Similarly with public promotion of "gay rights".
And Romney promised to be a leader in taking "gay rights" from the Ted Kennedy fringes to the mainstream, which has indeed happened, to the detriment of society. Romney also supported the governor's government funded gay youth (gay recruitment) council in Massachusetts for nearly his entire term, until the legislature formed a SECOND gay youth council.
You are saying that is consistent with Mormonism?
I don’t think the Mormon church’s belief is a black/white as the Catholic church. The Mormon church shies away from making overt political stands or statements. Abortion is certainly considered to be an evil act, but it is not in my opinion equated with murder. The Mormon church has stepped forward to be very vocal about its opposition to same sex marriage. I suspect there would be some toleration for domestic partners. In my opinion the Mormon church is a little more Libertarian than conservative when it comes to such issues, though lines are certainly drawn when the Church elders feel the sanctity of the family is threatened (by the ERA or same sex marriage).