It does seem that this president is staying up nights trying to figure out more ways to dissolve our national sovereignty.
following in daddys footsteps.....remember that it was daddy who (AFTER losing the 92 election) committed the US to “fast-track” legislative action on the NAFTA matter, forcing the issue during the klinton debacle.....THAT BUSH had only 2 months as a lame-duck......THIS BUSH has 2 YEARS as a lame-duck!
An article here on FR a few months ago said that Bush, at best, would be as ineffective as Gerald Ford, and at worse, another Jimmy Carter.
It has come to pass Bush is the Republicans Jimmy Carter and much worse I might add.
Jimmy had only 4 years to do harm. And a lot of harm he did.
The coconut head traitorous moron has had almost 7 years to wreck this country with 19 long months to go. After all, Bush said, the Constitution is just a Goddamn piece of Paper.