antiRep: See? Evolution in your view usurps your worldview that we must be special as created by God. If not then we’re no better than the other animals. Many higher animals have memory and reason. We just have it at a much higher level, and that makes us special,
You’re contradicting yourself. It isn’t your materialist worldview which has usurped God, but rather the reverse. Your worldview has usurped your spiritual “specialness,” which you nevertheless still desire. Thus you seek a pathetic secondary sort by comparing youself to other apes, etc.
And as for your claims to have reason, logic, etc., you’re but displaying gross hypocrisy. For if all that exists is the material world, ie those things which can be ‘sensed,” then your reason, memory, logic, don’t exist because none of these attributes are material. The brain cannot be opened up and “memory” or “logic” or “reason” “self” “personhood” “freewill” or even “dreams” be seen. All that can be observed are firing synapses and chemical processes. And this is exactly why EO Wilson claims that none of these attributes exist.-—they are immaterial (supernatural).
By claiming that you possess these supernatural attributes, you are evidencing the lie that materialism is.
Read...educate yourself: better
They are from nature. They are then by definition natural. You have in this world people who have such a desire to find meaning in everything that they will go through extensive logical gymnastics not only to prove there is, but that there must be. Their little minds can't handle not being anointed by a deity, because that's what it takes for them to feel special.