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To: abb

New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, S and N California have an infestation of these super rich people who inherited the family business. They set up these two tier stock plans and live like lords and ladies in their country manors. Often they control local politics, news papers and other areas to keep what they do under a blanket.

“Payments like hers have supported the entire Bancroft family for decades but, critics say, have starved Dow Jones of capital to grow its business. (Members of the family control 64.2 percent of Dow Jones, primarily through class B shares, each of which has ten times the voting power of a class A share.)

Dividends, which in some years exceeded the company’s profits (see chart), lulled the clan’s senior members into supporting Dow Jones management. Last year, according to a Lehman Brothers report, the company paid out $83.2 million in dividends while earning (not including special items) $81.6 million in profits.”

10 posted on 05/15/2007 9:21:38 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (GW has more Honor and Integrity in his little finger than ALL of the losers on the "hate Bush" band)
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To: Grampa Dave
New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, S and N California have an infestation of these super rich people who inherited the family business.

Montana must sport trust babies per capita. In a front page above-the-fold story local fishwrap just got done scolding Wyoming again for its supposed nasty frontier mentality regarding oil and gas development while praising Montana for its more nuanced civilized (eg do nothing) approach to energy development.

11 posted on 05/15/2007 10:25:44 AM PDT by Milhous (There are only two ways of telling the complete truth: anonymously and posthumously. - Thomas Sowell)
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