To: rightwingintelligentsia
Evening everyone. Can’t stay long.
34 posted on
05/17/2007 3:00:12 PM PDT by
(My sons freed Iraqi and Afghan Honor Roll students.)
To: armymarinemom
To: armymarinemom
43 posted on
05/17/2007 3:02:04 PM PDT by
Just Lori
(There is nothing "democratic" about Democrats.)
To: armymarinemom
57 posted on
05/17/2007 3:05:17 PM PDT by
(If Conservatism is dead, why are the candidates claiming to be one.Hunter/Thompson08)
To: armymarinemom
Hi amm. I'm multitasking here in MD, baking cake for the DC recruiting center lunch tomorrow. Tomorrow I bake one for the MD recruiting center lunch on Saturday. Pizza, cake and sodas for the recruiters on our list.
Right now, I'm PO'd about the AMNESTY bill...
72 posted on
05/17/2007 3:08:45 PM PDT by
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