To ask for forgiveness, one first must acknowledge that one is wrong. To acknowledge that one is wrong, one must first accept that one is not perfect/infallible.
Some people would rather not open the proverbial pandora’s box. After all, if one can be wrong about one thing, then one can be wrong about other things. Once the mantle of infallibility or perfectitude is removed, there is a great deal of wiggle room. For some, that is entirely too much wiggle room.
Nevertheless, I believe that this argument has very little indeed to do with intellectual prowess, philosophical sophistication, or emotional intelligence. Instead, the roots of this argument are found in the concepts of authority. Man wishes to have complete authority to do with himself as he’d like. God demands the understanding that we do not belong to ourselves, but rather we are His precious property, bought for the steepest price one can pay.
This is the struggle we all have with Him. Some to a greater degree than onthers. Some must go to further and further extremes to justify their appetite for self.
Thanks, You stated it much better than I could- I know that’s why the resitence, but it just makes no sense to me why they would do that when the eternal consequences are so severe.