Several years ago I bought my grandson a large bag of plastic farm animals, people and cars. He dumped them out on the floor and just looked at them. He wanted to know “what do they do”. I had to show him how to play with them. If they didn’t do something on their own he had no idea how to play with them.
As a kid we spent days making elaborate farms with match stick fences and even little ponds and barns.
Yours is a perfect sample of how people are obsessed with TV and ever high-tech gadget.
My husband mentioned this about seeing children in his gym’s babysitting center - all 3 were just staring at a TV.
I think all this TV/etc. saturation has brought up a generation of helpless “I need someone to entertain me” people. It’s true of my nephews/nieces as well as those young children. They think everything not TV/etc. is “boring” and they don’t understand how to make their own fun.