I wonder where the protein additives for baby formula come from? Why is there a rise in autism? Just a thought.
I think you may really be onto something with the possible autism connection. Melamine can cause elevated ammonia levels in the body. Elevated ammonia levels are common in autistic children. Gluten or casein-free diets are often used in treating autism. Melamine is used as a gluten additive. A recent study found that autism is not linked to celiac disease, which is a gluten allergy — which means that if autism is indeed linked to gluten products and is sometimes helped by a gluten-free diet, then it might be linked to an additive in the gluten instead — like melamine.
Freepers — please check this out further! I’m no doctor, but if you’re a doctor, then tell me what you think. If you know a doctor, then ask one — we need to push this and find out!