This may come as a shock but all of our ancestors (this white boys also) that came out of Africa were black. The color of one's skin is an evolutionary function of your local environment as is the nominal body structure and facial and body appearance. There are some people in India that are very black and genetically Caucasians, they are black for the same reason Norwegians are very very very white. Skin color is a function of the local environment.
I would assume that many people are uncomfortable with the out of Africa theory although to me that is the most plausible one. Of course many want to believe in the theory of God putting humans on different continents. One time I pointed out the difference in skin color tones as you went north from mid-Africa to Scandinavia to a very light-skinned friend and that his ancient ancestors were all probably much darker than he was. He was less than enthusiastic about that idea. My own belief is that if you go back far enough, no matter how pale some of us look, our ancient ancestors were all very dark-skinned. Adaptation is the history of the human race.