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To: holdonnow

Education Fund? As in teaching to speak English?

125 posted on 05/17/2007 3:17:24 PM PDT by AliVeritas (I see the men and women on the battlefield... where are the men and women here?)
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To: AliVeritas; All

From The Corner @ NRO

Triggers [Rich Lowry]

Here was the latest trigger language as of earlier today:


(a) With the exception of the probationary status conferred by Section 218C of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended by Section 602, and the admission of aliens under Section 101(a)(15)(Y)(ii)(I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(Y)(ii)(I)), as amended by Section 402,

(i) the programs established by Title IV of this Act; and

(ii) the programs established by Title VI of this Act that grant legal status to any individual or adjust the current status of any individual who is unlawfully present in the United States to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence,

shall become effective on the date that the Secretary submits a written certification to the President and the Congress that the following border security and other measures are funded, in place, and in operation:

(1) Staff Enhancements for Border Patrol: The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol has, in its continued effort to increase the number of agents and support staff, hired 18,000 agents;

(2) Strong Border Barriers: Have installed at least 200 miles of vehicle barriers, 370 miles of fencing, and 70 ground-based radar and camera towers along the southern land border of the United States, and have deployed 4 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and supporting systems;

(3) Catch and Return: The Department of Homeland Security is detaining all removable aliens apprehended crossing the southern border, except as specifically mandated by law or humanitarian circumstances, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has the resources to maintain this practice, including resources to detain up to 27,500 aliens per day on an annual basis;

(4) Workplace Enforcement Tools: As required through all the provisions of Title III of this Act, the Department of Homeland Security has established and is using secure and effective identification tools to prevent unauthorized workers from obtaining jobs in the United States. These tools shall include, but not be limited to, establishing:

(i) strict standards for identification documents that must be presented in the hiring process, including the use of secure documentation that contains a photograph, biometrics, and/or complies with the requirements for such documentation under REAL ID Act; and

(ii) an electronic employment eligibility verification system that queries federal and state databases to restrict fraud, identity theft, and use of false social security numbers in the hiring process by electronically providing a digitized version of the photograph on the employee’s original federal or state issued document or documents for verification of the employee’s identity and work eligibility; and

(5) Processing Applications of Aliens: The Department of Homeland Security has received and is processing and adjudicating in a timely manner applications for Z status under Title VI of this Act, including conducting all necessary background and security checks.

(b) It is the sense of Congress that the border security and other measures described in such subsection can be completed within 18 months of enactment, subject to the necessary appropriations.

(c) The President shall submit a report to Congress detailing the progress made in funding, appropriating, contractual agreements reached, and specific progress on each of the measures include in (a)(1)-(5):

(i) 90 days after the date of enactment; and

(ii) every 90 days thereafter until the terms of this section have been met.

If the President determines that sufficient progress is not being made, the President shall include in the report specific funding recommendations, authorization needed, or other actions that are being undertaken by the Department.

05/17 05:47 PM

148 posted on 05/17/2007 3:23:35 PM PDT by SE Mom (Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet -Fred'08)
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