With the large build up before hand, I wonder if some of them were expecting a longer than normal downtime due to some upgrades or more extensive modifications.
Plant is wearing out all over the place. Not to the point of collapse, mind you, but to the point that more and more maintenance will be required. BP can't get their thumbs out of their arseholes at Texas City, and that hurts. Brent is selling about $3.00 over WTI, and that pushes up price for imports. Valero McKee is still having problems getting online completely (if I understand correctly, not always the case). In short, it's a rather vicious confluence of events...and I haven't listed all of them here by any means.
The refiners had better get their act together as best they can. Those Marxist clowns, esp. in the Senate, are just slavering to write more '70s-style regulations.
And, before you ask, NO, they didn't learn an effing thing from their last go at regulatory (cough, choke) ''improvements''.