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MONTPELLIER, France, May 3, 2007 (AFP) - French right-winger Nicolas Sarkozy called on cheering supporters at his last rally before Sunday's presidential vote to help him "create the conditions for a French rebirth."
    "We have two days left to say goodbye to the heritage of 68," Sarkozy said, referring to the May 1968 student revolts that he has denounced throughout the campaign as the source of France's moral decline.
    "Two days during which I need your ardour, your friendship, your enthusiasm, your energy, your strength," Sarkozy told 15,000 people including the wife of outgoing President Jacques Chirac, gathered in the southern city of Montpellier.
    "Two days for a new energy to rise out of the country's depths, two days for a great popular movement to rise up sweep away all obstacles, all hesitations, all fears, all anguish...," he said to wild cheers from the crowd.
    "Two days to create the conditions for a French rebirth, two days for everything to become possible."
    "Two days for our united family to turn to the silent majority and tell them, yes it's possible... for we have only one will, to bring about the tiumph of the French republic and the French nation.
    With two days to go before his decisive second round battle with socialist rival Segolene Royal, the right-wing favourite appeared increasingly sure of victory Sunday -- with every opinion poll since the April 22 first round giving him a clear lead.
    A survey carried out after a crucial television debate showed that his rival failed to make the breakthrough she needed: some 53 percent of viewers thought Sarkozy was more convincing, compared to 31 percent for Royal.

1 posted on 05/04/2007 12:42:17 AM PDT by Cincinna
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To: nctexan; MassachusettsGOP; paudio; ronnie raygun; Minette; WOSG; fieldmarshaldj; BillyBoy; ...


The campaign winds down tomorrow. We will know the results by 2pm EST Sunday.

FReepMail me to sign up now for the latest news and results.


* * * * * * * *

Received Friday, 4 May 2007 02:28:00 GMT

ARIS, May 4, 2007 (AFP) - France's presidential race headed into a final day of campaigning on Friday, as polls showed right-wing front-runner Nicolas Sarkozy extending his lead over Socialist Segolene Royal.
    Sarkozy appeared increasingly sure of victory in Sunday's election, with every opinion poll since the April 22 first round showing a clear lead for the former interior minister.
    The latest figures showed the 52-year-old Sarkozy's lead has grown to six to eight points after Royal failed to deliver a knock-out blow in an ill-tempered televised debate on Wednesday.
    "Throughout this long campaign France has never left me. Whatever the subject of which I was speaking, I was speaking of her," he said Thursday, returning to a favoured theme of the country's "betrayal" by left-wingers of the generation of 1968.
    "We have two days left to say goodbye to the heritage of '68," Sarkozy told supporters at a rally in Montpellier.
    Campaigning officially ends on Friday, with no rallies allowed the day before the election. But despite the latest poll numbers, Royal looked anything but defeated as she marched onto a rock concert stage in Lille.
    "There are just two days left -- don't let up the effort," she told 20,000 wildly cheering supporters, warmed up by thumping music and speeches from party heavyweights.
    "This Sunday, this victory that we want so much for France, is within reach," said the 53-year-old former environment minister, who wants to become France's first woman president.
    Like Sarkozy, Royal says she will bring about change -- but promises a combination of left-wing economic policies and traditional social values, which she pits against the "brutality" of Sarkozy's right-wing agenda.
    The army officer's daughter returned to that theme on Thursday, telling the crowd that she did not want "a France dominated by the law of the strongest."
    "We do not want to appeal to people's dark side, but to the light and hope inside them," she said, calling for "a new France, a protecting France, a fraternal France, a competitive France."
    Royal supporters were convinced that she had come out as the winner of Wednesday's two-and-half-hour debate watched by more than 20 million viewers, despite a survey suggesting the contrary.
    Three pollsters reached by AFP said Sarkozy remained the favourite and that the debate had not reversed the momentum.
    Both candidates sought to address their weaknesses: Royal had to dispel doubts about her presidential stature while Sarkozy faces concerns over his hyper-active personality.
    Royal won kudos for her combativeness but Sarkozy appeared to score more for keeping his cool in an encounter seen as decisive for winning over the nearly seven million voters who backed centrist Francois Bayrou in round one.
    An Ipsos/Dell poll found Bayrou supporters were splitting equally between Sarkozy and Royal.
    The poll showed Sarkozy had extended his lead by one point after the debate to 54 percent against 46 percent for Royal.
    A CSA-Cisco poll recorded a two-point gain in Sarkozy's lead, expecting the former interior minister to come out on top with 53 percent against 47 for Royal.
    Giving a boost to Royal, Bayrou was quoted in Le Monde as saying that she "had done rather well" in the debate. He also announced: "I will not vote for Sarkozy".
    The centre-left newspaper endorsed Royal, urging voters to take a "gamble" on her as the woman who could give the French left new purpose and warning that Sarkozy's "American"-style policies could deepen social inequalities.
    On Friday, Royal travels to the western region of Brittany for two rallies, while Sarkozy was set to participate in a ceremony paying homage to WWII resistance heroes.

* * * * * * *



2 posted on 05/04/2007 1:01:36 AM PDT by Cincinna (HILLARY & HER HINO "We are going to take things away from you for the Common Good")
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To: Cincinna

Excellent article from IHT

Shows just how anti-American and hateful Royal really is :

“I believe the world needs a multipolar force, and that the United States must not be considered as a superpower.”

French campaigners blind to the outside world
By John Vinocur
May 3, 2007

PARIS: When an interviewer asked Valéry Giscard d’Estaing the other day what he thought of the minimal attention paid to international affairs in France’s presidential election campaign, he corrected his questioner.

There was no interest at all, the former president said. “It’s a France living with the shutters closed,” he said. “The French have been sitting around talking to themselves as if the world didn’t exist.”

That’s largely because the candidates don’t think votes based on foreign policy are there for the taking.

A country confused about how to end the misery of its high unemployment and low growth, France likes the prerogatives that come with United Nations Security Council membership and its hold on big-power status as a nuclear-armed nation. But it doesn’t want to hear and think much about its diminished place in the world, or the prospect of new responsibilities and having to take sides.

In the head-to-head television debate Wednesday night between Nicholas Sarkozy, the Gaullist front-runner in the runoff Sunday, and the Socialist Ségolène Royal, international affairs, apart from Turkey’s possible entry into the European Union and the EU’s constitution, got a total of 17 minutes of attention at 11 p.m. in the back-and-forth that bumped and stumbled over two and a half hours.

No mention of Afghanistan or Iraq; ditto for a problematical America and an increasingly threatening Russia. It was not an evening to bolster France’s claim to a slice of international leadership.

Rather it was one of disputed statistics, Royal’s bursts of rage and seeming mood swings, and Sarkozy’s attempts at transforming the debate’s disorder and his opponent’s anger into a subliminal it’s-me-or-chaos warning to carry him through the final days of the campaign.

Still, the reality about France’s place in the world is that Sarkozy thought too much campaign focus on it would bring him unnecessarily close to a vote-getting liability: his nonhysterical, even polite relations with those who, in the majority French view, are the awful-awfuls of the Bush administration.

As for Royal, she left what she thinks of the great beyond in confusion, praising expedient justice in China, and arguing that regardless of who was in power there, America’s unilateralist nature inevitably tempted it toward the use of force.

Yet the attentive follower of the campaign could find some palpable foreign policy departures from Jacques Chirac’s 12 years of French exceptionalism über alles in the debris of texts and tapes left from the candidates’ six months of talk.

Sarkozy, trying hard to upset no one, avoided casting his part of those changes as the rupture in French habits he once made his creed. But the new directions are palpable in the Sarkozy approach, and they are interesting.

On Iran, Sarkozy has turned his back on Chirac’s nonchalance about the effect of Iran’s emergence as a military force with nukes. That idea is unacceptable, he says. “We can’t be weak in this area.”

Going beyond any countermeasures Chirac supported, Sarkozy has opened the door to the idea that if new Security Council sanctions against Iran become impossible because of Russian and Chinese resistance, then a group of countries could apply additional sanctions on its own.

“Nothing’s excluded a priori,” Sarkozy has said. “What counts is effectiveness. On sanctions outside the Security Council, that’s not a problem of principle.”

Sarkozy’s harder position on Iran is complemented by his much tougher vision of Russia, effectively burying the years when Chirac and Gerhard Schröder courted Vladimir Putin.

Sarkozy has made clear that he has no tolerance for Russia inserting itself as a veto power into European business or the Atlantic Alliance.

“On NATO, I want the rapprochement started in Ukraine and Georgia to continue,” he said. “The current political dialogue can be a possible first step toward their integration.”

Asked by Le Monde if Russia should be allowed to increase its 5 percent interest in EADS, the European aeronautic, space and defense concern in which France is a participant, Sarkozy’s plain answer was no. Establishing his sense of the limits of Europe’s “strategic partnership” with Russia, he offered an equally plain explanation of why not: Russia’s heightened involvement could threaten “our independence and national sovereignty.”

Because it would be a direct disavowal of Chirac, who has backed his candidacy, Sarkozy has steered clear anything suggesting a complete overhaul of France’s policy in the Middle East, where its influence in Arab countries is deeply diminished and next to nil in Israel.

Sarkozy has also reversed his earlier dismissal of Chirac’s thesis of a multipolar world order, to accept his assertion that global power is spread between poles like America, Europe, Russia, China, Asia and Latin America.

But this comes unburdened by Chirac’s essential subtext: one insisting that Europe’s role is one of a brake or counterweight to America.

Rather, Sarkozy told a television interviewer last month that Europe was not in competition with America on the world stage.

Royal has also taken leave of some of Chirac’s positions. Like Sarkozy, she opposes the proposal Chirac initiated with Schröder to drop the EU embargo on selling arms to China.

On Iran, she claims, “I was the first in France to take a very firm position.” But this involves a muddled argument, repeated in the debate, that Royal has never explained away.

Contrary to the provisions of the international nonproliferation agreements that are the legal basis for action against Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons, Royal wants Iran deprived of all access to civil nuclear power.

Throughout, as much as America has been a charged subject weighing on Sarkozy’s campaign, relations with the United States have been a personal problem for Royal, which she never seemed intent to resolve.

While portraying Sarkozy’s visit with Bush last year as an act of abject fealty, she was unable after several attempts to set up meetings in America with Democratic leaders, including Hillary Clinton. Presumably, they saw Royal’s description of an incorrigible American hyper-power, largely immune to change no matter who was elected in 2008, as making her a potentially unmanageable guest.

In her last statement two weeks ago on America’s role, Royal said, “I believe the world needs a multipolar force, and that the United States must not be considered as a superpower.”


The big debate provided no elaboration from either side. Far from a biting or provocative French gaze on the world, reworking Giscard d’Estaing’s image, the candidates reflected only faint light from behind France’s tightly drawn curtains.

4 posted on 05/04/2007 1:57:12 AM PDT by Cincinna (HILLARY & HER HINO "We are going to take things away from you for the Common Good")
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To: All

Excellent article from IHT

Shows just how anti-American and hateful Royal really is :

“I believe the world needs a multipolar force, and that the United States must not be considered as a superpower.”

French campaigners blind to the outside world
By John Vinocur
May 3, 2007

PARIS: When an interviewer asked Valéry Giscard d’Estaing the other day what he thought of the minimal attention paid to international affairs in France’s presidential election campaign, he corrected his questioner.

There was no interest at all, the former president said. “It’s a France living with the shutters closed,” he said. “The French have been sitting around talking to themselves as if the world didn’t exist.”

That’s largely because the candidates don’t think votes based on foreign policy are there for the taking.

A country confused about how to end the misery of its high unemployment and low growth, France likes the prerogatives that come with United Nations Security Council membership and its hold on big-power status as a nuclear-armed nation. But it doesn’t want to hear and think much about its diminished place in the world, or the prospect of new responsibilities and having to take sides.

In the head-to-head television debate Wednesday night between Nicholas Sarkozy, the Gaullist front-runner in the runoff Sunday, and the Socialist Ségolène Royal, international affairs, apart from Turkey’s possible entry into the European Union and the EU’s constitution, got a total of 17 minutes of attention at 11 p.m. in the back-and-forth that bumped and stumbled over two and a half hours.

No mention of Afghanistan or Iraq; ditto for a problematical America and an increasingly threatening Russia. It was not an evening to bolster France’s claim to a slice of international leadership.

Rather it was one of disputed statistics, Royal’s bursts of rage and seeming mood swings, and Sarkozy’s attempts at transforming the debate’s disorder and his opponent’s anger into a subliminal it’s-me-or-chaos warning to carry him through the final days of the campaign.

Still, the reality about France’s place in the world is that Sarkozy thought too much campaign focus on it would bring him unnecessarily close to a vote-getting liability: his nonhysterical, even polite relations with those who, in the majority French view, are the awful-awfuls of the Bush administration.

As for Royal, she left what she thinks of the great beyond in confusion, praising expedient justice in China, and arguing that regardless of who was in power there, America’s unilateralist nature inevitably tempted it toward the use of force.

Yet the attentive follower of the campaign could find some palpable foreign policy departures from Jacques Chirac’s 12 years of French exceptionalism über alles in the debris of texts and tapes left from the candidates’ six months of talk.

Sarkozy, trying hard to upset no one, avoided casting his part of those changes as the rupture in French habits he once made his creed. But the new directions are palpable in the Sarkozy approach, and they are interesting.

On Iran, Sarkozy has turned his back on Chirac’s nonchalance about the effect of Iran’s emergence as a military force with nukes. That idea is unacceptable, he says. “We can’t be weak in this area.”

Going beyond any countermeasures Chirac supported, Sarkozy has opened the door to the idea that if new Security Council sanctions against Iran become impossible because of Russian and Chinese resistance, then a group of countries could apply additional sanctions on its own.

“Nothing’s excluded a priori,” Sarkozy has said. “What counts is effectiveness. On sanctions outside the Security Council, that’s not a problem of principle.”

Sarkozy’s harder position on Iran is complemented by his much tougher vision of Russia, effectively burying the years when Chirac and Gerhard Schröder courted Vladimir Putin.

Sarkozy has made clear that he has no tolerance for Russia inserting itself as a veto power into European business or the Atlantic Alliance.

“On NATO, I want the rapprochement started in Ukraine and Georgia to continue,” he said. “The current political dialogue can be a possible first step toward their integration.”

Asked by Le Monde if Russia should be allowed to increase its 5 percent interest in EADS, the European aeronautic, space and defense concern in which France is a participant, Sarkozy’s plain answer was no. Establishing his sense of the limits of Europe’s “strategic partnership” with Russia, he offered an equally plain explanation of why not: Russia’s heightened involvement could threaten “our independence and national sovereignty.”

Because it would be a direct disavowal of Chirac, who has backed his candidacy, Sarkozy has steered clear anything suggesting a complete overhaul of France’s policy in the Middle East, where its influence in Arab countries is deeply diminished and next to nil in Israel.

Sarkozy has also reversed his earlier dismissal of Chirac’s thesis of a multipolar world order, to accept his assertion that global power is spread between poles like America, Europe, Russia, China, Asia and Latin America.

But this comes unburdened by Chirac’s essential subtext: one insisting that Europe’s role is one of a brake or counterweight to America.

Rather, Sarkozy told a television interviewer last month that Europe was not in competition with America on the world stage.

Royal has also taken leave of some of Chirac’s positions. Like Sarkozy, she opposes the proposal Chirac initiated with Schröder to drop the EU embargo on selling arms to China.

On Iran, she claims, “I was the first in France to take a very firm position.” But this involves a muddled argument, repeated in the debate, that Royal has never explained away.

Contrary to the provisions of the international nonproliferation agreements that are the legal basis for action against Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons, Royal wants Iran deprived of all access to civil nuclear power.

Throughout, as much as America has been a charged subject weighing on Sarkozy’s campaign, relations with the United States have been a personal problem for Royal, which she never seemed intent to resolve.

While portraying Sarkozy’s visit with Bush last year as an act of abject fealty, she was unable after several attempts to set up meetings in America with Democratic leaders, including Hillary Clinton. Presumably, they saw Royal’s description of an incorrigible American hyper-power, largely immune to change no matter who was elected in 2008, as making her a potentially unmanageable guest.

In her last statement two weeks ago on America’s role, Royal said, “I believe the world needs a multipolar force, and that the United States must not be considered as a superpower.”


The big debate provided no elaboration from either side. Far from a biting or provocative French gaze on the world, reworking Giscard d’Estaing’s image, the candidates reflected only faint light from behind France’s tightly drawn curtains.

5 posted on 05/04/2007 1:57:23 AM PDT by Cincinna (HILLARY & HER HINO "We are going to take things away from you for the Common Good")
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To: Cincinna

Sarkozy is generally referred to in the MSM as “right-winger” or “right-wing”, whereas the fact is, he’s what passes for the moderate.

6 posted on 05/04/2007 7:13:31 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (I last updated my profile on Thursday, May 3, 2007.
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