I hope this is right, but we had all these articles before the 2006 election to and it was not true. It is clear that the American people are sick of the war, but hopefully not enough to put a Democrat in the White House like they did in congress. I can’t imagine America with a Democratic Congress and White House. Gives me a headache.
And while perhaps the percentage of Americans feeling more uneasy about the WOT?Iraq has grown.....it is more along the analogy of something being "a mile wide but only an inch deep"....
Meaning the the clear majority of the publics sentiment on the WOT/Iraq could change relatively quickly.....A creative and informative 527 ad campaign, touting our successes, touting why we are in this fight, touting why we must stay on the offensive could accomplish such.....Along with real progress on the ground (unashamedly touted progress mind you).
We lost in 06 because the GOP ran away from Victory in the WOT/Iraq....and a few domestic issues split our base....