I grew up with flouride in my water, and I have tons of cavities and very yellow teeth.
My kids have grown up with no flouride in their water, and they have very few cavities. They do have very yellow teeth.
My parents were born in 34-35 and they have terrible teeth. Almost every tooth has a filling or has been replaced by a bridge.
My brother and I have always had fluoridated water, and we have excellent teeth. I only have two fillings in my entire mouth, and I think braces caused those. Everyone’s teeth yellow as they age. The OTC whitening products do a nice job of helping with that problem.
I think a lot of it is just luck. I’ve had a total of about 7 or 8 cavities so far in my life (40 years and counting). A friend of my Dad’s, on the other hand, had lots of them. And my Grandmother (Dad’s mother) is 93 and she still has most of her real teeth (!)