please resign before you do even greater harm to our great nation. You are proving yourself to be the real Manchurian candidate.
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Posted at 10:00AM on 5/20/07 by Baynative
McCain is a slave to his ego. He has heard about this issue from constituents and real conservative peers for years, yet his obsession with being the darling of the media and living up to his moniker of MAVERICK has led him down the path of destruction. Now, that he has derailed his presidential campaign, maybe we can go to work and get him out of the Senate. J.D., anyone?
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Posted at 10:04AM on 5/20/07 by acemo
Mr. McCain. You never had a chance with Republicans because of Campaign Finance, the gang of 14 and back stabbing Republicans to get the media to like you. Now with this deal you and Mr. Bush have now ensured no Republican will win by flooding this country with millions of new “Democrats”. Congratulations, you have destroyed the politcal system of this country completely. Welcome to Late Rome. You have ensured the Republicans are going the way of the Whigs. Hugh Hewitt was right to call you a great hero, but a bad Republican and a Horrible Senator, future historians will judge you very badly IMHO.
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Posted at 10:05AM on 5/20/07 by VivaMcCain
Dear Senator McCain, I just visited the USS Turner Joy docked in Bremerton, Wa. There is a special room dedicated to Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action, and your name is one the plaque of heroes. I also have a Captain John McCain POW-MIA bracelet that I wore during your days in captivity. You endured an enormous amount of suffering at the hands of the North Vietnamese, and I commend you for your bravery and heroism in the face of great evil. It is with a heavy heart that I must break with you over this Immigration bill. Senator Kyl says it’s the best we could get. Well I would beg to differ with the Senator. Whatever is in the bill, the end result will be rewarding ten to twelve million illegals with amnesty, pure and simple. The American people don’t believe any of you when you bandy terms such as triggers to enforce our borders, more money for more border agents, and the construction of a fence. There should be no Z permits until their is an effective mechanism to enforce our southern border. There is a national security component that is being ignored by the GOP who want guest worker programs for cheap labor, and ‘RATs who want amnesty to enlarge their victimized voting pools so they can radically reorient America in the worst blue tradition. The blue (’RATs) will ultimately overwhelm the red (cheap labor pools from Mexico) and created a strain on our health care system, our Social Security system, and our welfare system. There will be a massive redistribution of wealth in this country, as the new citizens of America bring their left-of-center voting habits with them. They left Mexico to escape the effects of socialism, and they are going to vote for candidates here that will enshrine the very socialism that they were trying to get away from when they came to this country. I will always respect you for your courage and bravery in battle Senator, but I must tell you that after this bill, I cannot in all good conscience , support your candidacy. as of today, I am on the fence, no pun intended, and will listen to the other candidates and make my final decision. Sadly, you have lost my vote.
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Posted at 10:23AM on 5/20/07 by Jeffwwill
Welcome to Mexico, Senor McCain Signed, Vincente Fox
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Posted at 10:58AM on 5/20/07 by WCDONAH
McCain’s campaign is finished! He sold out the hard working, tax-paying citizens in favor of illegal aliens who will overwhelm the welfare and entitlement rolls. I served in the Navy with him, always supported him and never will again. In Pensacola he had a tremendous amount of support and it’s all gone now.
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Posted at 10:58AM on 5/20/07 by voterfor40years
I am totally opposed to the Immigration Bill. The illegal aliens are already complaining about the requirements of paying a $5,000 fine and having to return home to apply for citizenship. They have stated on National TV they will simply remain here as usual. This legislation will change nothing. But make it legal for them to stay here indefinitely. Probation “Until our borders are secure”. Well, that won’t be in our life time. Please don’t give our country away. Our ancestors sacrificed too much, in many cases their lives and certainly their health to bring about this Nation. Please don’t throw it all away.
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Posted at 10:59AM on 5/20/07 by VotingAmerican
You have sold every legal American down the river with your support of AMNESTY. Yes, I know you don’t call it that, but Americans are smart enough to realize what you are doing. You will NEVER get my vote.
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Posted at 11:04AM on 5/20/07 by WCDONAH
McCain’s campaign is finished! He slod out the hard working tax-paying citizens in favor of illegal aliens who will overwhelm the welfare rolls, justice system and the entitlemant rolls. I seved with him in the navy and have always supported him, but never again.
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Posted at 11:50AM on 5/20/07 by fedup
I am so saddened and sickened by this bill and feel so heart broken for my country! We already have laws on the books to deal with those breaking our immigration laws (migrants and employers) and we don’t enforce them. Why should we believe that new laws make things any different? Americans don’t want this but it’ll be forced on us anyway. I’m tired of politicians ignoring the will of the people on this issue. The $5000 fine is ludicrous, as that’s just a drop in the bucket as to what they’ve cost us. Senator McCain and others like him just can’t resist digging deeper and deeper into our pockets. They’re taking from my family to support those that flagrantly break our laws! Please do remind me just who it is that you represent? Americans or ‘illegal’ immigrants! What part of ‘ILLEGAL’ do our politicians still not get? We desperately need a ‘viable’ 3rd party candidate to vote for! Reps and Dems both need tossing out.
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Posted at 11:51AM on 5/20/07 by kpassa
Senator McCain is a dolt who is so out of touch he thinks American citizens are too lazy to pick lettuce. No wonder he is so easily manipulated by the pro-Amnesty forces. He may make a few friends in Washington by betraying his country but nowhere near enough to carry any future election he runs in.
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Posted at 11:59AM on 5/20/07 by ilovemycountry
I just visited the Whitehouse web page and they have a lovely Fact sheet there. The fact is that all of them are lies and the provisions mentioned will not be enforced as none of them are now. There are people breaking the law by harboring illegals andnothing is done. Police cannot even question people as to their status. Then they think that we are so stupid as to beleive this rhetoric. I am ashamed I voted for Bush and it is clear that Republicans and Liberals are all in bed together for thier personal gain. Menwhile, working class people will pick up the tab while Washington fat cats recieve free medical, cushy retirements and live is exclusive areas away for the repercusions of their deeds. Perhaps, it is time to take away some of these benefits they enjoy. McCain, Bush, Graham, Kennedy, Pelosi and the rest are corrupt and need to be voted out. Maybe this is the conduit that does it. I am with PAC, I will badger them until they are sick to death of me. We need to march and scream until we are heard. God bless America!!
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Posted at 1:57PM on 5/20/07 by HannibalHamlin
I feel the same way. We GIVE all the politicians a cushy life and they destroy our country.
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Posted at 1:34PM on 5/20/07 by misguidedMcCain
TREASON!! Whether or not you recognize it Senator your campaign has ended with your support of this bill. As for your future: “If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” - Samuel Adams
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Posted at 1:59PM on 5/20/07 by MrScott
I once had hope for John McCain but soon realized that he is like any other politician. And him teaming up with Teddy (I want to be all illegal immigrant’s friend) Kennedy just validated my feelings. Like so many other politicians, he is selling out America, turn to corporate greed, and listening to no one except corporate America. We the people (you know the ones who are legally registered to vote) want the laws enforced! We want the boarders and ports secured! We want corporate America to trained the people here to do the job they wants us to do as opposed to those they want to import and train. John McCain is living up to they typical politician - Take money, listen to Corporate America, lie, cheat, steal, and bow to lobbyists. An example is look at this web site. If you are not using MickySoft’s software you have a difficult or impossible time using this web site. The web is supposed to be platform neutral but here it is a Microsoft owned domain. Me, Republican or Democrat? The last time I had a party affiliation was when Regan was in office. Now, I no longer look at partys, just anyone who believes in the just things I do. McCain is NOT one of them.
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Posted at 4:07PM on 5/20/07 by thecoffeeguy
Goodbye McCain. your career is officially over if you continue to support this. What a traitor you are to this country. A complete sell out. Mitt Romney, come on down!
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Posted at 5:00PM on 5/20/07 by minuteman
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTs are the only ones cheering McCain on. Those of us who vote, pay our taxes and actually are citizens are against McCain. Alligning with Kennedy and Bush on AMNESTY is what has ended John McCain’s chances to be President. And McCain is so clueless he will think his position on the war has caused his falling in the polls.
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Posted at 5:03PM on 5/20/07 by Marine
Senator McCain has given into all the liberals and illegal aliens with 1348. He is nothing more than a RINO (Republican in name only) and this shows now more than ever with his support of this bill along with Ted Kennedy. You would think a war vet like Senator McCain would know an invasion when he sees one, as this is what it is an invasion of illegal aliens.The chances of getting my vote for you now is slim and none and slim left town.
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Posted at 5:47PM on 5/20/07 by guyfauxx
I am very disappointed with Senator McCain’s so-called “bi-partisan” participation in this attempt at giving millions of CRIMINALS here illegally AMNESTY. The American people will not tolerate a North American Union being rammed down our throats and we will never vote for any candidate who commits HIGH TREASON against his own country by selling us out. I certainly hope that you will wake up to the fact that amnesty is a danger to the United States we cannot afford.
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Posted at 6:02PM on 5/20/07 by C21Judith
Goodbye Mr McCain. I am so sorry you did’t turn out to be the statesman I had envisioned. You have joined the rest of the politicians who believe it isn’t necessary to listen to your constituents. So sad!!!!
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Posted at 6:03PM on 5/20/07 by YouAreATraitorMcCain
Years ago I thought you were a great man and would have voted for you; now I see you as nothing but a cowardly traitor. I came to this country legally which means if I break the laws here I will be imprisoned. Had I known that breaking into this country illegally would grant me so many privaledges and reward me for breaking the law, I would never have wasted time and money entering this country the legal way. You won’t be getting my vote or my husband’s vote.
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Posted at 6:38PM on 5/20/07 by nofan
This will “secure our boarders”? You mean like the 1986 Amnesty bill did? That is a lie, Sen. McCain. This abortion of a bill CUT the 700 mile fence JUST PASSED IN NOVEMBER to 300 miles. You have NO CREDIBILITY! The 1986 “ONE TIME AND ONE TIME ONLY” AMNESTY BILL was sold to us as a promise that our boarders would be secured and laws against hiring illegals enforced. The 3 million then were to be required to LEARN ENGLISH. The 1986 AMNESTY not only didn’t stop illegal immigration, it attracted 20 to 30 MILLION MORE! And now you want us to be conned again! I DON’T THINK SO, SEN. McCAIN! Yes, the American people what our government to do something about illegal immigration.....WE WANT IT STOPPED! We want the importation of poverty STOPPED. We want our language and culture BACK! We don’t want our country turned into a thrid world sewer just so busineses can make a greater profit. Why should the cost of labor be shifted to the taxpayer?? Our immigration system isn’t “broken”, it’s NEVER BEEN ENFORCED! Don’t keep telling us “fences don’t work”, of course they do. When we see illegal aliens protesting in our streets carrying MEXICAN FLAGS, telling us they belong here and cheering for La Raza, you aren’t going to get “amnesty without animosity”. This IS OUR country, Sen. McCain. Yes, it DOES belong to us. My ancestors have been here since before the American Revolution. They built this country with their bare hands. They fought and died for it’s sovereignty. It ISN’T “an idea”! It’s a land with citizens and boarders that are well defined. It has a culture, a personality and a language. It is the greatest country in the world and we’re NOT going to let you give it away. We are NOT going to let you erace our boarders. You were elected to represent the citizens of THIS country, not Mexico and not Corporate America. Sen. Specter said we needed to “return to the rule of law”. YOU caused this crisis by ignoring our laws. YOU refused to enforce our boarders, YOU ignored our laws against hiring illegals. Now you say we need to “return to the rule of law” by FORGIVING lawbreakers? You make a mockery of our laws. Perhaps taxpayers will ignore tax laws and see how long you can support the MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS you’ve allowed to come here illegally. If, by some chance, you become the Republican candidate for President, I will end my life long membership in the Republican party and contribute to your opposition.
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Posted at 6:38PM on 5/20/07 by nofan
This will “secure our boarders”? You mean like the 1986 Amnesty bill did? That is a lie, Sen. McCain. This abortion of a bill CUT the 700 mile fence JUST PASSED IN NOVEMBER to 300 miles. You have NO CREDIBILITY! The 1986 “ONE TIME AND ONE TIME ONLY” AMNESTY BILL was sold to us as a promise that our boarders would be secured and laws against hiring illegals enforced. The 3 million then were to be required to LEARN ENGLISH. The 1986 AMNESTY not only didn’t stop illegal immigration, it attracted 20 to 30 MILLION MORE! And now you want us to be conned again! I DON’T THINK SO, SEN. McCAIN! Yes, the American people what our government to do something about illegal immigration.....WE WANT IT STOPPED! We want the importation of poverty STOPPED. We want our language and culture BACK! We don’t want our country turned into a thrid world sewer just so busineses can make a greater profit. Why should the cost of labor be shifted to the taxpayer?? Our immigration system isn’t “broken”, it’s NEVER BEEN ENFORCED! Don’t keep telling us “fences don’t work”, of course they do. When we see illegal aliens protesting in our streets carrying MEXICAN FLAGS, telling us they belong here and cheering for La Raza, you aren’t going to get “amnesty without animosity”. This IS OUR country, Sen. McCain. Yes, it DOES belong to us. My ancestors have been here since before the American Revolution. They built this country with their bare hands. They fought and died for it’s sovereignty. It ISN’T “an idea”! It’s a land with citizens and boarders that are well defined. It has a culture, a personality and a language. It is the greatest country in the world and we’re NOT going to let you give it away. We are NOT going to let you erace our boarders. You were elected to represent the citizens of THIS country, not Mexico and not Corporate America. Sen. Specter said we needed to “return to the rule of law”. YOU caused this crisis by ignoring our laws. YOU refused to enforce our boarders, YOU ignored our laws against hiring illegals. Now you say we need to “return to the rule of law” by FORGIVING lawbreakers? You make a mockery of our laws. Perhaps taxpayers will ignore tax laws and see how long you can support the MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS you’ve allowed to come here illegally. If, by some chance, you become the Republican candidate for President, I will end my life long membership in the Republican party and contribute to your opposition.
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Posted at 6:40PM on 5/20/07 by nofan
This will “secure our boarders”? You mean like the 1986 Amnesty bill did? That is a lie, Sen. McCain. This abomination of a bill CUT the 700 mile fence JUST PASSED IN NOVEMBER to 300 miles. You have NO CREDIBILITY! The 1986 “ONE TIME AND ONE TIME ONLY” AMNESTY BILL was sold to us as a promise that our boarders would be secured and laws against hiring illegals enforced. The 3 million then were to be required to LEARN ENGLISH. The 1986 AMNESTY not only didn’t stop illegal immigration, it attracted 20 to 30 MILLION MORE! And now you want us to be conned again! I DON’T THINK SO, SEN. McCAIN! Yes, the American people what our government to do something about illegal immigration.....WE WANT IT STOPPED! We want the importation of poverty STOPPED. We want our language and culture BACK! We don’t want our country turned into a thrid world sewer just so busineses can make a greater profit. Why should the cost of labor be shifted to the taxpayer?? Our immigration system isn’t “broken”, it’s NEVER BEEN ENFORCED! Don’t keep telling us “fences don’t work”, of course they do. When we see illegal aliens protesting in our streets carrying MEXICAN FLAGS, telling us they belong here and cheering for La Raza, you aren’t going to get “amnesty without animosity”. This IS OUR country, Sen. McCain. Yes, it DOES belong to us. My ancestors have been here since before the American Revolution. They built this country with their bare hands. They fought and died for it’s sovereignty. It ISN’T “an idea”! It’s a land with citizens and boarders that are well defined. It has a culture, a personality and a language. It is the greatest country in the world and we’re NOT going to let you give it away. We are NOT going to let you erace our boarders. You were elected to represent the citizens of THIS country, not Mexico and not Corporate America. Sen. Specter said we needed to “return to the rule of law”. YOU caused this crisis by ignoring our laws. YOU refused to enforce our boarders, YOU ignored our laws against hiring illegals. Now you say we need to “return to the rule of law” by FORGIVING lawbreakers? You make a mockery of our laws. Perhaps taxpayers will ignore tax laws and see how long you can support the MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS you’ve allowed to come here illegally. If, by some chance, you become the Republican candidate for President, I will end my life long membership in the Republican party and contribute to your opposition.
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Posted at 6:47PM on 5/20/07 by WCDONAH
One good indication of how McCain’s campaign is finished is the fact that posts on this blog are being deleted. Maybe he can get elected in los Estados Unitos de Mexico.
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Posted at 6:47PM on 5/20/07 by WCDONAH
One good indication of how McCain’s campaign is finished is the fact that posts on this blog are being deleted. Maybe he can get elected in los Estados Unitos de Mexico.
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Posted at 6:47PM on 5/20/07 by WCDONAH
One good indication of how McCain’s campaign is finished is the fact that posts on this blog are being deleted. Maybe he can get elected in los Estados Unitos de Mexico.
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Posted at 6:58PM on 5/20/07 by LIFELONGConservative
You are god to me.
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Posted at 7:40PM on 5/20/07 by stillaDemocrat
Romney? Hasn’t he been brainwashed on just about every major issue. While it’s seriously flawed, I support Senator McCain and this last best hope at immigration reform. I just wish it wasn’t slanted toward the rich immigrants like the 9-11 hijackers and the Watergate thiefs. Better that we open our doors to the poor who WANT to assimilate into America and BE American. That was the strength of immigrants past.
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Posted at 7:56PM on 5/20/07 by GoodbyeJohn
The belief that mass deportation of these criminals is impossible is a lie! They should be treated like the invading army they are, put a bounty on them and watch them run for the border.
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Posted at 7:56PM on 5/20/07 by GoodbyeJohn
The belief that mass deportation of these criminals is impossible is a lie! They should be treated like the invading army they are, put a bounty on them and watch them run for the border.
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Posted at 7:56PM on 5/20/07 by GoodbyeJohn
The belief that mass deportation of these criminals is impossible is a lie! They should be treated like the invading army they are, put a bounty on them and watch them run for the border.
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Posted at 7:56PM on 5/20/07 by GoodbyeJohn
The belief that mass deportation of these criminals is impossible is a lie! They should be treated like the invading army they are, put a bounty on them and watch them run for the border.
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Posted at 7:56PM on 5/20/07 by GoodbyeJohn
The belief that mass deportation of these criminals is impossible is a lie! They should be treated like the invading army they are, put a bounty on them and watch them run for the border.
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Posted at 8:37PM on 5/20/07 by C21Judith
I am a Marine Corps widow whose husband died on active duty after returning from Vietnam. I well remember the tremor that went through my body the day it was announced that we were invading Iraq. I didn’t trust what we were being told, and as we later discovered, rightfully so. So many of our BEST have died there, and so many more are coming home incapacitated physically, mentally and emotionally. To what avail?!? And NOW we’re giving our country’s assets to illegal aliens.But what is even WORSE is that we’re giving away our PRIDE, our HUMANITY, our MORALS. What, indeed, has America become? I love my country with a passion only exceeded by my love for my children. I’ve always been proud to be an American. Well, on this day, I am embarrassed!! Not only to be an American, but to be a part of this “society” we claim is so wonderful. I watched CBS new tonight and saw a poor, sick, demented, homeless lady DUMPED in the dregs of L A streets. A representative from the hospital said they should have used an ambulance, another representative of the L A health community said they were only responsible for people’s health, not housing. Is THIS the AMERICA we used to be so proud of!?! Our own citizens being literally DUMPED from vehicles into harm’s way because noboday cares!? Isn’t it a shame she wasn’t an illegal? She could have stayed in hospital, been given housing when released, and the same, if not better, Social Security benefits that I receive after working a lifetime for them. Where are our heads!!??? We aren’t even taking care of OUR OWN and yet we think we can “fix” IRAQ, rehabilitate ILLEGALS, and still outsource out jobs away, contribute to the rich getting richer at the expense of the poor American taxpayer. WHERE are our HEADS? And HEARTS? YOU could stand for something Mr McCain, and I truly thought you did. Have you forgotten the REAL America? Where our countrymen cared about each other first and foremost. Before power, money, prestige in the interational arena. We need to send these foreigners home and take care of our own homeless and spend some time and money on our yourth, or there soon will be NO America.
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Posted at 9:46PM on 5/20/07 by Dotson
Unfortunately according to congress and the supreme court. We the People can not kick a senator or congressman out of office. Only the senate can remove a senator. And only congress can remove a congressman. Only other way to get one out is if he passes on. (We should be so lucky) or removes him self. BUT any citizen can start im peach ment against the president. So lets start at the top. Every one should call, write and petition their senators and congressmen to have the president im peached. It will send one hell of a message!
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Posted at 9:53PM on 5/20/07 by Dotson
I know how to spell im-peachment but the site wouldn’t let me spell im-peachment without spacing it out. Apparently its a bad word.
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Posted at 10:04PM on 5/20/07 by Dotson
Rep. Edward Royce, a high-ranking conservative California Republican, said that a White House-backed amnesty plan for illegal aliens has provisions which undermine the national sovereignty of the U.S. and help facilitate development of a North American Union, much like the European Union that supersedes the sovereignty of 27 European countries.

49 posted on 05/20/2007 7:49:24 PM PDT by Vn_survivor_67-68
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