> Just say NO to New Yorkers! Enough of all of them! New York already controls far to much of the USA with its Federal Reserve Bank, investment banking houses like Goldman Sachs, the leading stock exchanges, activist Attorney General, major media nexus and the rest.
> Just say NO! to more New Yorkers running the rest of us like a colony. NO RUDY! NO HILLARY! NO BLOOMBERG! NO SHARPTON! NO NEW YORKERS FOR PRESIDENT!
The only thing you left out is the Jooos. Bigot.
Idiot. What do Jews have to do with the things I mentioned. NOTHING! It is a FACT that the Federal Reserve Bank controls the money supply in the USA. It is also a FACT that the NY Fed, not one of the other regional FRBs is FIRST among them and does the rate setting, which is the mechanism by which our currency is being debased continuously. It is obvious, and has been remarked upon for 80 years that Fed policies are based on and favor East Coast business needs. The Federal Reserve has many more WASPS on it than Jews.
Goldman-Sachs and the other main investment banks are making big money on the latest wave of takeovers, buyouts, mergers and 'taking companies private'. I do not think that having fewer mega-corporations dominating entire sectors of the economy is a good idea. I don't think that screwing long time employees of pensions and equity while paying off the managers and bankers who do these deals is a good thing. The mega-merger acquisition is almost completley run out of New York. Again, while there are no doubt some high profile individuals in this profession who are Jewish, therea are many, many more who are not. In fact if you read "Predators Ball" the excellent book about the last round of ridiculous takeover you find that one reason Milkin went into Junk Bonds initially was the deep seated anti-semitism within these firms. I don't know how much that may have changed in the last 20 years.
It is a FACT that FOX News, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News and The New York Times are all located in New York. We are fed New York oriented view of the world. This means everything from coverage of guns (illegal in NY, most long time New Yorkers have held or owned a gun, so they have a visceral problem with the Western attitude of everyday normalcy we associate with them) to massive socialization of all sorts of things(rent control)(which NY has led in for 50 years).
It is a FACT that the major stock and commodity exchanges are in NY. (Although Chicago has the Commodities Exchange). Again I suspect Jews are under-represented in the NY Stock exchange to old-money east coast families.
In summary, your attempt to conflate my dislike of NY's overwhelming influence in our polity with anti-Semitism is WAY OFF BASE. None of the people I mentioned by name (Hillary, Sharpton or Rudy are Jews. But they all are proud New Yorkers.
I would like my part of the country to remain as much UNLIKE NY as possible. No union thugs in league with Donkey politicians, no huge block of Welfare voters, etc.