I know. It’s jut part of this spin that rquiring ID is “unfair” to the voters.
What’s so unfair about making sure the person is LEGALLY qualified to vote?
We live in a country where people show ID all day long, especially when entering any government building. Surely a polling place should be given the same amount of respect, by scrutinizing all who enter for the purpose of deciding the future of the country. (And what a jobs program, the introduction uniformed guards at the entrance of every government building has been!)
On a related note about ID cards:
One argument against a National ID card is that a Free People should not have to prove who we are. That idealistic outlook just cannot be supported in our 21st century reality. We do not have villages where everyone recognizes a stranger as a stranger. We live in a world of instant electronic communication and where air travel moves thousands of people around the world every day.