I spent a month “discussing” this with others and reached basically the same conclusion you did. I’m good with the agents losing their badges and not serving more time. What concerns me is how these 2 are being elevated to sainthood status and how their case is being misrepresented by the border control crowd. There is nothing wrong about admitting these guys had a bad shoot but don’t deserve jail. The attempted cover up alone is enough justification to lose their badge, so that may be a foregone conclusion. But they just can’t bring themselves to admit it was a bad shoot and the only reason for that I can think of is because the perp was a mexican.
There are plenty of BPA heroes out there to point to as role models. Using these two besmirches the integrity of the entire BP and every agent.
Thanks Bob. I think many here misunderstand your position. I don’t think you are happy about the extent of the punishment, but want some restraints on what LEOs can do to illegals.