I agree.His attempts to shove legislation down our throats disgusts me.The Trans Texas corridor is not a done deal yet.Hiking up cigarette taxes,trying to sell our lottery,attempts at hpv injections for our little girls,and the list goes on.He does make sense for once on the gun issue.A Marine on an earlier post described his extensive weapons training and I am sure he,as I,have papers from the Federal Govt.saying we were properly trained in their use and safety.I paid my dues as the Marine did.Why pay more for the right to our second amendment?I carry and could care less who likes it.My family comes first before some politician with an armed bodyguard.As been said many times,out of sight,out of mind.
You’re right! With the Libs running aroung trying to make CCP public knowledge on the Internet, it’s better if no one knows you’re carrying. Keeps the gun-grabbers guessing.