Irrelevant. My pre 2000 views on GWB have nothing whatsoever to do with the very real fact that Rudy Giuliani is an abortionist, gay rights supporting, gun grabbing, illegal alien supporting liberal and is therefore unquestioningly unfit to be the nominee for president from the Republican party.
“My pre 2000 views on GWB have nothing whatsoever to do with the very real fact that Rudy Giuliani is an abortionist, gay rights supporting, gun grabbing, illegal alien supporting liberal and is therefore unquestioningly unfit to be the nominee for president from the Republican party.”
The fact is that Rudy is a left wing liberal, and morally bankrupt. His lifelong record proves this. But it looks like you will have to keep reposting what Rudy is until he goes under. No rest for the weary.
That’s it in a nutshell:
Pro gay agenda.
Pro abortion
Pro illegal alien
What does he have, except a few weeks in office as standing up well in the public eye as a lame duck mayor dealing well with a major disaster?
It doesn’t matter if he can rise to the occasion in a crisis if he screws up and rolls back everything many of us have fought for.
We don’t need a daddy who will comfort us when we are crying. We need a statesman who understands the stakes and will stand up for and fight for and work hard for the things our nation needs.
I was at the King County Lincoln Day Dinner in Washington State. It was held at the Hilton in Sea Tac Saturday, April 14th. This region is the bastion of liberalism. Because we had Karl Rove as our guest speaker, the Zombies of the Left came in force with their signs. The protest signs were awful. And they wore these huge Karl Rove masks; looking like life sized Mr. Potato Heads. I estimate there was about 60 of them on the sidewalks. However the police and the National Guard were also there in force. The police were not going to entertain these peace nuts endangering Mr. Rove. So, very quickly they were dispersed.
Earlier that week (I think on Thursday), Kirby Wilbur of KVI Radio, was on the air. His show runs 5:00 to 9:00 AM in Seattle. This was the last day that we would enjoy Fred Thompson, who for weeks stood in for Paul Harvey. During those weeks, people heard about Fred Thompsons views on a multitude of subjects. Kirby asked his audience what they think about Fred Thompson. The phone lines lit up on fire for Fred Thompson. He is 100% conservative. We have a liberal region rocking for Fred Thompson!
I saw Kirby at our Lincoln Day Dinner. His friend and KVI talk show host John Carlson was the Master of Ceremonies. There were more than 500 people. There were Congressmen, State Senators, Washington's Attorney General, State Representatives--a who's who of the region's politics. It was an awesome experience. Karl Rove got standing ovations. He was awesome! Congressman Dave Reicher gave his speech that he gave in Congress before the vote for the time-lined military appropriations bill. The electricity in the air would have lit the ball room.
Then, John Carlson asked for the show of hands of who the banquet participants wanted to be president. As the names were called out, it was incredible. Very few hands were going up for the candidates. Rudy Giuliani got one of the best responses. However, the show of hands was only a hand full. Then Fred Thompsons name was called out. The place went wild. The banquet room was a sea of hands in the air. Men and Women were shouting out in praise for Fred Thompson. I was expecting people to spontaneously start singing “Happy Days Are Here Again.”
I think Fred Thompson will nail it for the nomination. And the grass root money that the other candidates have been looking under rocks for, will come rolling in like an East Coast flood. The Hildebeast war chest will look like a kids piggy bank when the grass roots takes fire.
I got my first Fred Thompson for President button. There were lots of them. They were on every table place next to your coffee cup. I am wearing it to church again tomorrow.