To: Tailgunner Joe
Tailgunner Joe,
Japan's two "birthday presents" for The Rape of Nanking, Pearl Harbor, Battan, et al ... were especially well-deserved ...
Were tens of thousands of German civilians killed at Dresden (et al) ? Yes. My opinion is that is was fitting retribution for the Gas Chambers and Holocaust (BTW, I'm "not" Jewish).
What I meant about the "Satanic" murder of Russian civilians referred to how many ten-of-millions the United States would have have "forced" to kill (25-100 cities) before "Uncle Joe Stalin" would have ever surrendered ...
And ... for whatever it's worth ... I believe General Patton probably grasped the same truth before he (unexpectedly) was killed in the automobile accident.
Patton clearly knew that the Socialists had to be stopped ... but perhaps not (between 1945-1955) at the cost of 25 million Russian dead.
Stalin and Hitler ? Yes.
Patton and Churchill ? Absolutely Not !
190 posted on
05/10/2007 5:06:20 PM PDT by
(Can a Romantic "Fields of Dreams" ever be Resurrected ?)
To: Patton@Bastogne
If the Japanese had not surrendered, we would have annihilated their entire country and slaughtered them all, and the American people would have celebrated this.
So Japanese civilians deserved Hiroshima and Nagasaki because of the rape of Nanking, and German civilians deserved Dresden for the Holocaust, but the Soviets didn't deserve the same treatment for killing more innocents than the Nazis and Japanese combined? Sorry, I don't get your logic. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson