Here's another thought for you to ponder, and perhaps reply me a candidate..Hunter, Fred...etc, who meets your criteria...I'll happily support that person, both in time and $$$, if/when he can gain some traction in the polls and in fundraising..instead of tearing down, you should be focused on building up someone who can win..
Which word? His most recent campaign declaration about "strict constructionist judges," despite his own questionable record of supporting the constitution? Or the words from 2005, before he adopted his campaign-speak, where he says presidents appoint judges that "they believe agree with them" or "somebody who shares kind of your general outlook" and, further, that he would appoint "very intelligent, very honest, very good lawyer" and that "Justice Ginsburg fit that category." Ginsburg! Why not look at his actual record of appointing judges during his 8 year mayoral term? That certainly is more believable than his weak pronouncements of late. JMHO.
You called someone else naive first.
Good luck with accepting his “word”. His wives didn’t have much luck with that.
I am perfectly capable of helping to demolish Giuliani and support my candidate at the same time.
I am building a huge Fred Thompson database, along with my Fredhead friends. We are going to come out like gangbusters as soon as he declares, our checkbooks are ready, we’re signed up to volunteer, and Giuliani will be mowed right down.
And unlike you miserable Giuliani types, we are having fun while we’re doing it.