Duh. I understand they think people won't mess with a "police car" but for 1% of the cost of those weapons, they could have installed an alarm system in the vehicle that carries them.
Any John Q. Citizen that had weapons like this stolen from his vehicle would be going through an intensive proctololgy exam by the ATF right about now.
If this happened to any law abiding citizen, they would be charged with Gross Negligence and getting that proctology exam. From “behind” bars. Furthermore, if someone gets killed with one, they would most likely be looking at 20 to life!
But seriously. It says that officers saw the thieves driving off. It was probably a quick smash and grab.
They smash a window to get in, grab what they can quickly, and speed off.
We had it happen here to a swat team in a restaurant parking lot where they stopped to get dinner.
There are some things you really can't prevent unless you just leave the guns locked up in a safe all the time.